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ETA News Release: [06/30/2006]
Contact Name: Michael Volpe or David James
Phone Number: (202) 693-4676 or x3984
Release Number: 06-1114-BOS

U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Announces $423,231 Grant to Assist Fishing Industry Workers in Maine

WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao today announced a grant of $423,231 to assist approximately 76 fishing industry workers who have been affected by federal restrictions imposed on their industry as part of the Sustainable Fisheries Act, also referred to as the Magnuson-Stevens Act.

"Maine workers impacted by restrictions on commercial fishing need access to skills training and supportive services so that they can transition to new jobs in high-growth industries," said Secretary Chao. "This $423, 231 grant will provide training for careers in health care, technology, skilled trades and other enterprises in which there is increasing demand for workers."

The grant, awarded to the Maine Department of Labor, will focus on training for growing industries, including health care, marine transportation, and skilled trades and technology. The grant project also will include close coordination with employers to specifically adapt the training to industry areas facing workforce shortages.

Re-employment services available to participants will include assessment, individual counseling, career planning, employment development, highly specialized and individualized occupational skills training and vocational training. Other services available to participants may include child care, transportation, tuition, course materials, and tools required for training programs.

National Emergency Grants are part of the secretary of labor's discretionary fund and are awarded based on a state's ability to meet specific guidelines. For more information on National Emergency Grants and other Department of Labor employment and training programs, please visit

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