(From the Date of the Company Profile)
Data Element Description
INSPECTION LEVEL- Indicates the level of the inspection. 1 - Full inspection, 2 - Walk-Around inspection, 3 - Driver-Only inspection, 4 - Special study, 5 - Terminal inspection, 9 - Unknown
DATE- Indicates the date of the inspection.
COUNTY-Indicates the county where the inspection took place.
TIME- Start time of inspection. (Military time.)
STATE-State where the inspection took place
LOCATION- Place where the inspection took place. (Could be address, city, or scale where the inspection occurred.)
REPORT #- The number identifying the inspection report. Unique identifier for each inspection reported.
HM- Indicates whether carrier was carrying hazardous materials at time of inspection. (Y=Yes; N=No)
UNIT #- Identifier used to distinguish individual units inspected. (i.e. 1 might represent a tractor unit, and 2 might represent a trailer unit.)
UNIT TYPE-Indicates the type of unit inspected.
BU Bus
DC Dolly Converter
FT Full Trailer
LM Limousine
MC Motor Coach
PT Pole Trailer
SB School Bus
ST Semitrailer
TR Straight Truck
TT Truck Tractor
VN Van
OT Other
ZZ Unknown
TOTAL-Total number of violations found in the inspection.
OOS-Total number of OOS violations found in the inspection.
VIOLATION TYPE- Indicates the types of violations found. (See Inspection Characteristics) [Opens in New Window]
CARRIER/ VEHICLE NAME: Name of the company being inspected.
CITY: City where the inspected company is based.
STATE: State where the inspected company is based.
LICENSE#: License plate number of the unit being inspected.
VIN: Vehicle Identification Number of the unit being inspected.
COMPANY: Number the company uses to distinguish its units.
DRIVER DRIVER NAME: Name of the driver who was inspected.
DRIVER LICENSE#: Drivers license number of the driver who was inspected.
STATE: State that issued the drivers license.
DRIVER DOB: Driver's date of birth

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