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Heermann, D. F.  1964.  Hydraulics of flow in small open channels.  Master's Thesis, Colorado State University Library.   

Heermann, D. F. 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967.  Hydraulics of surface irrigation.  Annual progress report to regional technical research committee.  Agric. Engr. Dept., Colorado State University.  (Annual Reports) 

Heermann, D. F.  1964, 1965, 1966, 1967.  Climatological and phenological patterns in western U. S. progress report to regional research technical committee.  Agric. Engr. Dept., Colorado State University.  (Annual Reports) 

Heermann, D. F. and N. A. Evans.  1964.  Discussion of "Natural roughness effects in rigid open channels" by A. G. Mirajgaoker and K. L. N. Charlu, Proc. ASCE, Jour. Hyd. Div. 90(HY3):359‑361. 

Heermann, D. F.  1967.  Colorado precipitation patterns.  In Probability of selected precipitation amounts in the Western Region of the United States.  Nevada Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull. T8.  R. O. Gifford, Editor.  (Book Chapter) 

Heermann, D. F. 1968.  Characterization of hydraulic roughness.  Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Agric. Engr., Colorado State University Library.  (Thesis) 

Heermann, D. F. and P. R. Hein.  1968.  Performance characteristics of the self‑propelled center pivot sprinkler irrigation system.  Trans. ASAE 11(1):11-15.  (Also ASAE Paper 66‑744, Chicago, IL)  

Heermann, D. F., R. J. Wenstrom and N. A. Evans.  1969.  Prediction of flow resistance in furrows from soil roughness.  Trans. ASAE 12:790‑794, 797. 

Kincaid, D. C., D. F. Heermann and E. G. Kruse.  1969.  Application rates and runoff in center pivot sprinkler irrigation.  Trans. ASAE 12:790‑794, 797. 


Evans, N. A., D. F. Heermann, O. W. Howe and D. C. Kincaid.  1970.  Hydraulics of low gradient border irrigation systems.  Environmental Resources Center, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, Completion Report Series No. 19, 55 p.  (Technical Research Report)

Heermann, D. F.  1970.  Water application problems under center pivot irrigation.  Proc. of Technical Conference, Sprinkler Irrigation Associa­tion, pp. 85‑89.

Heermann, D. F. and H. R. Gardner.  1970. Evapotranspiration model for dryland crops for the Great Plains.  In G. P. Agric. Council Pub.  #50, "Evapotranspiration in the Great Plains," pp. 79‑109.  

Howe, O. W. and D. F. Heermann.  1970.  Efficient border irrigation design and operation.  Trans. ASAE 13:126‑130.

Heermann, D. F. and M. E. Jensen.  1970.  Adapting meteorological approaches in irrigation scheduling to high rainfall areas.  National Irrigation Symposium Papers, pp. 001‑010.  (Conference Proceedings)

Jensen, M. E. and D. F. Heermann.  1970.  Meteorological approaches to irrigation scheduling.  National Irrigation Symposium Papers, pp. NN1‑NN11.  (Conference Proceedings) 

Kincaid, D. C. and D. F. Heermann.  1970.  Pressure distribution on a center pivot sprinkler irrigation system.  Trans. ASAE  13:556‑558. 

Siemer, E. G. and D. F. Heermann.  1970.  Climatological data for Gunnison, Colorado and the Mountain Meadow Research Ranch.  Colorado Experiment Station General Series Bulletin #908, 16 p. 


Bausch, W.C.  1971.  Crop response at various stages of growth to sprinkler and furrow irrigation.  M.S. Thesis.  Texas A&M University.  (Thesis)

Kincaid, D. C., D. F. Heermann and E. G. Kruse.  1971.  Hydrodynamics of border irrigation advance.  Trans. ASAE 15:674‑680.  (Also ASAE Paper 7l‑205, Pullman, WA) 


Hargrove, R.S., W.C. Bausch, A.B. Onken, and C.W. Wendt.  1972.  The utilization of a bromide tracer for comparison of two soil-water sampling techniques.  Agron. Abstracts.  p. 84.  (Abstract)

Heermann, D. F., M. D. Finkner and E. A. Hiler.  1972.  Probability of sequences of wet and dry days for eleven western states and Texas.  Colorado State Univ. Tech. Bull. #117, 303 p. 

Heermann, D. F.  1972.  Objectives and goals of irrigation management committee.  ASAE Paper 72‑769.  (Technical Research Report) 


Hargrove, R.S. and W.C. Bausch.  1973.  The use of a bromide tracer for comparison of fertilizer leaching rates.  Agron. Abstracts.  p. 82.  (Abstract)

Heermann, D. F., G. Knott, E. Rothman and J. Schneider.  1973.  Irrigation efficiency.  Mimeographed handout used at Colorado State University Extension Field Day, Greeley, Colorado. (Popular Report)

Wendt, C.W., W.C. Bausch, O.C. Wilke, and A.B. Onken.  1973.  Influence of irrigation systems on irrigation return flow.  Agron. Abstracts.  p. 133.  (Abstract)

Wendt, C.W., H.P. Harbert, III, W.C. Bausch, and O.C. Wilke.  1973.  Automation of drip irrigation systems.  ASAE Paper No. 73-2505. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)


Heermann, D. F. and D. C. Kincaid.  1974.  Programmable calculators can replace computers for irrigation scheduling.  Agricicultural Engineering 55(1):6. 

Heermann, D. F., H. R. Duke, D. C. Kincaid, R. H. Mickelson.  1974.  Controlling center pivot sprinkler for experimental water application.  ASAE Paper 74‑2552.   

Heermann, D. F., H. H. Shull and R. H. Michelson.  1974.  Center‑pivot design capacities in Eastern Colorado.  Jour.. of I&D Div., ASCE 100(IR2):127‑141

Kincaid, D. C. and D. F. Heermann.  1974.  Scheduling irrigations using a programmable calculator.  ARS‑NC‑12. 

Klute, A. and D. F. Heermann.  1974.  Soil and water profile develop­ment under a periodic boundary condition.  Soil Sci.  117(5):265‑2­71. 

Onken, A.B., C.W. Wendt, O.C. Wilke, W.C. Bausch, and L. Barnes.  1974.  Influence of irrigation systems on movement of nitrogen released from sulfur-coated urea.  Agron. Abstracts.  p. 152.  (Abstract)


Heermann, D. F.  1975.  Irrigation scheduling for energy and water conservation.  Sprinkler Irrigation Association Technical Conference Proceedings, 15 p.   

Neghassi, H. M., D. F. Heermann and D. E. Smika.  1975.  Wheat yield models with limited soil water.  Trans. ASAE 19(3):549‑553, 557. 


Gillham, R. W., A. Klute and D. F. Heermann.  1976.  Hydraulic proper­ties of a porous medium:  Measurement and empirical representa­tion.  SSSA Jour.. 40(2):203‑207

Hart, W. E. and D. F. Heermann.  1976.  Evaluating water distribution of sprinkler irrigation systems.  Colorado State University Tech.  Bull. 128, June.  42 p. 

Heermann, D. F., H. R. Haise and R. H. Mickelson.  1976.  Scheduling center pivot sprinkler irrigation systems for corn production in Eastern Colorado.  Trans. ASAE 19(2) 284‑287, 293. 

Heermann, D. F. and H. Shull.  1976.  Effective precipitation of various application depths.  Trans. ASAE 19(4) 708‑712.  (Also ASAE Paper 70‑735, Chicago, IL) 


Bausch, W.C., A.B. Onken, C.W. Wendt, and O.C. Wilke.  1977.  A self-propelled high-clearance soil-coring machine.  Agron. J. 69(1): 122-124.

Kruse, E. G. and D. F. Heermann.  1977.  Implications of irrigation system efficiencies.  Jour.. of Soil and Water Conservation 32(6):265‑270.

Smika, D. E., D. F. Heermann, H. R. Duke and A. R. Batchelder.  1977.  Nitrate percolation through irrigation sandy soil as affected by water management.  Agronomy Journal  69(4):623‑626.  

Trava J., D. F. Heermann and J. W. Labadie.  1977.  Optimal on‑farm allocation of irrigation water.  Trans. ASAE 20(1):85‑88, 95.   

Wendt, C.W., A.B. Onken, O.C. Wilke, R. Hargrove, W. Bausch, and L. Barnes.  1977.  Effect of irrigation systems on the water requirements of sweet corn.  Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 41(4): 785-788.


Blanchard, B.J. and W.C. Bausch.  1978.  Spectral measurement of watershed coefficients in the southern Great Plains.  Final Report, RSC 3273, Contract No. NAS5-22534.  (Research report for funding agency)

Duke, H. R., D. E. Smika, and D. F. Heermann.  1978.  Groundwater contamination from fertilizer nitrogen as influenced by irrigation management.  Presentation at ASAE Annual Convention, 1977.  Jour.. of Irrigation and Drainage Div.  104(IR3):283‑291. 

Heermann, D. F. and H. R. Duke.  1978.  Electrical load and water management.  Proc. of Irrigation Association Annual Technical Confer­ence, Cincinnati, OH.  pp. 60‑67.   

Heermann, D. F. and H. R. Duke.  1978.  Evaluation of crop water stress under limited irrigation.  ASAE Paper 78‑2556, Chicago, IL. 

Heuer, G. R., D. F. Heermann, T. B. McKee and J. F. Benci.  1978.  Predicting winter wheat phenology using temperature and photoperiod.  Atmospheric Science Paper 296, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.  83 p.  (Technical Research Report) 

Klute, A. and D. F. Heermann.  1978.  Water movement in uranium mill tailings profiles.  Tech. Note ORP/LV‑78‑8.  Report to U.S.  Environ­mental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation Programs, Las Vegas, NV.  102 p.  (Technical Research Report)   

Ring, L. and D. F. Heermann.  1978.  Determining center pivot sprinkler uniformities.  ASAE Paper 78‑2001, Logan, UT.  


Blanchard, B.J. and W.C. Bausch.  1979.  Algorithms to estimate soil moisture storage from microwave measurements.  Final Report, RSC 3843, Contract No. 04-8-M01-145.  (Research report for funding agency)

Buchleiter, G.W.  1979.  Water management alternatives for controlling peak electrical demands.  M.S. Thesis. Colorado State University.

Buchleiter, G. W., D. F. Heermann and H. R. Duke.  1979.Electrical load management alternatives for irrigation.  ASAE Paper 79‑2556, New Orleans, LA. 

