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U.S. Department
of Transportation

Federal Transit

July 9, 2007
400 Seventh St.. S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20590


Dear Colleague:

I am pleased to enclose a new Federal Transit Administration (FTA) publication entitled Security and Emergency Management Technical Assistance for the Top 50 Transit Agencies Final Report.

Between May 2002 and July 2006, FTA provided on-site technical assistance to the Top 50 transit agencies through its Security and Emergency Management Technical Assistance Program (SEMTAP). This Top 50 SEMTAP Final Report includes the program background and scope, methodology used, findings and results gathered during technical assistance visits, and a description of the next generation technical assistance program.

The purpose and scope of FTA's Top 50 SEMTAP included a review of the transit agency's environment for security and emergency management; recommendations to improve security documents; and methods to enhance security and emergency management procedures, training, and counter-terrorism tools. In addition, the Top 50 SEMTAP provided technical assistance for planning, conducting and critiquing emergency tabletop exercises and drills; provided sample materials for security briefings and public awareness campaigns; and addressed needs on conducting threat and vulnerability assessments.

The Top 50 SEMTAP Final Report provides industry observations gleaned through the on-site assessments conducted at the 50 transit agencies. It also describes how guidance products developed for individual transit agencies were expanded into industry-wide products, such as immediate actions for frontline transit employees and threat level protective measures.

The final chapter of the report describes the transitional process to FTA's next generation SEMTAP, including the application of a "Maturity Model" to help identify and prioritize the next set of "gap products" intended to fill industry needs.

For your convenience, additional copies of this final report are available for downloading at FTA's Safety and Security website:


In support of U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Mary E. Peters' leadership position that "despite the progress we have made, transportation safety and security are a greater concern than ever before," FTA will, in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security, continue to provide industry guidance for improving our Nation's transit security and emergency management. Your responses and ideas, as our work continues for safe and secure transit, are greatly valued.


signature:  James S. Simpson
James S. Simpson

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