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Universal Waste Management Enforcement

The regulatory framework for RCRA Part 273, Universal Waste Management, as viewed from an enforcement perspective is shown below. Universal Wastes include certain batteries, pesticides, thermostats, and mercury-containing lamps which are under the Universal Waste Rule. Additional wastes may also be designated as Universal Wastes in the future.

The product and material handled as universal wastes becomes a waste on the date that the handler decides to discard it. Household generators and conditionally exempt small quantity generators, at their option, are exempt from regulation unless the wastes are commingled, at which time they must be managed under the specified requirements.

Diagram: RCRA Part 273 - Universal Waste Management

Universal Waste Management

Other Information Sources

Universal Waste Regulations (40 C.F.R. Part 273)

Addition of Wastes to Universal Wastes (40 C.F.R. Parts 260, 261, 264, etc.)

EPA Streamlined Regulations for Universal Wastes: General Universal Waste Information

State-Specific Universal Waste Requirements

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