Onken, A.B., C.W. Wendt, O.C. Wilke, R.S. Hargrove, W. Bausch, and L. Barnes.  1979.  Irrigation system effects on applied fertilizer nitrogen movement in soil.  Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J.  43(2): 367-372.

Gillham, R. W., A. Klute and D. F. Heermann.  1979.  Measurement and numerical simulation of hysteretic flow in a heterogeneous porous medium.  Soil Science Soc. of America Journal.  Vol. 43, No. 6, Nov.‑Dec. 1979, pp. 1061‑1067. 


Bausch, W.C.  1980.  Development of a soil moisture model for use with passive microwave radiometers.  Ph.D. Dissertation.  Texas A&M University.  (Dissertation)

Heermann, D. F.  1980.  Irrigation scheduling.  In Operations Research in Agriculture and Water Resources.  Proceedings of the Oragwa International Conference held in Jerusalem, Israel.  November 25‑29, 1979.  p. 501‑516.

Heermann, D. F. and R. W. Kohl.  1980.  Fluid dynamics of sprinkler systems.  Chapter 14 of ASAE Monograph #3, Design and Operation of "Farm Irrigation Systems," edited by M. E. Jensen. p. 583-618.   

Gilley, J. R., D. F. Heermann and L. E. Stetson.  1980.  Irrigation management‑‑energy.  Second National Irrigation Symposium, Lincoln, NE.  pp. 127‑140.  (Conference Proceedings)


Beccard, R. W. and D. F. Heermann.  1981.  Performance of pumping plant‑center pivot sprinkler irrigation systems.  ASAE Paper 81‑2548, Chicago, IL. 

Buchleiter, G. B., H. R. Duke and D. F. Heermann.  1981.  Regional management of electrical loads for irrigation.  ASAE Paper 81‑2072, Orlando, FL.  

Buchleiter, G. W., D. F. Heermann, J. W. Labadie and S. Pleban.  1981.  Optimal irrigation scheduling under energy constraints.  Conference Proceedings ASCE, Water Forum, San Francisco, CA.   

Harrington, G. J. and D. F. Heermann.  1981.  State of the art irrigation scheduling program.  ASAE Irrigation Scheduling Conference, Chicago, IL. pp. 171‑178.   

Heermann, D. F.  1981.  Management of irrigation systems with water budgets.  Proceedings of Computer Techniques and Meteorological Data applied to Problems of Agriculture and Forestry: A Workshop.  American Meteorological Society, Anaheim, CA.  pp. 247‑256.     

Heermann, D. F., A. Klute and P. F. Williams.  1981.  Simulation of soil water profile response to rainfall and evaporation.  ASAE Paper 81‑2008, Orlando, FL.

Labadie, J. W. and D. F. Heermann.  1981.  Optimal scheduling of furrow irrigations via linear programming.  ASAE Paper 81‑5008, Orlando, FL.

Pleban, S., J. W. Labadie and D. F. Heermann.  1981.  Branch and bound algorithm for minimum labor irrigations schedules.  ASAE Paper 81‑2096, Orlando, FL. 


Altenhofen, J. and W. Bausch.  1983.  Using visual stress signs to irrigate grain corn with limited water.  ASAE Paper No. 83-2588. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Bausch, W.  1983.  A soil moisture model for conjunctive use with microwave radiometers.  ASAE Paper No. 83-2152. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Bausch, W.  1983.  Development of an urban lawn irrigation scheduling program.  Final Report, CIRA Project 5-31265.  (Research report for funding agency)

Bausch, W. and C. Neale.  1983.  Monitoring corn development using reflected radiation.  Proceedings of the Renewable Natural Resources Foundation Symposium on the Application of Remote Sensing to Resource Management.  Seattle, WA.  pp. 295-302.  (Conference proceedings)

Bouwer, H., D. F. Heermann and B. A. Stewart.  1983.  Our underground water supplies:  the sometimes dry facts.  USDA Yearbook of Agricul­ture, pp. 448‑457.  Washington, DC.

Buchleiter, G.W., D.F. Heermann and H.R. Duke.  1983.  An integrated water-energy management system-development.  ASAE Paper #83-2002, Bozeman, MT. (mimeo handout)

Duke, H. R., M. C. Blue and D. F. Heermann.  1983.  Computer interfac­ing for center pivot monitoring, control and irrigation scheduling.  Proc. National Conf. on Agric. Electronics Applications, ASAE, l:219‑22­7.  Chicago, IL. 

Eisenhauer, D. E., D. J. Stieb, H. R. Duke and D. F. Heermann.  1983.  Transient surface seal development with shallow overland flow.  ASAE Paper 83‑2051.  Bozeman, MT.

Heermann, D. F. and H. R. Duke.  1983.  Applications in irrigated and dryland agriculture.  Proc. National Conference on Advances in Infiltration.  ASAE, Chicago, IL.  (Invited) 

Heermann, D.F., G.W. Buchleiter and H.R. Duke.  1983.  An integrated water-energy management system-implementation.  ASAE Paper #83-2003, Bozeman, MT. (mimeo handout)

Klocke, N. L., D. F. Heermann and D. G. Watts.  1983.  Daily trends in soil evaporation and plant transpiration for irrigated corn.  Proc. of ASCE Specialty Conference on Advances in Irrigation and Drainage: Surviving External Pressures, Jackson, WY.  July 20‑22. 

Martin, D. L., D. F. Heermann and J. R. Gilley.  1983.  Optimal Seasonal Center Pivot Management.  ASAE Paper 83‑2004, Bozeman, MT. 

Neale, C.M.U. and W. Bausch.  1983.  Crop coefficients derived from reflected canopy radiation. ASAE Paper No. 83-2527. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Pleban, S., J. W. Labadie and D. F. Heermann.  1983.  Optimal short term irrigation schedules. Trans. of ASAE, 26(1):141‑147. 


Bausch, W. and C.M.U. Neale.  1984.  Remote sensing of plant water stress in corn.  ASAE Paper No. 84-4014. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Buchleiter, G. W., D. F. Heermann and H. R. Duke.  1984.  An integrated water‑energy management system‑‑Functional requirements.  Trans. ASAE 27(5):l4l9‑l423.  (Also ASAE Paper 83‑2002, Bozeman, MT)   

Duke, H. R., D. F. Heermann and M. C. Blue.  1984.  Computer control of irrigation for electrical load management.  Trans. ASAE 27(2):597‑602.  (Also ASAE Paper 83‑3027, Bozeman, MT) 

Heermann, D. F., H. R. Duke and G. W. Buchleiter.  1984.  An integrated water and energy management system.  Proc. of Irrigation Association Annual Technical Conference, Denver, CO.  pp. l40‑148. 

Heermann, D. F., G. W. Buchleiter and H. R. Duke.  1984.  An integrated water‑energy management system‑‑Implementation.  Trans. ASAE 27(5):l424‑­l429.  (Also ASAE Paper 83‑2003, Bozeman, MT) 

Heermann, Dale F. and David L. Swedensky.  l984.  Simulation analysis of center pivot sprinkler uniformity.  ASAE Paper 84‑2582, New Orleans, LA. 

Martin, Derrel L., Dale F. Heermann.  1984.  Scheduling to maximize profit from deficit irrigation. ASAE Paper 84‑2607, New Orleans, LA.   

Pleban, S., D. F. Heermann, J. W. Labadie and H. R. Duke.  1984.  Real time irrigation scheduling via "Reaching" dynamic programming.  Water Resource Research, 20(7):887‑895.  

Wright, B.D. and W.C. Bausch.  1984.  A plant growth system for orbital plant experiments.  ASAE Paper No. 84-2524. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)


Bausch, W.C. and B.D. Wright.  1985.  The design of a plant support system suitable for long-term plant investigations in microgravity.  Final Report, Contract No. NAS10-10933.  (Research report for funding agency)

Fapohunda, H. O., W. D. Kemper, and D. F. Heermann.  l985.  Effect of drying on soil strength and corn emergence.  Irrigation Sciences 6:l49-l58.

Heermann, D. F., P. F. Williams and K. M. Stahl.  1985.  Chapter 4, Processing of meteorological data from field sites in the Central Great Plains.  In ARS Wheat Field Project, W. W. Willis, (Ed.) USDA‑ARS‑38, pp. 80‑94. 

Heermann, D. F., G. J. Harrington, and K. M. Stahl.  l985.  Empirical estimation of daily clear sky solar radiation.  Journ. of Climate & Applied Meteorology, 24(3):206‑2l4. 

Heermann, D. F., H. R. Duke, and G. W. Buchleiter.  l985.  'User Friend­ly' software for an integrated water‑energy management system for center pivot irrigation.  Computers and Electronics in Agric. l:4l‑57. 

Heermann, D. F.  l985.  Irrigation technology.  Proc. International Conference on Food and Water Policy in World Food Supplies.  pp. 3l4‑3l7.  Texas A&M, College Station, TX.  (Invited) 

Heermann, D.F. 1985.  Evapotranspiration in Irrigation Management.  Proc. of the National Conference on Advances in Evapotranspiration.  ASAE Publication 14-85, Chicago, IL. pp. 323-334. (Invited)

Hinkle, S. E., D. F. Heermann, and M. C. Blue.  l985.  Falling water drop velocities at l570 m (5l50 ft) elevation. ASAE Paper 85‑2575, Chicago, IL. 

Klocke, N. L., D. F. Heermann, and H. R. Duke.  1985.  Measurement of evaporation and transpiration with lysimeters.  Trans. ASAE 28(l):l83‑l8­9, l92.  (Also ASAE Paper 83‑2525, Chicago, IL) 

Klocke, N.L. D.L. Martin and D.F. Heermann.  1985.  Soil evaporation and plant transpiration from irrigated crops.  Proc of the National Conference on Advances in Evapotranspiration.  ASAE Publication 14-85, Chicago, IL. 

Neale, C.M.U. and W.C. Bausch.  1985.  Reflectance-based crop coefficients for use in irrigation scheduling models.  Proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Evapotranspiration.  Chicago, IL.  pp. 250-258.  (Conference proceedings)


Aboitiz, M., J. W. Labadie and D. F. Heermann.  1986.  Stochastic soil moisture estimation and forecasting for irrigated fields.  Water Re­sources Research 22(2):l80‑l90. 

