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All Agents >> Biotoxins >> ABRIN >> Additional Sampling and Analysis Information

Additional Sampling and Analysis Information
Biotoxin: ABRIN

References are provided for the convenience of the reader and do not imply endorsement by NIOSH.

    No references were identified for this sampling matrix for this agent.

    No references were identified for this sampling matrix for this agent.

    No references were identified for this sampling matrix for this agent.

    Herrmann MS, Behnke WD [1980]. Physical studies on three lectins from the seeds of Abrus precatorius. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)—Protein Structure 621(1):43-52.

    Herrmann MS, Behnke WD [1981]. A characterization of abrin a from the seeds of the Abrus precatorius plant. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)—Protein Structure 667(2):397-410.

    Nambiar MP, Wu HC [1995]. Ilimaquinone inhibits the cytotoxicities of ricin, diphtheria toxin, and other protein toxins in vero cell. Exp Cell Res 219(2):671-678.

    Olsnes S [1976].Abrin and ricin: structure and mechanism of action of two toxic lectins (Bull Inst Pasteur 74:85–99). Toxicon 15(2):175.

    Singh S, Singh DK [1999]. Molluscicidal activity of Abrus precatorius linn. and Argemone mexicana linn. Chemosphere 38(14):3319-3328.

    No references were identified for this sampling matrix for this agent.

Page last updated:August 22, 2008
Page last reviewed:August 1, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Education and Information Division