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Proceedings of the 11th Annual
Federal Depository Library Conference

October 21 - 23, 2002

Cover/Title Page | Table of Contents | Agenda

Depository Outreach --It Doesn’t Have to Overwhelm You

Stephen M. Hayes
University of Notre Dame

What Is the Purpose of the Outreach

  • Awareness
  • Support
  • Increased budget
  • Statistics
  • Inspection form
  • What others would you suggest???

What Is Success?

  • New people in the depository library
  • Referrals from non-primary clientele
  • Referral from new department or areas of primary clientele
  • Visibility
  • Statistics – in house use, hits on a web site, ILL requests, complaints from reference about too many questions…

Select Your Target

  • Easiest – A.K.A. Least work
  • Largest impact – A.K.A. Big splash
  • Smallest impact – A.K.A. Get feet wet
  • "Political" impact – A.K.A. Most visible

Chose Your Outreach Medium:


  • Ad in campus newspaper
  • Ad in local newspaper
  • Story in HR newsletter
  • Highlight on web site


  • To the editor
  • Model to congress – "thanks for the depository in my district"


  • For the library wall
  • For the dining hall
  • For another library


  • Luncheon speaker
  • Service club speaker
  • Speakers bureau, get listed, volunteer
  • Political background – "know how they voted"

Manage Your Liability

  • State your limitation – think small
  • One new member of the "X" department
  • One new librarian in ANOTHER library
  • One letter to the editor / voice of the people a semester
  • One splash page for the web site a season

Plan Ahead to Measure the Impact and Define Success

  • "Tell … I sent you" -- one new person a week from…
  • Written referred "your depository library is at…" to give to the librarian
  • Telephone calls on…
  • Mention of the ad – "I saw that ad and wanted…

Think Opportunity All the Time

  • Dual purpose writing.
  • Revise and re-use.
  • Plagiarize, plagiarize, plagiarize.


  • Stephen Hayes
  • Business Services Librarian
  • L012 Mendoza Col. of Business
  • University of Notre Dame
  • Notre Dame, IN 46556 
  • (574) 631 5268 
  • Stephen.M.Hayes.2@nd.edu

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated:  September 23, 2003
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/proceedings/02pro_hayes.html
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