Bausch, W.C.  1986.  Spectral inputs to irrigation scheduling: Friend or foe.  ASAE Paper No. 86-3518. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Buchleiter, G. W. and D. F. Heermann.  1986.  Using computers to manage irrigation systems. Journ. of Water Resources Planning and Management ll2(3):354‑365. 

Buchleiter, G. W. and D. F. Heermann.  1986.  Management of multiple pump stations.  ASAE Paper 86‑2ll8, San Luis Obispo, CA. 

Buchleiter, G., M. Madison, D. Heermann, F. Lamb and T. Steury.  1986.  Improving the total farm irrigation system.  ASAE Paper 86‑2l20, San Luis Obispo, CA. 

Buchleiter, G.W.  1986.  Optimal pump selection for large scale irrigation systems.  Ph.D Thesis.  Colorado State University.

Farahani, H.J., D.C. Slack, A.D. Matthias, and D.M. Kopec. 1986. Crop water stress parameters for turfgrass and their environmental dependability. ASAE Paper No. 86-2595. St Joseph, MI.: ASAE

Heermann, D.F. and K.M. Stahl.  1986.  Center pivot uniformity for chemigation.  ASAE Paper 86‑2584, Chicago, IL. 

Heermann, D.F.  1986.  Scheduling with remote control systems.  Proc. of the Irrigation Association Annual Technical Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Neale, C.M.U. and W.C. Bausch.  1986.  Reflectance-based crop coefficients: Future research requirements.  ASAE Paper No. 86-3517. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Shannon, W.M., W.C. Bausch, and C.M.U. Neale.  1986.  Spectral response of corn under varying canopy geometry.  ASAE Paper No. 86-3516. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Slack, D.C., H.J. Farahani, D.M. Kopec, and A.D. Matthias. 1986. Predicting turfgrass evapotranspiration from canopy temperature. ASAE Paper No. 86-2521. St Joseph, MI.: ASAE

Wiles, L.J. 1986.  Managing growth and competition of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) living mulch in vegetable cropping system.  Masters Thesis, Oregon State University. 67 p.


Bausch, W.C. and C.M.U. Neale.  1987.  Crop coefficients derived from reflected canopy radiation: A concept.  Trans. of the ASAE. 30(3): 703-709.

Buchleiter, G.W. and D.F. Heermann.  1987.  System scheduling for large farming operations.  Proceedings of ASCE Conference on Planning, Operation, Rehabilitation and Automation of Irrigation Water Delivery Systems, Portland, OR. pp. 45-56.

Charles, F.L., W.C. Bausch, and J.A. Morgan.  1987.  Evapotranspiration of phreatophytes in Colorado's San Luis Valley.  ASAE Paper No. 87-2117. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Charles, F.L., J.A. Morgan, and W.C. Bausch.  1987.  Evapotranspiration of phreatophytes in the closed basin of the San Luis Valley, Colorado.  Final Report, Grant Nos. 14-08-0001-G895 and 14-08-0001-G1006.  (Research report for funding agency)

Farahani, H.J. 1987. Crop water stress parameters for turfgrass and their environmental variability. M.S. thesis. Tucson, AZ.: University of Arizona, Department of Agricultural Engineering.

Hinkle, S. E., D. F. Heermann, and M. C. Blue.  1987.  Falling water drop velocities at 1570 m elevation.  Trans. ASAE 30(1):94-100. (Also ASAE Paper 85-2575, St. Joseph, MI)

Homan, D. M., M. D. Skold, and D. F. Heermann.  1987.  Monitoring and control of center pivot systems with microcomputers.  American Water Resources Assoc. Bulletin 23(5):903-90


Bausch, W.C.  1988.  Sensor heights of automated weather stations: Effects on calculated ET.  ASAE Paper No. 88-2102. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Bausch, W.C.  1988.  Improving irrigation scheduling for corn via remote sensing.  ASAE Paper No. 88-4065. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Chou —F.N., J.W. Labadie, D.F. Heermann and G.W. Buchleiter.  1988.  Optimal real-time pump and irrigation scheduling for center-pivot sprinkler systems.  Final report submitted to Bonneville Power Administration.  Project DE-AI79-87BP35571.  162pp.

Heermann, D. F.  l988.  Evapotranspiration research priorities for the next decade—Irrigation.  Trans. ASAE 3l(2):497-502.  (Also ASAE Paper 86-2626, St Joseph, MI)

Heermann, D. F., G. W. Buchleiter, and H. R. Duke.  1988.  Computer control of center pivot irrigation systems in Colorado and Oregon.  Proc. Int’l Conf. on Irrigation System Evaluation and Water Manage­ment.  Vol. II:991-1003.  September l2-l6, l988.  Wuhan, China.

Heermann, D. F., H. R. Duke, and G. W. Buchleiter.  1988.  Computer control of center pivot irrigation systems in eastern Colorado.  Proc. Of U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage, ICID.  Pp. 45l-460.  Denver, CO.

Izadi, B., D.F. Heermann, and H. R. Duke.  1988.  Real time estimation infiltration parameter evaluation.  Trans. ASAE 3l(4):ll59-ll66.  (Also ASAE Paper 87-2113, Baltimore, MD)

Izadi, B. and D. F. Heermann.  1988.  Effect of redistribution and hysteresis on one-dimensional infiltration.  ASAE Paper 88-2585.

Neale, Christopher M.U., W.C. Bausch and D.F. Heermann.  1988.  Development of reflectance-based crop coefficients for corn.  Trans. Of the ASAE 32(6):1891-1899.

Trooien, T. P. and D. F. Heermann.  1988.  Measurement and simulation of potato leaf area using image processing.  ASAE Paper 88-3538.

Trooien. T.P. and D.F. Heermann.  1988. Irrigation scheduling for potatoes using a growth model.  ASAE Paper #88-2100.  St. Joseph, MI. 

Wright, B.D., W.C. Bausch and W.M. Knott.  1988.  A hydroponic system for microgravity plant experiments.  Trans. of the ASAE. 31(2): 440-446.  (Received honorable mention, 1989 ASAE Paper Awards)


Bausch, W.C.  1989.  Computerized irrigation scheduling using spectral feedback.  Proceedings of the Eleventh International Congress on Agricultural Engineering.  Dublin, Ireland.  Land and Water Use 1:561-568.  (Conference proceedings)

Bausch, W.C., D.M. Lund, and M.C. Blue.  1989.  Robotic data acquisition of directional reflectance factors.  ASAE Paper No. 89-3030.  (Mimeo handout)

Bausch, W.C. and Neale, C.M.U.  1989.  Spectral inputs improve corn crop coefficients and irrigation scheduling.  Trans. of the ASAE. 32(6): 1901-1908.

Buchleiter, G.W. and D.F. Heermann. 1989.  Improving management of center pivot irrigation systems.  Proceedings of International Conference on Irrigation: Theory and Practice.  University of Southampton, England.  Sept. 12-15, 1989. pp. 836-845.

Heermann, Dale F., H.R. Duke and J. van Schilfgaarde.  1989.  Management of water balance components.  Chapter 11 In: Nitrogen Management and Groundwater Protection, R. Follett, Ed. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, Netherlands.  pp. 319-361

Neale, C.M.U., W.C. Bausch, and D.F. Heermann.  1989.  Development of reflectance-based crop coefficients for corn.  Trans. of the ASAE. 32(6): 1891-1899.

Wiles, L.J., R.D. William, G.D. Crabtree and S.R. Radosevich.  1989.  Analyzing competition between a living mulch and a vegetable crop in an interplanting system.  J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 114(6):1029-1034.


Bausch, W.C.  1990.  Sensor height effects on calculated reference evapotranspiration.  Trans. of the ASAE. 33(3): 791-798.

Bausch, W.C., D.M. Lund, and M.C. Blue.  1990.  Robotic data acquisition of directional reflectance factors.  Remote Sens. Environ. 30: 159-168.

Buchleiter, G.W. and D.F. Heermann.  1990.  Management of multiple pump stations.  Applied Engineering in Agriculture, ASAE 6(1):39-44

Buchleiter, G.W. and K. Goeglein.  1990.  Computerized irrigation scheduling and radio control for center pivots.  In Proceedings of 1990 Central Plains Irrigation Short Course.  Wray, Colorado.  February 5-6, 1990. pp. 81-84

Buchleiter, G.W.  1990.  Evaluation of LEPA on center pivot machines.  Proceedings of Third National Irrigation Symposium.  Phoenix, AZ.  October 28-November 1, 1990.  pp. 720-724.

Farahani, H.J., H.R. Duke, and D.F. Heermann. 1990. Soil consolidation in surge flow irrigation. In Proc. Third International Irrigation Symposium, 361-367. Phoenix, AZ.: ASAE and IA.

Heermann, D.F., D.L. Martin, R.D. Jackson and E.C. Stegman.  1990  3. Irrigation Scheduling Controls and Techniques. In: ASA Monograph - Agricultural Crops, Section VI  ON FARM IRRIGATION PRACTICE.

Heermann, D. F.  1990.  Center pivot Design and Evaluation.  Proceedings  of the Third National Irrigation Symposium (ASAE), Oct. 28-Nov. 1. Phoenix, AZ.

Heermann, D.F., W.W. Wallender and M.G.Bos. 1990. Irrigation Efficiency and Uniformity. In: ASAE Monograph - Management of Farm Irrigation Systems, Dec. 1990, Chapter 6 pp 125-149.

Izadi, B., D. F. Heermann, and A. Klute.  1990.  The role of redistribution and hysteresis in the surge irrigation phenomena.  Trans. of the ASAE. 33(3):799-806.

Jalali-Farahani, H. R., H. R. Duke and D. F. Heermann.  1990.  Soil consolidation in surge irrigation.  Proceedings of the Third National Irrigation Symposium (ASAE), Oct. 28-Nov. 1.  Phoenix, AZ.

New, L., G. Buchleiter, W. Spurgeon, B. Unruh.  1990.  Low energy precision application (LEPA) for center pivot machines.  In Proceedings of 1990 Central Plains Irrigation Short Course.  Wray, Colorado.  February 5-6, 1990. pp. 13-18.

Shahid, Ahmad, D.F. Heermann.  1990.  Computerized scheduling for irrigation management and pumping operations in the watercourse command.  Agricultural Water Management.  May 01, Vol. 18. No. 1 pp 1-13.

