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Laos - Forced Labor


The following indicators should be considered when conducting assessments of compliance (click on links for details):

Legal Framework

Government Performance

Overall Outcomes

Associated Factors


International Sources


This database supplies information on national labor administrations.

This source provides quantitative data on a set of 20 core labor market indicators.

KILM 1 provides data on labor force participation rates by gender and age group. KILM 2 provides data on employment-to-population ratio. KILM 3 provides data on wage and salaried workers and self-employed workers (by gender). KILM 4 provides data on the proportion of workers (by gender) in agriculture, industry, and services. KILM 5 provides data on part-time workers (by gender). KILM 6 provides data on the number of persons working more than 40 hours a week as a percentage of total employment. KILM 7 provides data on urban informal sector employment (number of people employed by gender and percentage of urban employment by gender). KILM 8 provides data on the number of unemployed workers by gender and the unemployment rate for males/females. KILM 14 provides data on educational attainment of population 25 years and older, including tertiary education. KILM 15 provides data on nominal and real manufacturing wage indices for male/female. KILM 18 includes data on poverty and income distr

Reports to the ILO Governing Body may contain information on country requests and participation in technical assistance projects.

International Labor Organization

Information on ratification status, Article 22 reports and comments from the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.

This database contains information from governments, employers' and workers' organizations, that have a role to play under the Follow-up to the ILO Declaration and Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

As part of the Follow-up to the Declaration, the ILO Director-General submits a Global Report on one of the four categories of fundamental principles and rights at work to the tripartite International Labour Conference each June.

Database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the ILO's International Labour Standards Department. Records in NATLEX provide abstracts of legislation and relevant citation information, and they are indexed by keywords and by subject classifications. Each record in NATLEX appears in only one of the three ILO official languages (English/French/Spanish).

ILOLEX is a trilingual database containing ILO Conventions and Recommendations, ratification information, comments of the Committee of Experts and the Committee on Freedom of Association, representations, complaints, interpretations, General Surveys, and numerous related documents.

UN Development Program (UNDP)

Human development indicators provide quantitative data related to poverty, gender development, and education. Ratifications of core labor standard conventions are also provided. See also indicators on millenium development goals and technical notes.

United Nations

Includes State Party Reports and the Conclusions and Observations of UN Committees relating to the CCPR, CEDAW, CERD, CESCR, CMW, CRC.

World Bank

Provides statistical information on poverty and economic development, gender, child labor, and education. Includes information on definitions and sources.

National Sources

Embassy in Washington, D.C.

General information on the government provided in English.

Ministry of Commerce , Lao Trade Promotion Center

Potentially useful information, available in English

Ministry of Information and Culture

Potentially useful information, available in English

U.S. Government Sources

U.S. State Department

Section 6C covers "Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor" and Section 6F covers "Trafficking in Persons

The annual trafficking report includes those countries determined to have a significant number of victims of severe forms of trafficking. The narratives provide an overview of the trafficking situation in the country and the government's efforts to combat trafficking. The narratives do not include extensive details, comprehensive information about the countries or their governments, or the extent of anti-trafficking activities undertaken by non-governmental entities.

Nongovernmental Organizations

Human Rights Watch

These reports detail the problem of child soldiers and make recommendations for solutions.

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions

Brief country-specific reports on issues of compliance with internationally recognized core labor standards.

The 2003 edition of the Annual Survey details violations of trade union rights in 133 countries during the year 2002. These violations range from provisions in national legislation which restrict legitimate trade union activity, through outright bans on freedom of association, to intimidation, wrongful detention, torture and murder of trade unionists.


Updates include news snippets on trade and labor standards, with special attention to the role of the European Union in the WTO

Academic and Other Research

Kevin Bales

Includes global estimates of the number of slaves and the scale of human trafficking

University of Melbourne Legal Research Centre

Database includes links to laws by jurisdiction

Phone Numbers