[Federal Register: August 22, 2007 (Volume 72, Number 162)]
[Page 47123-47125]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Federal Transit Administration

Announcement of Project Selections for FY 2007 Discretionary 

AGENCY: Federal Transit Administration, DOT.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) Federal Transit 
Administration (FTA) announces the discretionary selection of projects 
to be funded under Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 appropriations for the Bus and 
Bus Facilities Program and Alternatives Analysis program, in response 
to Notices of Funding Availability published March 23, 2007, and 
additional FY 2007 New Starts allocations.

Administrator for grant-specific issues; or Mary Martha Churchman or 
Maria Wright, Office of Program Management, 202-366-2053, for general 
information about the Bus and Bus Facilities Program; Steve Lewis-
Workman, 202-366-1868, for general information about the Alternatives 
Analysis Program; or Sean Libberton, 202-366-5112, for general 
information about the New Starts program.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A total of $438 million was made available 
for discretionary allocation by FTA under the Bus and Bus Facilities 
program in FY 2007 (including $25 million in unallocated funds from FY 
2006). FTA published two notices of funding availability on March 23, 
2007, inviting applications for funding. One notice solicited proposals 
from the 36 most congested cities in the nation, to support transit 
projects under Urban Partnership Agreements to be negotiated by the 
Department of Transportation (DOT). To be selected as an Urban Partner, 
a city had to propose a comprehensive plan to address congestion, 
including four ``T's'': Tolling (congestion pricing), Transit, 
Technology, and Telecommuting. The second notice invited proposals 
addressing a number of FTA priorities for the Bus and Bus Facilities 
program, including replacement of over-aged buses, fleet expansion to 
improve service, and bus related facilities. In response to the two 
notices, FTA received proposals totaling over $4 billion.
    FTA carefully reviewed all proposals submitted, and rated them 
based on criteria specified in the notices of funding availability. DOT 
recently announced the selection of five cities as Urban Partners, and 
committed to providing $433 million in discretionary bus program funds 
to support the transit elements of those Urban Partnership Agreements, 
and one additional promising project proposed by another Urban Partner 
candidate. In addition, this announcement includes $5 million for 
Minneapolis to meet transit needs as provided in Public Law 110-56. See 
Table 1 for the allocations. FTA believes that the strategic investment 
of the bus resources in these projects will demonstrate the important 
role of transit in addressing congestion and ultimately lead to more 
support for transit in all areas.
    FTA appreciates the time and effort our grantees spent in preparing 
the many thoughtful proposals we received and regrets that the funding 
available was not sufficient to fund any of the other meritorious 
projects submitted for consideration. FTA recognizes that there is an 
on-going need for critical investment in fleet replacement and 
facilities, and encourages grantees to consider use of flexible funds 
available for either transit or highway use, among other resources.
    FTA also solicited applications for Alternatives Analysis projects 
in a notice published March 23, 2007, with $12 million available for 
discretionary allocation. FTA received 36 proposals seeking $26 million 
and has selected 26 projects for funding. Two of these projects are 
associated with Urban Partnership Agreements. See Table 2 in this 
notice for the allocations.
    Finally, in the FY 2007 Notice of FTA FY 2007 Apportionments and 
Allocations and Program Information, also published March 23, 2007, FTA 
allocated FY 2007 discretionary New Starts funds to projects with 
existing Full Funding Grant Agreements and other projects included in 
the President's Budget Request for FY 2007. Since that time, FTA has 
allocated an additional $118.8 million in available FY 2007 New Starts 
funds to additional New Start and Small Start projects, including one 
project in the Public-Private Partnership Pilot Program. Funds have 
also been provisionally allocated to one Urban Partner. These 
allocations are included in this Notice for your information. See Table 
    Tables of projects selected under all three programs follow. 
Grantees selected for competitive discretionary funding should work 
with their FTA regional office to finalize the application in FTA's 
electronic award and management system, TEAM, so that funds can be 
obligated expeditiously. Funds must be used for the purposes specified 
in the competitive application. No funding allocated for Urban 
Partnership Agreements may be drawn down by the Urban Partner except in 
accordance with terms and conditions set forth in a grant agreement 
contemplated by the ``term sheet'' executed by Department and the Urban 
Partner. A discretionary project identification number has been 
assigned to each project for tracking purposes. Pre-award costs may be 
incurred as of the date of this notice, unless otherwise restricted by 
the terms of an Urban Partnership Agreement.

    Issued in Washington, DC, this 17th day of August 2007.
James S. Simpson,

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[FR Doc. 07-4125 Filed 8-17-07; 4:54 pm]