Slack, D.C., D.M. Kopec, P.W. Brown, A.D. Matthias, and H.J. Farahani. 1990. Evaluation and comparison of crop water stress index models for irrigation scheduling of Bermuda grass turf. In Proc. Third International Irrigation Symposium, 725-730. Phoenix, AZ.: ASAE and IA.

Stegman, E.C., and D.F. Heermann.  1990.  Ceres-Maize Applications to Irrigation Scheduling. ASAE Paper No. 90-2585., St. Joseph, MI. 18 pp.


Bausch, W.C.  1991.  Improved reflectance-based crop coefficient for corn.  ASAE Paper No. 91-2522. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Bausch, W.C. and T.M. Bernard.  1991.  A functional long-term Bowen Ratio system.  ASAE Paper No. 91-3026. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Buchleiter, G.W., R.R. Unruh, and D.F. Heermann. 1991. Computer aided management system for center pivots. ASAE Paper No. 912521. St. Joseph,   MI.  9 pp. 

Buchleiter, G.W.  1991.  Irrigation with LEPA.  In Proceedings of 1991 Central Plains Irrigation Short Course. North Platte, NE.  February 5-6, 1991.  pp. 64-68.

Farahani, H.J. 1991. Physics of soil consolidation in surge flow irrigation. Ph.D. dissertation, Fort Collins, CO.: Colorado State University, Department of Agricultural and Chemical Engineering.

Hasbini, B. and G.W. Buchleiter.  1991.  Expert system for improved irrigation management.  ASAE Paper #91-2159  (mimeo handout).  Albuquerque, NM

Steiner, J.L., R.L. Elliott, and W.C. Bausch.  1991.  Latent and sensible heat fluxes: Lysimetric, eddy correlation, and Bowen ratio measurements.  Agron. Abstracts.  p. 24.  (Abstract)

Wiles, L.J.  1991.  A decision analytic investigation of the influence of weed spatial distribution on postemergence herbicide decisions for soybeans (Glycine max).  Ph.D. Dissertation, North Carolina State University.  159 p.  (Dissertation).

Wiles, L.J. and G.G. Wilkerson.  1991.  Modeling competition for light between soybean and broadleaf weeds.  Agric. Systems  35:37-51.

Wiles, L.J., G.G. Wilkerson and H.D. Coble.  1991.  WEEDING: A weed ecology and economic decision making instructional game.  Weed Technol.  5:887-893.


Ahmad, S. and D.F. Heermann.  1992. Management Strategies for Scheduling Irrigation: Wheat and Corn.  ICID Bulletin, Vol. 41, No. 2:111-126.

Bausch, W.C. and T.M. Bernard.  1992.  Spatial averaging Bowen Ratio system: Description and lysimeter comparison.  Trans. of the ASAE. 35(1): 121-128.  (Received honorable mention, 1993 ASAE Paper Awards)

Buchleiter, G.W.  1992. Performance of LEPA equipment on center pivot machines.  Applied Engineering in Agriculture 8(5):631-637.

Duke, H.R., Heermann, D.F., Dawson, L.J. 1992.  Appropriate Depths of Application for Scheduling Center Pivot Irrigations.  Trans. of ASAE 35(5)1457-1464.

Duke, H.R.,  D.F. Heermann, and C.W. Fraise. 1992.  Linear move irrigation  system for fertilizer management research.  Proceedings 1992  Irrigation Assoc. Meeting.  New Orleans, LA

Eisenhauer, D.E., D.F. Heermann, and A. Klute, 1992.  Surface sealing effects on infiltration with surface irrigation.  Trans. of ASAE 35(6):  1799-1808.

Fraisse, C.W., D.F. Heermann, and H.R. Duke, 1992.  Modified linear move system for experimental water application.  Proceedings from Int'l Conf., Sustainable Irrigation, Vol. 1., Advances in Planning, Design and Management of Irrigation Systems as Related to Sustainable Land Use, Center for Irrigation Engineering, K. U. Leuven, Belgium, pp 367-376.

Heermann, D.F., H.R. Duke, A.M. Serafim and L.J. Dawson.  1992.  Distribution functions to represent center pivot water distribution.  Transactions of the ASAE.  35(5):1465-1472.

Heermann, D.F., and H.R. Duke, 1992.  Effective irrigation depth as a function of uniformity.  Proc. from Int'l Conf., Sustainable Irrigation,  Vol. 1., Advances in Planning, Design and Management of Irrigation Systems as Related to Sustainable Land Use, Center for Irrigation Engineering, K. U. Leuwen, Belgium. pp 329-338.

Trooein, T.P. and D.F. Heermann. 1992.  Measurement and simulation of potato leaf area using image processing I.  Model Development.  Trans. of ASAE 35(5):1709-1712. 

Trooein, T.P. and D.F. Heermann. 1992.  Measurement and simulation of potato leaf area using image processing II. Model Results.  Trans. of ASAE 35(5):1713-1718.

Trooein, T.P. and D.F. Heermann, 1992.  Measurement and simulation of potato leaf area using image processing III. Measurement.  Trans. of ASAE 35(5):1719-1721.

Wiles, L.J., G.G. Wilkerson, G.S. Buol and H.D. Coble.  1992.  WEEDING Ver. 1.0: A weed ecology and economic decision making instructional game.  Res. Rept. 136, North Carolina State University.  Raleigh.  45 p.  (Software and user's manual).

Wiles, L.J., G.W. Oliver, A.C. York, H.J. Gold and G.G. Wilkerson.  1992.  Spatial distribution of weeds in North Carolina Soybean (Glycine max) fields.  Weed Sci.  40:554-557.

Wiles, L.J., G.G. Wilkerson, H.J. Gold and H.D. Coble.  1992.  Modeling weed distribution for improved postemergence control decisions.  Weed Sci.  40:546-553. (Outstanding paper in Weed Science)

Wiles, L.J., G.G. Wilkerson and H.J. Gold.  1992.  Value of information about weed distribution for improving postemergence control decisions.  Crop Prot.  11:547-554.

Wiles, L.J., G.G. Wilkerson and H.J. Gold.  1992.  Simulating weed scouting and weed control decision making to evaluate scouting plans.  Proc. Winter Simulation Conference.  25:1166-1171.  (Conference proceedings).


Bausch, W.C.  1993.  Soil background effects on reflectance-based crop coefficients for corn.  Remote Sens. Environ. 46: 213-222.

Bausch, W.C.  1993.  Remotely sensed crop coefficients for improved corn irrigation scheduling. Remote Sensing of Soils and Vegetation.  Phoenix, AZ.  p. 45.  (Abstract)

Bausch, W.C.  1993.  Evaluation of corn crop coefficients for ET estimation.  ASAE Paper No. 93-2525. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Buchleiter, G.W. 1993.  Agricultural Water Conservation Technology Transfer.  In: Proceedings of ASCE Conference 'Water Management in the 90's: A time for innovation'  held in Seattle, WA. pp. 709-712.

Buchleiter, G.W. 1993.  Appropriate technology for water and nitrogen management.  ASAE Paper #932022 (mimeo handout). Spokane, WA.

Buchleiter, G.W. and R. Unruh. 1993.  Managing center pivots with CAMS and SCHED.  In: Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on crop-water models, water balance, crop water use and production  held in conjunction with 15th Congress of ICID.  Sept. 3-5, 1993.  The Hague, The Netherlands.

Farahani, H.J., H.R. Duke, and D.F. Heermann. 1993. Physics of surge irrigation I. Quantification of soil physical and hydraulic parameters. Trans. ASAE 36:37-44.

Farahani, H.J., D.F. Heermann, and H.R. Duke. 1993. Physics of surge irrigation II. Relation between soil physical and hydraulic parameters. Trans. ASAE 36(1):45-50.

Farahani, H.J., D.C. Slack, D.M. Kopec, and A.D. Matthias. 1993. Crop water stress index models for Bermudagrass turf: a comparison. Agron. J. 85:1210-1217.

Rochester, E.W., H.R. Duke and D.F. Heermann. 1993. Computer controlled sensor carriage  for simulated center pivot movement.  Trans. of ASAE. 36(3):795-797

Wiles, L.J., G.G. Wilkerson, G.S. Buol and H.D. Coble.  1992.  WEEDING Ver. 1.0: A weed ecology and economic decision making instructional game.  Res. Rept. 136, North Carolina State University.  Raleigh.  45 p.  (Software and user's manual).

Wiles, L.J., G.W. Oliver, A.C. York, H.J. Gold and G.G. Wilkerson.  1992.  Spatial distribution of weeds in North Carolina Soybean (Glycine max) fields.  Weed Sci.  40:554-557.

Wiles, L.J., G.G. Wilkerson, H.J. Gold and H.D. Coble.  1992.  Modeling weed distribution for improved postemergence control decisions.  Weed Sci.  40:546-553. (Outstanding paper in Weed Science)

Wiles, L.J., G.G. Wilkerson and H.J. Gold.  1992.  Value of information about weed distribution for improving postemergence control decisions.  Crop Prot.  11:547-554.

Wiles, L.J., G.G. Wilkerson and H.J. Gold.  1992.  Simulating weed scouting and weed control decision making to evaluate scouting plans.  Proc. Winter Simulation Conference.  25:1166-1171.  (Conference proceedings).


Bausch, W.C., H.R. Duke, and L.K. Porter.  1994.  Remote sensing of plant nitrogen status in corn.  ASAE Paper No. 94-2117. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Dickson, M.A., W.C. Bausch, and M.S. Howarth.  1994.  Classification of a broadleaf weed, a grassy weed, and corn using image processing techniques.  In Meyer, G. E. and J. A. DeShazer (eds.)  Optics in Agriculture, Forestry and Biological Processing.  2345: 297-305.  (Conference proceedings)

Diker, K., Hamdy, A. and Tekinel, O. 1994. Use of saline water in irrigation: Modality of water application. CU Journal of Agriculture, 9(2), 61-76.

Duke, H.R., G.W. Buchleiter, and D. F. Heermann.  1994. Spatially Variable Sprinkler Irrigation and Chemical Application.  ASAE Paper 94-2096.  St. Joseph, MI.

Farahani, H.J. 1994. Evaporation and Transpiration Processes - an update. In: Root Zone Water Quality Model. Ver. 2.2. USDA-ARS GPSR. Tech Rep. No. 2. Fort Collins, CO.

Farahani, H.J., and W.C. Bausch. 1994. Seasonal application of physical evapotranspiration models - resistance estimation. ASAE Paper No. 94-2547. St. Joseph, MI.: ASAE.

