BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

France Local time: 06:57 PM

Services for U.S. Companies


Market Information

Country Commercial Guide

The U.S. Commercial Service in France prepares a yearly report on France to give businesses a comprehensive understanding of the social, political, economic, industrial, and business climates.

Market Research Briefs

The U.S. Commercial Service has briefs covering all the major markets in France that may be of interest to U.S. firms.

Industry Sector Analyses

Flexible Market Research

Identification of competitive (both local and other foreign) technologies, products or services, and suppliers/producers of a given product or service in the market.
DELIVERY: To be determined by Post and U.S. client
COST: Complete estimate provided in Scope of Work.
For more information, send email to

Product-specific list of companies that could serve as potential agents/distributors. This service consists of two options:

  • "NON-VERIFIED CONTACT LIST" selected from local databases to include company name, address, phone, fax, contact name, title and principal activity.
  • "VERIFIED CONTACT LISTS" via telephone campaign will provide the specific contact name, company address and specific sub-sector activity of interest to the U.S. client.

DELIVERY: To be determined by Post and U.S. client
For more information, send email to

Information on duties, taxes, quotas, non-tariff barriers and local trade regulations that may affect the marketing of a specific product or service.
DELIVERY: To be determined by Post and U.S. client
For more information, send email to

Information on market size/demand for a particular product or service
DELIVERY: To be determined by Post and U.S. client
For more information, send email to

Evaluation of market potential for a particular product or service based upon general market trends, industry sources, and import statistics. The reports include expected significant developments likely to have an impact on market prospects, such as major new investments or projects, government programs, policy changes, new legislation, etc.
DELIVERY: To be determined by Post and U.S. client
For more information, send email to

Information on the general regulatory environment and legislation governing the marketing of products or services in a given sector.
DELIVERY: To be determined by Post and U.S. client
For more information, send email to

Identification of usual sales channels for marketing a specific product or service in a given market
DELIVERY: To be determined by Post and U.S. client
For more information, send email to

Information on standards and required registration procedures as they pertain to a particular product or service.
DELIVERY: To be determined by Post and U.S. client
For more information, send email

Commercial Partner Searches

International Partner Search (IPS)

The International Partner Search (IPS) assists U.S. firms in obtaining interested and qualified overseas representatives, agents, or distributors for their services or products. The IPS promotes U.S. exports by helping U.S. firms gain effective representation abroad. In each target market, the post conducts a personalized search to select the most promising prospects for the U.S. firm. The post initially screens the possible agents, distributors, joint venture partners, manufacturer's representatives, franchisees, or licensees, then directly contacts the top prospects to review the U.S. firm's product line and marketing objectives. A typical IPS report identifies up to five qualified, reputable and interested prospects. The report gives each prospect's: name, addresses; including e-mail and Web site contacts of prospective overseas representatives - name and title of the key contact at each overseas company; ·- telephone/fax/email numbers for each overseas contact - each prospect's opinion on the market for the client's product or service and the projected success of an agreement - licensing arrangement or joint venture - preferred language for correspondence - in-country sector specialist's opinion on the contact(s) level of interest and suitability; · as requested by the U.S. client - other marketing information, such as size or number of years in business, for each
DELIVERY*: 6 months to a year, defined with the U.S. Client.

*NOTE: If Commercial Service France determines that it will not be able to complete the IPS in 30 working days or less , it will notify the respective domestic office and propose an alternative solution at no additional fee.These additional services will consist of initiating, organizing and participating in follow-up phone conference meetings with the U.S. company, the selected prospective partners and CS France. We will ask the USEAC to let us know if this is something that is acceptable to the U.S. client.

The full program of the service provided would be as follows:

  1. Study of information in order to understand client product/technology and objectives.
  2. Phone or video-conference session with client and USEAC Trade Specialist (Q&As with client to answer questions and obtain more detailed information) (2-3 days after receipt of IPS request).
  3. Work on targeting effort to determine potential in French market (identify experts, multipliers, search databases, and other sources of information)
  4. Call or meet experts or contacts to seek information, exchange ideas and develop partner search strategy.
  5. Write an introductory letter containing information on company, products and objectives.
  6. Phone/mail/fax information to prospects.
  7. Send complete set of documentation to prospects having expressed interest.
  8. Follow-up with those that have the most interesting profiles but may not have responded.
  9. Follow-up and interview with those that asked for documentation.
  10. Phone conference to provide intermediary report to client (3 weeks).
  11. Writing, approval and sending of Final IPS report (5 weeks).
  12. Phone or video-conference debriefing with client with the participation of USEAC Trade Specialist (2-3 days after final report delivery) Follow-up phone conference meetings.
  13. Organization and initiation of three-party phone conference meeting among U.S. Client / best French prospects / post trade specialist (this phase should take place less than a week after debriefing to client on IPS final report).(6 weeks).
  14. Phone or video-conference final debriefing with client and USEAC Trade Specialist to discuss pending results, follow-up, actual visit to Europe, and otherwise...(7 weeks) Delivery time: 5 weeks from date of receiving complete request including documentation + one/two weeks for phone meetings and close-up.
    For more information, send email to or fill out the following IPS pre-registration

