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Laos - Acceptable Conditions of Work


The following indicators should be considered when conducting assessments of compliance (click on links for details):

Legal Framework

Government Performance

Overall Outcomes


International Sources


Yearly data of Total and Economically active population, Employment, Unemployment, Hours of Work, Wages, Labour Cost, Consumer Price Indices, Occupational Injuries, Strikes and Lockouts: 1969-2002

This database supplies information on national labor administrations.

Reports to the ILO Governing Body may contain information on country requests and participation in technical assistance projects.

International Labor Organization

Information on ratification status, Article 22 reports and comments from the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations.

Database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the ILO's International Labour Standards Department. Records in NATLEX provide abstracts of legislation and relevant citation information, and they are indexed by keywords and by subject classifications. Each record in NATLEX appears in only one of the three ILO official languages (English/French/Spanish).

ILOLEX is a trilingual database containing ILO Conventions and Recommendations, ratification information, comments of the Committee of Experts and the Committee on Freedom of Association, representations, complaints, interpretations, General Surveys, and numerous related documents.

United Nations

Includes State Party Reports and the Conclusions and Observations of UN Committees relating to the CCPR, CEDAW, CERD, CESCR, CMW, CRC.

National Sources

Embassy in Washington, D.C.

General information on the government provided in English.

Ministry of Commerce , Lao Trade Promotion Center

Potentially useful information, available in English

Ministry of Information and Culture

Potentially useful information, available in English

U.S. Government Sources

U.S. State Department

Section 6 covers Workers' Rights, including "Status of Child Labor Practices and Minimum Age for Employment" and "Acceptable Conditions of Work

Nongovernmental Organizations

International Confederation of Free Trade Unions

Brief country-specific reports on issues of compliance with internationally recognized core labor standards.

The 2003 edition of the Annual Survey details violations of trade union rights in 133 countries during the year 2002. These violations range from provisions in national legislation which restrict legitimate trade union activity, through outright bans on freedom of association, to intimidation, wrongful detention, torture and murder of trade unionists.

Lawyers Committee for Human Rights

This database contains approximately 2,500 units of measurement on workers rights, extracted from approximately 100 public and confidential source documents including guidelines and questionnaires used by monitoring organizations, multinational corporations, and trade associations; public reports by governmental bodies and non-government organizations; public corporate reports; and others. Database provides indicators and source lists, but no specific data.

Social Accountability International

SA8000, a voluntary workplace standard patterned on those of the International Organization of Standardization was created in 1997 by the Council on Economic Priorities (a U.S. NGO), and is administered by another NGO, Social Accountability International (SAI).


Updates include news snippets on trade and labor standards, with special attention to the role of the European Union in the WTO

Academic and Other Research

University of Melbourne Legal Research Centre

Database includes links to laws by jurisdiction

Phone Numbers