Farahani, H.J., D.C. Slack, D.M. Kopec, and P.W. Brown. 1994. Evaluation of resistances for Bermuda turf crop water stress index models. Agron. J. 86: 574-581.

Heermann, D.F., R.E. Smith, and K. S. Stahl. 1994  Application rates under low-energy irrigation systems for input to water redistribution study.  ASAE Paper 94-2097.  St. Joseph, MI.

Ley, T.W., R.L. Elliott, W.C. Bausch, P.W. Brown, D.L. Elwell, and D.B. Tanner.  1994.  Review of ASAE standards project X505: Measurement and reporting practices for automatic agricultural weather stations.  ASAE Paper No. 94-2086. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE  (Mimeo handout)

Smith, R.E. and D.F. Heermann.  1994.  Simulation for studying water redistribution under low-energy irrigation systems.  ASAE Paper 94-2100.

Schweizer, E.E., L.J. Wiles, D.W. Lybecker and P. Westra.  1994.  Bioeconomic modeling for weed management decisions in crops.  Proc. Great Plains Agric. Council Bull. No. 150.  p. 135-141. (Conference proceedings).

Wiles, L.J., R. King, D. Lybecker, E. Schweizer and S. Swinton. 1994.  General Weed Management Model Version 1.0.  Staff paper 94-23, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Minnesota. (Software and user's manual).


Ascough II, J.C., J.D. Hanson, M.J. Shaffer, G.W. Buchleiter, P.S. Bartling, B. Vandenberg, D.A. Edmunds, L.J. Wiles, G.S. McMaster, L.R. Ahuja. 1995.  GPFARM Decision Support System for Whole Farm/Ranch Management.  In proceedings of Workshop on Computer Applications in Water Management. Joint publication of Great Plains Agricultural Council Publication 154 and Colorado Water Resources Research Institute No. 79. pp. 53-56.

Bausch, W.C.  1995.  Remote sensing of crop coefficients for improving the irrigation scheduling of corn.  Agric. Water Mgmt. 27: 55-68.

Bausch, W.C.  1995.  USDA-ARS evapotranspiration studies in Colorado.  Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Efficiency Seminar, American Consulting Engineers Council of Colorado and the Colorado Division of Water Resources.  (Mimeo handout)

Buchleiter, G.W. 1995. Improved irrigation management under center pivots using SCHED. In: Pereira L.S., van den Broek B.J., Kabat P., and Allen R.G. et al.(eds.) Crop-Water-Simulations Models in Practice. Wageningen Pers.,Wageningen, The Netherlands. pp.27-47.

Buchleiter, G.W., H.J. Farahani, L.R. Ahuja. 1995. Model Evaluation of Groundwater Contamination Under Center Pivot Irrigated Corn in Eastern Colorado.  In proceedings of 'The International Symposium on Water Quality Modeling' held in Orlando, FL by American Society of Agricultural Engineers. pp. 41-50.

Buchleiter, G.W., D.F. Heermann and H.R. Duke. 1995. Irrigation Scheduling with Climatic Data. In Proc. Of Workshop on Computer Applications in Water Management. Joint publication of Great Plains Agricultural Council Publ. 154 and Colorado Water Resources Research Instutute No. 79. pp. 61‑65. 

Buchleiter, G.W., D.F. Heermann and H.R. Duke. 1995. Automation of Variable Irrigation Water and Chemical Applications. In Conf. Proc. Of ' Clean Water‑Clean Environment‑ 21st Century. Vol. III: Practices, Systems & Adoption held in Kansas City, MO. ,by the Working Group on Water Quality‑USDA. pp. 49‑52.

Buchleiter, G.W. and Wenstrom, R. J.  1995. Implementing on-farm irrigation scheduling for water conservation. In: Proceedings of 1995 Water Management Seminar: Irrigation Water Conservation – Opportunities and Limitations held in Sacramento, CA.  U.S. Committee on Irrigation and Drainage. pp. 69-80.

Farahani, H.J. and W.C. Bausch.  1995.  Performance of evapotranspiration models for maize-Bare soil to closed canopy.  Trans. of the ASAE. 38(5): 1049-1059.

Farahani, H.J., L.R. Ahuja, G.W. Buchleiter, and G.A. Peterson. 1995. Mathematical modeling of irrigated and dryland corn production in eastern Colorado. In Proc. Clean Water-Clean Environment-21st Century. Kansas City, MO.: ASAE.


Farahani, H.J., L.R. Ahuja, G.A. Peterson, and L.A. Sherrod. 1995. Root Zone Water Quality Model evaluation of dryland/no-till crop production in eastern Colorado. In Proc. International Symposium on Water Quality Modeling. Kissimmee, FL.: ASAE.

H.J. Farahani, L.R. Ahuja, G.A. Peterson, G.W. Buchleiter, L.A. Sherrod.  1995.  Modeling of Irrigated and Dryland Corn Production Systems in Eastern Colorado.  In proceedings of Workshop on Computer Applications in Water Management. Joint publication of Great Plains Agricultural Council Publication 154 and Colorado Water Resources Research Institute No. 79. pp. 78-81.      

Fraisse, C.W., H.R. Duke, and D.F. Heermann. 1995.  Laboratory Evaluation of Variable Water Application with Pulse Irrigation.  Trans of ASAE.Vol.38(5):1363-1369.

Fraisse, C.W., D.F. Heermann, and H.R. Duke.  1995.  Simulation of Variable Water Application with Linear-Move Irrigation Systems.  Trans of ASAE. Vol. 38(5):1371-1376.

Heermann, D.F.  1995.  Irrigation Scheduling.  Proceedings of Int’l Conf., Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture, Series E: Applied Sciences, Vol.312., Part III: On-Farm Water Management. pp 233-249.

Price, J.C. and W.C. Bausch.  1995.  Leaf area index estimation from visible and near-infrared reflectance data.  Remote Sens. Environ. 52: 55-65.

VanGessel, M.J., L.J. Wiles, E.E. Schweizer and P. Westra. 1995.  Weed control and pinto bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) tolerance to early season mechanical weeding.  Weed Technol.  9:531-534.


Ahuja, L.R., Q.L. Ma, K.W. Rojas, J.J.T.I. Boesten, and H.J. Farahani. 1996. A field test of Root Zone water Quality Model - pesticide and bromide behavior.  Pest Sci. 48:101-108.

Bausch, W.C. and T.M. Bernard.  1996.  Validity of the Watermark sensor as a soil moisture measuring device.  In Camp, C. R., E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.)  Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling.  pp. 933-938.  ASAE, St. Joseph, MI.  (Conference proceedings)

Bausch, W.C. and H.R. Duke.  1996.  Remote sensing of plant nitrogen in irrigated corn.  Trans. of the ASAE. 39(5):1869-1875.

Bausch, W.C., H.R. Duke, and C.J. Iremonger.  1996.  Assessment of plant nitrogen in irrigated corn.  In Robert, P. C., R. H. Rust, and W. E. Larson (eds.) Precision Agriculture, Proc. of the 3rd Intern. Conf.  pp. 23-32.  ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.  (Conference proceedings)

Buchleiter, G.W., D.F. Heermann, R.J. Wenstrom.  1996.  Economic analysis of on-farm irrigation scheduling.  In: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling.  ASAE  pp. 986-991.

Buchleiter, G.W.  1996. Sprinkler technology.  In: 1997 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology.  McGraw-Hill Co., New York. pp. 259-260.

Farahani, H.J., and L.R. Ahuja. 1996. Evapotranspiration modeling of partial canopy/residue covered fields. Trans. ASAE 39(6):2051-2064.

Farahani, H.J., W.C. Bausch, R.M. Aiken, and L.R. Ahuja.  1996.  Evapotranspiration in system-wide agricultural models.  In Camp, C. R., E. J. Sadler, and R. E. Yoder (eds.)  Evapotranspiration and Irrigation Scheduling.  pp. 674-678.  ASAE, St. Joseph, MI. (Conference proceedings)

Gardner, W., committee chair.  1996.  A New Era for Irrigation.  Heermann,D. F. was a  memeber of the WSTB, National Resource Council committee to study  the future of irrigation in the face of competing demands.   National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.  203 pages.

Wiles, L.J., D.H. Barlin, E.E. Schweizer, H.R. Duke and D.E. Whitt.  1996.  A new soil sampler and elutriator for collecting and extracting weed seeds from soil.  Weed Technol.  10:35-41.

Wiles, L.J., R.P. King, E.E. Schweizer, D.W. Lybecker and S.M. Swinton.  1996.  GWM: General weed management model.  Agric. Systems  50:355-376.


Aiken, R., G. Flerchinger, H.J. Farahani, and K. Johnsen. 1997. Simulating surface soil and residue temperatures with incomplete cover. Agron. J. 89:404-415.

Bausch, W. C., H. R. Duke, and D. F. Heermann.  1997.  Assessing and mapping the plant nitrogen status in irrigated corn.   Precision Agriculture ‘97; Volume II, Technology, IT and Management, 677-685.

Bausch, W.C.  1997.  Spatial estimates of irrigated corn water use and plant N status from canopy reflectance.  ASAE Paper No. 97-2217. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.  (Mimeo handout)

Bausch, W.C., H.R. Duke, and D.F. Heermann.  1997.  Assessing and mapping the plant nitrogen status in irrigated corn.  In Stafford, J. V. (ed.)  Precision Agriculture ‘97, Vol. II.  Technology, IT and Management.  pp. 677-685.  BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd.  UK.  (Conference proceedings)

Buchleiter, G.W., W.C. Bausch, H.R. Duke, D.F. Heermann. 1997.  Multidisciplinary approach for precision farming research.  In: Precision Agriculture ‘97- Proceedings of First European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Warwick, UK. John V. Stafford (ed). BIOS Scientific Pub. SCI. Vol. I: pp.351-360.

Dickson, M.A. and W.C. Bausch.  1997.  Plant recognition using a neural network classifier with size and shape descriptors.  ASAE Paper No. 97-3132. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE. (Mimeo handout)

Duke, H.R., G.W. Buchleiter, D.F. Heermann, J.A. Chapman. 1997. Site-specific management of water and chemicals using self-propelled sprinkler systems.  In: Precision Agriculture ‘97- Proceedings of First European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Warwick, UK. John V. Stafford (ed). BIOS Scientific Pub. SCI. Vol. I: pp. 273-280.