Gold Key Matching Service (GKS)

A bilingual CS France Trade Specialist will identify and contact qualified French prospects, potential agents, distributors or other partners. Commercial Service France will schedule appointments and accompany client to appointments in the Paris area ( on an as needed basis). Client will bear transportation costs to the company sites. For time and cost efficiency, appointments with prospect companies located outside of Paris or Commercial Service France locations might be scheduled in the offices of CS Paris. The Embassy can also assist in making hotel reservations. The Gold Key Service provides four meetings per day.
DELIVERY: 7-9 weeks advance scheduling required. 35-45 business days.
For more information, send email to or fill out the following Gold Key pre-registration

Scheduling of no more than two appointments in 48-hour turn-around time with already identified organization COST:
DELIVERY: 15 days for one company, upon post availability - variable for multiple companies at the same time.
For more information, send email to

With each and every French firm that has been identified in a search for partners in connection with an IPS, Gold Key Service or U.S. Pavilion at trade event organized/managed by a CS office: - Written status report on the results of the follow-up with recommendations on the next steps to take in developing or concluding an agreement with a partner in the market.
DELIVERY: 15 days for one company, upon post availability - variable for multiple companies at the same time.
For more information, send email to

Follow-ip Meetings Scheduling

Face to face or virtual meetings between already identified parties and with the assistance of post industry specialist
DELIVERY: 15 days.
Credit card payment or check payable to Department of Commerce in USD only.
For more information, send email to

Video Gold Key Matching Service

Available at CS Paris, the Video Gold Key is intended to provide clients an opportunity to conduct initial interviews with prospective business partners prior to visiting a country, to obtain feedback regarding the market for their product, and as a result, to use their time in-country more efficiently and effectively. The Video Gold Key is not normally intended to substitute for a country visit, although there have been cases where a company made significant strides toward closing a deal and even made sales prior to visiting as a result of a Video Gold Key. The Video Gold Key is implemented exactly like a regular Gold Key, with the exception that the in-country portion is conducted as a videoconference. Posts will endeavor to provide 4 high quality appointments according to the profile provided by the U.S. client. Videoconference appointments will be scheduled at the convenience of all parties, and they need not all be on the same day. Each appointment will be for one hour unless otherwise requested by the client. In the event of a "no-show" on the foreign side, at least one attempt will be made to reschedule the meeting. The name Video Gold Key takes advantage of identification with our best known and most successful brand, the Gold Key. The term already has been in widespread use to describe pilot efforts. For anyone familiar with our Gold Key, the name is almost self-descriptive and therefore easier to immediately grasp and to explain to clients.
DELIVERY: 5 weeks upon receipt of product literature and payment.
COST: Research & preparation per video appointment Clients will be requested to pre-pay for 4 video appointments. In the event that fewer appointments are arranged or take place, the client will have credit for one or more follow-up videoconferences. For example, if only three hours of line-time are used, the client will have credit for an additional one-hour follow-up meeting.
For more information, send email to

Platinium Key Service (PKS)

Customized support services on a range of issues in which the U.S. client needs long-term sustained assistance. CS France will work in close coordination with the USEAC and the U.S. client to identify specific requirements, which will constitute the "scope of work" for the services provided, and establish a timeframe for completion of the services. The services may be composed of a combination of CS services as well as outsourced services (advertising campaign, trade show, acquisition of market research available on the market, etc throughout a period of 6 months to a year (or more).
DELIVERY: 6 months to a year upon specifications defined with the U.S. client
COST:  Variable upon scope of work.
For more information, send email to

The Commercial Service will provide customized service via an extensive promotional campaign to locate potential Master Franchisees. This service is customized to the franchise sector, to effectively identify the appropriate potential candidates for a master franchise. It combines a direct mailing and advertising campaign to professional magazines (franchising magazines, industry sector magazines, and business/economic magazines). Research: 3 months research (includes mailings to industry sector companies, other related sectors, Embassy contacts and multipliers). The Commercial Service will counsel clients on the most appropriate press media to use. Prices of ads vary depending on the press medium, its notoriety and circulation.
DELIVERY: 7-9 weeks advance scheduling required.
COST: Package for three industry sectors -
For more information, send email to e-mail:


