Discovering and Managing Older Online Documents: The University of Denver Experience By Christopher C. Brown University of Denver Statement of the Problem Records for older docs in our catalogs How we added over 15,000 URLs * Pattern Matching * Link-Checking Software * Foraging for Docs * Hidden Internet Mining * Aggregator Content Pattern Matching: ERIC Digests * ERIC Digests Pattern Matching: ICASE Pattern Matching: Legislative Histories Pattern Matching: Legislative Histories Pattern Matching: Legislative Histories Pattern Matching: Selected Projects1 Pattern Matching: Selected Projects2 Link-Checking Software Link- Checking Software: 1997 Economic Census Link-Checking Software Foraging for Docs: Surgeon General's Reports: Smoking and Health Foraging for Docs: Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States Foraging for Docs: NASA History Site Foraging for Docs: NASA History Site Makes a Corsortial Contribution Hidden Internet Mining Hidden Internet / Deep Web: * Not accessible to search engines * Often rich in content * Est. size: 500x "surface Web" Hidden Internet Mining Examples of mining places: * NEPIS * NCJRS * DOE Information Bridge * Numerous Others Hidden Internet Mining * NEPIS Hidden Internet Mining * NCJRS Partnering with Journal Aggregators Partnering with Journal Aggregators Partnering with Journal Aggregators Benefits to Other Libraries Summary * We can enhance our OPACs by aggressively adding URLs to older government documents * Other libraries in our consortia can benefit by our efforts