Heermann, D.F., G.W. Buchleiter, W.C. Bausch, K. Stahl. 1997.  Nondifferential GPS for use on moving irrigation systems.  In: Precision Agriculture ‘97- Proceedings of First European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Warwick, UK. John V. Stafford (ed). BIOS Scientific Pub. SCI. Vol. I: pp.567-574.

Schweizer, E.E., D.W. Lybecker and L.J. Wiles.  1997.  Important biological information needed for bioeconomic weed management models.  Chapter 1.  p. 1-24.  in Hatfield, J.L., D.D. Buhler and B.A. Stewart, eds.  Integrated Weed and Soil Management, Ann Arbor, Michigan.  (Book chapter).

Shaner, D. L, and Singh, B. K. (1997) Acetohydroxyacid synthase inhibitors. In "Herbicide Activity: Toxicology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology."  R. M. Roe, et al. eds.  IOS Press.  pp. 69-110.

Sumner, H.R., P.M. Garvey, D.F. Heermann, and L.D. Chandler.  1997.  Center Pivot Irrigation  Attached Sprayer.  Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 13:3, 323-327 (Also ASAE Paper 94-1028. St Joseph, MI.)


Bausch, W.C., K.  Diker, A.F.H.  Goetz, and B.  Curtiss.  1998.  Hyperspectral characteristics of nitrogen deficient corn.  ASAE Paper No. 98-3061. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.  (Mimeo handout)

Buchleiter, G.W., D.F. Heermann. 1998. Performance of low-rate chemical application system.  ASAE Paper #  98-2074.  Orlando, FL.  (mimeo handout)

Buchleiter, G.W., D.F. Heermann. 1998. Performance of nondifferential GPS to determine sprinkler position.  ASAE Paper #  98-2071. Orlando, FL.   (mimeo handout)

Cameira, M.R., P.L. Sousa, H.J. Farahani, and L.R. Ahuja. 1998. Evaluation of the RZWQM for the simulation of water and nitrate movement in level-basin fertigated maize. J. Agric. Engr. Res. 69:331-334.

Diker, K., W.C.  Bausch, and T.H.  Podmore.  1998.  GIS mapping of plant parameters and yield potential estimated by remote sensing.  ASAE Paper No. 98-3143. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.  (Mimeo handout)

Diker, K. and W.C.  Bausch.  1998.  Mapping in-season soil nitrogen variability assessed through remote sensing.  In Robert, P.C., R.H. Rust, and W.E. Larson (eds.)  Precision Agriculture, Proc. of the 4th Intern. Conf.  pp. 1445-1455. St Paul, MN ASA/CSSA/SSSA (Conference proceedings)

Hanson, J.D., L.R. Ahuja, M.D. Shaffer, K.W. Rojas, D.G. DeCoursey, H.J. Farahani, and K.A. Johnsen. 1998. RZWQM - Simulating the effects of management on water quality and crop production. Agricultural Systems 57(2):161-195.

Fleming, K. L., D. F. Heermann, D. G. Westfall, D. B. Bosley, F. B. Pearis, and P. Westra.  (1998) Precision Farming - from technology to decisions: A case study.  p. 1777-1783.   In P.C. Robert et al., (eds.) Proc of 4th Int’l. Conf. On Prec. Agric.  Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI.

Fleming, K. L., D. G. Westfall,  D. F. Heermann D. W. Wiens, L. E. Rothe, and J. E. Cipra.  (1998) Evaluating farmer developed management zone maps for precision farming.   p. 335-343.  In P.C. Robert et al., (eds.) Proc of 4th Int’l. Conf. On Prec. Agric.  Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI.

Fleming, K.L., D.G. Westfall, and D.F. Heermann.  1998.  Moving precision agriculture to a new dimension.  p. 50.   In Proc. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference, Denver, Colorado.   

Hanson, J.D., L.R. Ahuja, M.D. Shaffer, K.W. Rojas, D.G. DeCoursey, H.J. Farahani, and K.A. Johnsen. 1998. RZWQM - Simulating the effects of management on water quality and crop production. Agricultural Systems 57(2):161-195.

Heermann, D.F., G.W. Buchleiter, K. L. Fleming.  1998.  Multidisciplinary Team Research of Irrigated Precision Farming.  In Proceedings of First Int’l Conference “Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry: Decision Support, Technology and Applications” held June 1-3, 1998 in Lake Buena Vista, FL.

Jordan, R. W., H. R. Duke, and D. F. Heermann.  Spatial variability of water application from center pivot irrigation and precipitation.  p. 1001-1010.  In P.C. Robert et al., (eds.) Proc of 4th Int’l. Conf. On Prec. Agric.  Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI.

Morton, T. W., G. W. Buchleiter, and D. F. Heermann.  Quantifying the effect of water availability on corn yield under a center pivot irrigation system.  p. 31-41.  In P.C. Robert et al., (eds.) Proc of 4th Int’l. Conf. On Prec. Agric.  Am. Soc. Agron., Madison, WI.

Morton, T., G.W. Buchleiter. 1998.  Comparing seasonal moisture availability to corn yield under a center pivot irrigation system. In: Proceedings of Fourth Int’l Conf.on Precision Agric. Eds. P.C. Brobert, R.H. Rust, and W.E. Larson, Precision Agriculture Center, University of MN, St. Paul, MN pp. 31-41.

Singh, B. K., and Shaner. D. L. (1998) Rapid determination of glyphosate injury to plants and identification of glyphosate-resistant plants.  Weed Tech.  12:527-530.

Smith, R.E., G.W. Buchleiter. 1998.  Variability of surface soil sorptivity.    In: Proceedings of Fourth Int’l Conf.on Precision Agric. Eds. P.C. Brobert, R.H. Rust, and W.E. Larson, Precision Agriculture Center, University of MN, St. Paul, MN pp. 215-223.

VanGessel, M.J., E.E. Schweizer, R.G. Wilson, L.J. Wiles and P. Westra. 1998.  Impact of timing and frequency of in-row cultivation for weed control in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris).  Weed Technol.  12:548-533.

Wiles, L.J. and E.E. Schweizer. 1998. Mapping weed populations: The cost of counting and identifying seedlings and seeds.  Proc. 4th Intl. Conf. on Precision Agric., St. Paul, MN. pp. 499-510. (Conference proceedings).

Wyse‑Pester, D., P. Westra and L. Wiles.  1998.  Spatial sampling for crop pests in two center pivot irrigated fields.  Proc. 4th Intl. Conf. on Precision Agric., St. Paul, MN. pp. 511-522.  (Conference proceedings).


Bausch, W.C. and K.  Diker.  1999.  Innovative remote sensing techniques to increase nutrient use efficiency and protect water quality.  Special Session 4, SWCS Annual Conference.  (Invited paper)

Bausch, W.C., A.F.H.  Goetz, and B.  Curtiss.  1999.  Spectral assessment of nitrogen deficiency in irrigated corn.  ASAE Paper No. 99-3033. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.  (Mimeo handout)

Buchleiter G. W.  1999.  Measuring unsaturated flow below the root zone.  ASAE#  992226. Toronto, Canada.   (mimeo handout)

Diker, K., M. Unlu, and W.C.  Bausch.  1999.  Determining spatial variability of plant nitrogen in cornfields using a chlorophyll meter.  In J.V. Stafford (ed.) Precision Agriculture ‘99, Part 2, pp. 593-604. SCI Sheffield Academic Press.  (Conference proceedings)

Diker, K. and Unlu, M.1999. Remote sensing for agriculture.  CU Journal of Agriculture, 14(1), 7-14.

Farahani, H.J., and D.G. DeCoursey. 1999. Chapter 3: Potential Evaporation and Transpiration Processes in the Soil-Residue-Canopy System.  In: RZWQM - Modeling Management Effects on Water Quality and Crop Production. Highlands Ranch, CO.: Water Resources Publications.

Farahani, H.J., G.W. Buchleiter, L.R. Ahuja, G.A. Peterson, and L.A. Sherrod. 1999. Seasonal evaluation of the root zone water quality model in Colorado. Agron. J. 91(2):212-219.

Fleming, K.L., D.G. Westfall, and D.F. Heermann (1999) Farmer developed management zone maps for variable rate fertilizer application. p. 917-926.  In J.V. Stafford (ed.) Proc. of 2nd Eurpopean Conf. On Prec. Agric.

Heermann, D.F., J. Hoeting, H.R. Duke, D.G. Westfall, G.W. Buchleiter, P. Westra, F.B. Peairs, and K.F. Fleming. (1999) Interdisciplinary irrigated precision farming team research. p. 121-130. In J.V. Stafford (ed.) Proc. Of 2nd European Conf. On Prec. Agric.

Heermann, D.F., G.W. Buchleiter, K.M. Stahl.  1999.  Effect of Application Pattern Shape on Center Pivot Irrigation Uniformity.  In Technical Proc. of 1999 Irrigation Association Conference. pp. 69-76.

Kanber, R., Unlu, M., Diker, K. and Odemis, B. 1999. Lysimetric methods used to measure evapotranspiration. In: Kanber, R. and Steduto, P. (ed.) Methods Used For Determining Evapotranspiration: Investigations and Evaluations. 105-168.

Kanber, R., Unlu, M., Odemis, B. and Diker, K. 1999. Pan-evaporation methods to estimate evapotranspiration. In: Kanber, R. and Steduto, P. (ed.) Methods Used For Determining Evapotranspiration: Investigations and Evaluations. 169-185

Wright D., D. Westfall, W. Bausch, J. Delgado, and J. Berry.  1999.  Utilizing a multispectral video mapping system for aerial remote sensing.  Special Session 4, SWCS Annual Conf. (Invited paper)

Wiles, L. and E.E. Schweizer. 1999. The cost of counting and identifying weed seeds and seedlings.  Weed Sci. 47:667-673.

Wyse-Pester, D., P. Westra and L.J. Wiles. 1999. Spatial sampling and analysis of crop pests in a center pivot corn field. Proc. 2nd European Conf. on Precision Agric., Odense, Denmark. SCI, London. pp. 485-494. (Reviewed conference proceedings).