Franchise Yearly Promotion Service

The Commercial Service will promote a specific franchise concept all year long using its contacts with the press, local multipliers, any inquiries from potential Master Franchisees and The Commercial Service Paris Web site. The Commercial Service will provide the client with any leads received and will forward any press articles published. Ultimately, the Commercial Service will act as a PR firm for the client.
DELIVERY: Set up 4- 5 weeks upon receipt of order or payment.
COST: For more information, send email to

Single Company Promotion

Organization of promotional events to launch U.S. products/services in the French market. This could include conferences, seminars, press conferences, lunches, cocktail receptions, and dinners, organized at elegant and prestigious U.S. Embassy facilities.

DELIVERY: To be detremined by Post and U.S. Client.

COSTS Indicative): - Turn key cocktail reception at the Embassy for 100 guests, including invitation, response follow-up, guest list, catering, flower decoration - Turn key lunch or dinner reception at the Embassy for 50 guests, including invitation, response follow-up, guest list, catering, flower decoration - Turn key breakfast presentation for 20 business contacts in a nice hotel, including invitation, response follow-up, hotel catering expenses.

Will be quoted upon application.
For more information, send email to

Customized Mailing Service to Launch a U.S. product/service

A promotional mailing would be made on Embassy/Commercial Service letterhead to announce the introduction to the local market by a local distributor and/or U.S. company of a new American product or service. The mailing would contain a presentation of the products, prices and the address of the French distributor. This could also be combined with the "Single Company Promotion" organized on Embassy/Consulate premises.
DELIVERY: 4- 5 weeks.
COST: Variable according to extent and nature of mailing.
For more information, send email to

Business Service Provider - CS France Web Site Company Promotion

Dedicated space for 12 months on CS France's web site where U.S. Small-to-Medium-Sized Entreprises (SMEs) can promote their products and services. Options include: - Company Name - Logo - Brief description of your company - Brief decription of the services offered - Contact Person - Link to an E-mail address and web-site -. Cost $ 300 . For additional fee of $ 150 you can be listed under a specific industry on our sector pages if you have a specialization.
For more information, send email to

Dedicated space for 12 months on CS France's web site for U.S. businesses providing export related services(e.g. freight forwarders, export financing sources, etc). Options include: - Company Name - Logo - Brief description of your company - Brief decription of the services offered - Contact Person - Link to an E-mail address and web-site -. Cost $ 300. For additional fee of $ 150 you can be listed under a specific industry on our sector pages if you have a specialization.
For more information, send email to


Customized Logistical Services (CLS)

Customized preparation and execution of logistics and related support (except those that fall under Single Company Promotions/hospitality functions), such as support to U.S. Pavilion organizers at trade shows, to include lounge management and sponsorship management. The CLS also includes specialized programs provided upon request to the Pavilion organizer, such as official delegation visit management, recruitment and hiring of non-Commercial Service personnel to work with the U.S. industry participants, and provision of technical support to exhibitors on behalf of the U.S. Pavilion organizer. Other requests for customized logistical support will also be considered by Post, upon request by the client.

Delivery: 2 weeks
COST:  Complete estimate provided in a scope of work. Delivery to be determined by Post and U.S. client.
For more information, send email to

Credit Information Service for French Company (CISFC)

Search made through local credit information database provider.
$100 per company credit information and $40 per company when attached to other CS France services such as Gold Key, International Partner Search, Trade Mission, Matchmakers, etc.
For more information, send email to

Export Control Counseling

Expert advice and information available on export license regulations, requirements and procedures as well as assistance in expediting issuance of licenses in bona-fide emergencies.
DELIVERY: 2-3 days
COST: None
For more information, send email to

Commercial News USA

Commercial News USA (CNUSA) is an official publication of the United States Department of Commerce. CNUSA is an American Export catalog-magazine that promotes U.S. products and services to more than 150 countries:
For more information, send email to

Documents to Order

Credit Card Order Form

Participation Agreement

The U. S. Department of Commerce disclaims any and all liability that may result from any temporary disruption of service or inability to access a U.S. Commercial Service web site. The U.S. Commercial Service will endeavor to restore service and correct such problems as soon as practicable. Anyone contemplating entering into a business relationship or making decisions based on the content of this web site should perform independent due diligence before making a final decision.