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Research & Monitoring

  • EQ Research Earthquake Research

    The Earthquake Hazards Program conducts a variety of research involving a wide range of activities, from trenching across faults, to incorporating new data into earthquake hazard maps, to determining how earthquake shaking can affect man-made structures. These activities are performed by groups of scientists based in different locations around the country.

  • EQ Monitoring Earthquake Monitoring

    The Earthquake Hazards Program has continuous near-real-time monitoring of earthquakes across the US (ANSS - Advanced National Seismic System), and across the world (GSN - Global Seismographic Network). In addition, there are various other types of monitoring on a regional and local basis, such as geodetic instruments to measure the slow movement of the earth's crust, and strainmeters on the San Andreas Fault to measure the accumulating strain.

  • External Research Support External Research Support

    Expertise in earthquake studies that exist outside the Federal Government is applied through a substantial program of grants, cooperative agreements and/or contracts with universities, state, regional and local government agencies, and private industry, in addition to the activities performed by USGS staff. External research is solicited in order to develop information, knowledge and methods which are relevant to the major Earthquake Hazards Program goals.

  • Scientific Data Scientific Data

    The USGS makes accessible most of the raw and processed data from the various monitoring networks including earthquake catalogs, waveform data, earthquake hazard data, ground shaking data, fault information, and crustal data, to name just a few.

  • Scientific Data Software for Download

    A variety of programs written by Earthquake Hazards Program staff for earthquake-related research.