Bausch, W.C. and T.D.  Schleicher.  2000.  Remote sensing techniques to increase nitrogen use efficiency of corn.  In Robert, P.C., R.H. Rust, and W.E. Larson (eds.)  Proc. of the 5th Intern. Conf. on Precision Agriculture.  CD-ROM.  St. Paul, MN ASA/CSSA/SSSA.  (Conference proceedings)

Buchleiter, G. W. , C.R. Camp, R. G. Evans, B. A. King.  2000.  Technologies for Variable Water Application with Sprinklers.  In Proc. of National Irrigation Symposium: The 4th Decennial Symposium.  ASAE Publication 701P0004. pp. 316-321.

Cetin, M., Diker, K. and Ozcan, H. 2000. Monitoring and evaluating the spatial and temporal changes in groundwater quality. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on GIS for Earth Science Applications (ICGESA 2000). Proceeding CD, Sep 11.

Diker, K., Cetin, M. and Ozcan, H. 2000. Determining spatial and temporal changes in hydraulic gradient and flow directions by using GIS. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on GIS for Earth Science Applications (ICGESA 2000). Proceeding CD, Sep 11.

Evans, R.G., G. W. Buchleiter, E. J. Sadler, B. A. King, G. B. Harting.  2000.  Controls for Precision Irrigation with Self-Propelled Systems.  In Proc. of National Irrigation Symposium: The 4th Decennial Symposium.  ASAE Publication 701P0004. pp. 322-331.

Heermann, D. F., J. Hoeting, H.R. Duke, D.G. Westfall, G.W. Buchleiter, P. Westra, F.B. Peairs, and K. Fleming.  (2000)  Irrigated Precision Farming for Corn Production.  p. I-144 - I-151,   In Proc. Second International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Heermann, D. F., H. R. Duke, D. G. Westfall, G. W. Buchleiter, P. Westra, F. Peairs, K. Fleming. 2000.  Multidisciplinary Study of Irrigated Precision Farming.  In Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture sponsored by ASA/CSSA/SSSA., PPI, CoSSRM. p. 69.Heermann, D. F. (2000) Where we have been, what we have learned and where we are going. p. 40-51.  In Proceedings of the 4th National Irrigation Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Heermann, D. F. and T. L. Spofford. (2000) Center Pivot Sprinkler System Evaluation. p. 97-102. In Proceedings of the 4th National Irrigation Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Heermann, D.F.  (2000) Current research and future directions in precision irrigation.  Western Precision Agriculture Conf., Pasco, WA.

Heermann, D.F., J. Hoeting, H.R. Duke, D.G. Westfall, G.W. Buchleiter, P. Westra, F.B. Peairs, and K. Fleming.  (2000)  Irrigated Precision Farming for Corn Production.  p. I-144 - I-151,   In Proc. Second International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Heermann, D.F., H.R. Duke, G.W. Buchleiter, D.G. Westfall, K. Fleming, B.D. Bosley, P. Westra, F.B. Peairs.  (2000)  Multidisciplinary study of irrigated precision farming.  5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Bloomington, MN.

Heermann, D.F. (2000) where we have been, what we have learned and where we are going. p. 40-51.  In Proceedings of the 4th National Irrigation Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Heermann, D.F. and T.L. Spofford. (2000) Center Pivot Sprinkler System Evaluation. p. 97-102.  In Proceedings of the 4th National Irrigation Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Heermann, D.F.  (2000) Current research and future directions in precision irrigation.  Western Precision Agriculture Conf., Pasco, WA.

Heermann, D.F., J. Hoeting, H.R. Duke, D.G. Westfall, G.W. Buchleiter, P. Westra, F.B. Peairs, and K. Fleming.  (2000)  Irrigated Precision Farming for Corn Production.  p. I-144 - I-151,   In Proc. Second International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Lake Buena Vista, Florida.

Heermann, D.F., H.R. Duke, G.W. Buchleiter, D.G. Westfall, K. Fleming, B.D. Bosley, P. Westra, F.B. Peairs.  (2000)  Multidisciplinary study of irrigated precision farming.  5th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, Bloomington, MN.

Heermann, D.F. (2000) Where we have been, what we have learned and where we are going. p. 40-51.  In Proceedings of the 4th National Irrigation Symposium, Phoenix, AZ.

Johnson, David H., Shaner, Dale L., Deane, James, Mackersie, Lorraine A., and Tuxhorn, Gary. (2000).  Time dependent adsorption of imazethapyr to soil. Weed Science  48:769-775.

Shaner, D.L. (2000) The impact of glyphosate-tolerant crops on the use of other herbicides and on resistance management.  Pest. Sci. 56: 320-326.

Sadler, E. J., R. G. Evans, G. W. Buchleiter, B. A. King, C. R. Camp.  2000.  Design Considerations for Site Specific Irrigation.  In Proc. of National Irrigation Symposium: The 4th Decennial Symposium.  ASAE Publication 701P0004. pp. 304-315.

Schneider A. D., G. Buchleiter, D.C. Kincaid.  2000. LEPA Irrigation Developments.  In Proc. of National Irrigation Symposium: The 4th Decennial Symposium.  ASAE Publication 701P0004. pp. 89-96.


Bausch, W.C, M.A. Dickson, J.F. Reid, and T.D. Schleicher.  2001.  Comparison of multispectral analog and imaging systems for assessing plant nitrogen in irrigated corn.  ASAE Paper No. 01-1149. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.  (Mimeo handout)

Bausch, W.C. and Diker, K. 2001. Innovative remote sensing techniques to increase nitrogen use efficiency of corn. Communication in Soil Science Plant Analysis, 32(7&8), 1371-1390.

Bausch, W., K. Diker, and J. Delgado.  2001.  Proximal sensing of plant nitrogen status in corn to improve nitrogen management.  CSSA C-02 symposium “Using Imaging and Spectral Methods to Quantify Plant Growth and Stress Responses”.  Charlotte, NC.  (Invited paper)

Bausch, W.C. and T.D. Schleicher.  2001.  Remote detection of plant nitrogen status in corn (Zea mays L.) to improve nitrogen management in irrigated agricultural production systems.  In Proc. International Workshop on Spectroscopy Applications in Precision Farming, pp. 35-38.  IKB-Durnast, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany.  (Invited paper)

Buchleiter, G.W., and H.J. Farahani. 2001. Use of electrical conductivity for mapping soils. In Proc. Central Plains Irrigation Short Course and Exposition. Kearney, NE.

Buchleiter, G. W., H. J. Farahani, G. Bartlett. 2001.  Evaluation of Low-Volume Chemical Application System.  ASAE Paper 012164. Sacramento, CA.   (mimeo handout)

Diker, K., W.C. Bausch, and D.F. Heermann.  2001.  Monitoring temporal changes of irrigated corn by aerial images.  ASAE Paper No. 01-1144. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.  (Mimeo handout)

Farahani, H.J., and G.W. Buchleiter. 2001. Low volume chemical application system. In Proc. Central Plains Irrigation Short Course and Exposition. Kearney, NE.

Farahani, H.J., and G.W. Buchleiter. 2001. Modeling spatial distribution of agricultural chemicals using the AccuPulse system. ASAE Paper No. 012022. St. Joseph, MI.: ASAE.

Heermann, D.F.  (2001)  Multi‑disciplinary study of irrigated precision farming. Presented to The First National Soil Science Congress. Lisbon, Portugal.

Heermann, D.F., J. Hoeting, S.E. Thompson, H.R. Duke, D.G. Westfall, G.W. Buchleiter, P. Westra, F.B. Peairs, and K. Fleming.  (2001) Interdisciplinary irrigated precision farming research. Approved for publication in Journal of Precision Agriculture, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA. USA.

Heermann, D.F., G.W. Buchleiter, and M. Brodahl. (2001) Maize yield and plant population interactions and aggregation within a large irrigated field. Approved for publication in Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montpellier, France.

Heermann, D.F.  (2001)  Multi‑Disciplinary Study Of Irrigated Precision Farming. Proceedings of The First National Soil Science Congress. Lisbon, Portugal.

Heermann, D.F., G.W. Buchleiter, and M. Brodahl. (2001) Maize yield and plant population interactions and aggregation within a large irrigated field. Approved for publication in Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montpellier, France.

Heermann, D.F.  (2001)  Multi‑disciplinary study of irrigated precision farming. Presented to The Frist National Soil Science Congress. Lisbon, Portugal.

Heermann, D.F., J. Hoeting, S.E. Thompson, H.R. Duke, D.G. Westfall, G.W. Buchleiter, P. Westra, F.B. Peairs, and K. Fleming.  (2001) Interdisciplinary irrigated precision farming research. Approved for publication in Journal of Precision Agriculture, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA. USA.

Heermann, D.F., G.W. Buchleiter, and M. Brodahl. (2001) Maize yield and plant population interactions and aggregation within a large irrigated field. Approved for publication in Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montpellier, France.

Heermann, D.F.  (2001)  Multi‑disciplinary study of irrigated precision farming. Presented to The Frist National Soil Science Congress. Lisbon, Portugal.

Heermann, D.F., J. Hoeting, S.E. Thompson, H.R. Duke, D.G. Westfall, G.W. Buchleiter, P. Westra, F.B. Peairs, and K. Fleming.  (2001) Interdisciplinary irrigated precision farming research. Approved for publication in Journal of Precision Agriculture, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA. USA.

Heermann, D.F., G.W. Buchleiter, and M. Brodahl. (2001) Maize yield and plant population interactions and aggregation within a large irrigated field. Approved for publication in Proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Montpellier, France.

Kolberg, R.L and L.J. Wiles. 2001. Effect of steam/hot water application on weeds and weed seeds.  Weed Technol. 16:43-49.

Powles, Stephen B., and Shaner, Dale L., (2001) Herbicide resistance and world grains. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.  308p.

Schleicher, T.D, W.C. Bausch, J. Delgado, and P. Ayers.  2001.  Evaluation and refinement of the Nitrogen Reflectance Index (NRI) for site-specific fertilizer management. ASAE Paper No. 01-1151. St. Joseph, MI: ASAE.  (Mimeo handout)


Bausch, Walter.  2002.  Remote sensing in agriculture using radiometers.  From the Ground Up. Agronomy News. 22(5): 9-11.  (Extension newletter)

Bausch, W., J. Delgado, H. Farahani, and G. Buchleiter.  2002.  Soil nitrogen estimation from corn canopy reflectance and soil electrical conductivity.  In P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust, and W.E. Larson (eds.)  Proc. of the 6th Intern. Conf. on Precision Agriculture. CD-ROM. Minneapolis, MN: ASA, CSSA, SSSA.  (Conference proceedings)

Bausch, Walter C. and Kenan Diker.  2002.  Fertilizer sense.  Resource. 9(5): 11-12. (Popular magazine)

Buchleiter, G.W., and H. J. Farahani. 2002. Comparison of electrical conductivity measurements from two different sensing technologies. ASAE Paper No. 021056. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASAE.

