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Trade Shows featuring more than 35,000 product lines in lighting and Home decoration & accent

Trade Shows featuring more than 35,000 product lines in lighting and Home decoration & accent / Dallas Market Center

Product Description: Dallas Market Center looks for international distributors, retail store owners, and store buyers in the following categories: lighting, home furnishings, gifts, decorative accessories, garden, floral, wall décor, area rugs, textiles, fashion accessories, and women's, men's and children's apparel.

In DMC; the largest wholesale merchandise resource in the world, retailers from around the globe find more than 35,000 lines of products under one roof. In our international trade shows buyers can find any existing item in almost any product category.

Dallas Market Center covers part of the travel expenses to qualified buyers who visit our Trade Shows.

2008 Trade Shows Information:

Product URL:

Company: [External link]Dallas Market Center — Dallas, TX

Objective: We are looking for international distributors, retail store owners and store buyers to attend our Dallas Market Center shows as buyers.

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