BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

U.S. Mission to the European Union

MR-99 / Remedies in Procurement


Public authorities in the European Union spend around €1500 billion annually, or 16% of GDP on public purchases. The EU Public Procurement Directives ensure that contracts are awarded in an open, fair and transparent manner, allowing domestic and non-domestic firms to compete for business. When there are violations of the EU Public Procurement Directives, the Remedies Directives should guarantee that wronged parties have access to quick means of redress. US companies responding to public procurement calls for tender may find the need to get expert advice on actions to take in case of suspicion of infringement or blatant procurement malpractice. This report outlines some of the remedies put in place by EU legislators and national administrations, and useful networks destined to help bidders who feel they have been discriminated against.