Canner, S. and L. Wiles. 2002.  Weed production parameters may be estimated from crop yield loss.  Weed Sci. 50:763-777.

Delgado, J.A., W. Colon, W. Bausch, D. Wright, D. Westfall, M. Dillon, A. Thompson-Johns, M. Shaffer, K. Thompson, H. Duke, R. Follett and L. Olivieri.  2002.  Use of innovative tools to increase nitrogen use efficiency and protect environmental quality for temperate and tropical regions.  Stormwater 3: 48-56.

Diker K., G.W. Buchleiter, H.J. Farahani, D.F. Heermann, and M.K. Brodahl.  2002.  Frequency Analysis of Yield for Delineating Management Zones. In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Precision Agriculture, July 14-17, 2002 Minneapolis, MN sponsored by ASA/CSSA/SSSA., PPI, CoSSRM.

Diker, K., D.F. Heermann, W.C. Bausch, and K.D. Wright.  (2002)  Relationship between yield monitor and remotely sensed data for corn. ASAE International Meeting/ CIGR XVth World Congress . Chicago, IL. July 2002, ASAE Paper No. 02-1164.

Farahani, H. J., and G. W. Buchleiter. 2002. Practical utility of bulk soil electrical conductivity. In Proc. of the 23rd Annual International Irrigation Show and Conference, Understanding and Addressing Conservation and Recycled Water Irrigation. CDROM. New Orleans, LA.: The Irrigation Association.

Farahani, H.J. 2002. Soil electrical conductivity of agricultural fields. In Sensors in Agriculture, Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Newsletter, Vol. 22, Iss. 5

Farahani, H.J. 2002. Electrical conductivity spots salty soils. USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Agricultural Research 50(12):18

Heermann, D. F. and G. W. Buchleiter.  Challenges for precision agriculture with irrigation.  ASAE International Meeting/CIGR XVth World Congress. Chicago, IL. July 2002, ASAE Paper No. 0203086.

Heermann, D. F., J Hoeting, S. E. Thompson, H. R. Duke, D. G. Westfall, G. W. Buchleiter, P. Westra, F. B. Peairs, and K. Fleming 2002,  Interdisciplinary irrigated precision farming research.  Precision Agriculture., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 3, 47-61.

Heermann, D.F. The promise of precision agriculture.  Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World. 2002, Vol.9  No.7: 6-8.

Heermann, D. F. and G. W. Buchleiter.  Challenges for precision agriculture with irrigation.  ASAE International Meeting/CIGR XVth World Congress. Chicago, IL. July 2002, ASAE Paper No. 0203086.

Heermann, D.F.  (2002) The Promise of Precision Agriculture.  Resource: Engineering & Technology for a Sustainable World.  Vol.9  No.7: 6-8.

Peterson, G.A., H.J. Farahani, and D.G. Westfall. 2002. Managing your precipitation wisely with crop rotations. In Proc. of the Colorado Conservation Tillage Association 14th Annual Conference, 71-77. Greeley, CO.

Szynskie, J., I. Broner, W. Bausch, and D. Westfall.  2002.  Developing agronomic parameter estimations from remote sensing data.  Final Report.  Astrium Space, Earth Observation Division.  (Research report for funding agency)

Wiles, L.J. and E.E. Schweizer. 2002. Spatial dependence of weed seed banks and strategies for sampling.  Weed Sci. 50:595-606

Wilkerson, G.G., L.J. Wiles and A. Bennett. 2002. Weed management decision models: pitfalls, perceptions, and possibilities.  Weed Sci. 50:411-424. (Invited paper for the 50th anniversary of Weed Science)

Wyse-Pester, D.Y., L.J. Wiles and P. Westra. 2002. Infestation and Spatial Dependence of Weed Seedling Populations in Corn Fields. Weed Sci. 50:54-63

Wyse-Pester, D.Y., L.J. Wiles and P. Westra. 2002. The potential for mapping nematode infestations. J. of Nematology  34:80-87


Barnes, E.M., K.A. Sudduth, J.W. Hummel, S.M. Lesch, D.L. Corwin, C. Yang, C.S. Daughtry, and W.C. Bausch.  2003.  Remote- and ground-based sensor techniques to map soil properties. Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens. 69(6): 619-630.

Bausch, W.C. and J.A. Delgado.  2003.  Ground-based sensing of plant nitrogen status in irrigated corn to improve nitrogen management.  In T. VanToai, D. Major, M. McDonald, J. Schepers, and L. Tarpley (eds.)  Digital Imaging and Spectral Techniques: Applications to Precision Agriculture and Crop Physiology.  pp. 145-157. ASA Spec. Publ. 66. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Bausch, W.C. and J.A. Delgado.  2003.  In-season N Management for Irrigated Corn using Optical Sensors - Effects on Soil N.  In Annual Meeting Abstracts.  CD-ROM. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Nov. 2-6, 2003. Denver, CO.  (Abstract)

Broner, I., W.C. Bausch, and D. Westfall.  2003.  Decision support for crop management using remote sensing.  Albacete Envirowater2003 Conf. “Land and Water Use Planning and Management”. Albacete, SPAIN.  (Conference proceedings)

Diker, K. and Bausch, W.C. 2003. Potential use of nitrogen reflectance index to estimate plant variables and yield of corn. Biosystems Engineering, 85(4), 437-447.

Diker, K. and Bausch, W.C. 2003. Radiometric field measurements of maize for estimating soil and plant nitrogen. Biosystems Engineering, 86(4), 411-420.

Diker, K., Heermann, D.F. and Buchleiter, G.W.  2003. Analysis of multi year yield data for delineating yield response zones. ASAE International Meeting. Las Vegas, NV, USA. Paper # 03-1086.

Farahani, H.J., R. Khosla, and G.W. Buchleiter. 2003. Field EC Mapping: A New Tool to Make better Decisions. Fact Sheet: Colorado State University Cooperative Extension, Fact Sheet No. 0.568

Heermann, D.F. (2003) A Reflection on Irrigation Changes.  15th Annual Central Plains Irrigation Conference & Exposition Proceedings, Colby Kansas. p. 16-28.

Heermann, D.F., F. Lamm (2003) History of CPIR.  15th Annual Central Plains Irrigation Conference & Exposition Proceedings, Colby Kansas. p. 29-36.

Heermann. D.F., K. Diker, G.W. Buchleiter and M.K. Brodahl (2003) The value of additional data to locate potential management zones in commercial corn fields under center pivot irrigation. In: J. Stafford, J. Warner (eds.) Proceedings of 4th  European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Berlin, Germany.  p. 279-284.

Kitchen N. R., S.T. Drummond, E.D. Lund, K. A. Sudduth, G. W. Buchleiter. 2003.  Soil electrical conductivity and other soil and landscape properties related to yield for three contrasting soil and crop systems. Agronomy Journal (Accepted for publication Nov 7, 2002)

McCutcheon, M.C., H.J. Farahani, J.D. Stednick, G. Buchleiter, and T. Green. 2003. Spatial relations between soil electrical conductivity and soil water content, texture, and chemistry. In Proc. Hydrology Days, CD-ROM. J.A. Ramirez, ed., Fort Collins, CO.: Colorado State University.

Moran, S., G. Fitzgerald, A. Rango, C. Walthall, E. Barnes, W. Bausch, T. Clarke, C. Daughtry, J. Everitt, D. Escobar, J. Hatfield, K. Havstad, T. Jackson, N. Kitchen, W. Kustas, M. McGuire, P. Pinter, Jr., K. Sudduth, J. Schepers, T. Schmugge, P. Starks, and D. Upchurch.  2003.  Sensor development and radiometric correction for agricultural applications.  Photogramm. Eng. Remote Sens. 69(6): 705-718.

Ozcan, H., Cetin, M. and Diker, K. 2003. Monitoring and assessment of land use status by GIS. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 87(1), 33-45.

Schleicher, T.D., W.C. Bausch, and J.A. Delgado.  2003.  Low ground cover filtering to improve reliability of the Nitrogen Reflectance Index (NRI) for corn N status classification.  Trans. of the ASAE. 46(6): 1701-1711

Shaner, D.L., 2003.  Herbicide safety relative to common targets in plants and mammals.  Pest Management Science. 60:17-24.

Shaner, D.L.  2003 Imidazolinone herbicides In Encyclopedia of Agrochemicals J. Plimmer (Ed.) John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp.769-784.

Westfall, D.G., W.J. Gangloff, R. Khosla, R.M. Reich, A. Hornung, D.F. Heermann, H.J. Farahani, and K. Fleming. 2003. Development of production level management zones for nitrogen fertilization. In Program book of the joint conference of ECPA- ECPLF, 141-142. A. Werner and A. Jarfe, eds. The Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers.


Bausch W.C.  2004.  Comparison of multi-spectral analog and imaging systems for assessing plant nitrogen status in irrigated corn.  In A.J. Schlegel (ed.)  Great Plains Soil Fertility Conf. Proceedings, Vol. 10.  pp. 85-91.  Denver, CO.  (Conference proceedings)

Bausch, W.C., K. Diker, J.F. Paris, and R. Khosla.  2004.  Estimating plant nitrogen status in irrigated corn using ground-based and satellite data.  In Proc. of the 7th Intern. Conf. on Precision Agriculture.  CD-ROM. Minneapolis, MN: ASA, CSSA, SSSA.  (Conference proceedings)

Bausch, W.C., K. Diker, R. Khosla, and J.F. Paris.  2004.  Estimating corn nitrogen status using ground-based and satellite multispectral data.  In W. Gao and D.R. Shaw (eds.)  Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability, Proceedings of SPIE. Vol 5544: 489-498. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.  (Conference proceedings)

Claypool, D., H.J. Farahani, K. Belden, and L. Munn. 2004. Modern tools help establish a new agricultural research and extension center. Reflections. College of Agriculture, University of Wyoming, Laramie, June 2004:55-56

Claypool, D., H.J. Farahani, K. Belden, and L. Munn. 2004. Precision agriculture technology to plan and manage a new research and extension center. In Proc. Seventh International Conference on Precision Agriculture and Other Precision Resources Management, July 25-28, Minneapolis, MN.

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