U.S. Geological Survey       National Strong-Motion Program




Publications by current and past USGS strong-motion staff are grouped below by first author. Reports where NSMP staff are not first or second author may not be listed. Publications available online have bold blue/purple text (hyperlink).   Abbreviations used: USGS = U.S. Geological Survey, OF = Open-File Report, BSSA = Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, ed = editor.

This page was last updated on November 17, 2006.


A - [back to top]

Acosta, A.V., and Johnson, D.A., 1989, Strong-motion data from the Pasadena, California earthquake of December 3, 1988, USGS OF 898-203, 57 p.

Acosta, A.V., Nielson, J., and Switzer, J., 1988, Strong-motion data from the Whittier Narrows aftershock of February 11, 1988, USGS OF 88-357, 27 p.

Andrews, M.C., Dietel, C., Noce, T., Sembera, E., and Bicknell, J., Digital Seismograms of the Superstition Hills, California, Aftershock Sequence: November 24 to December 8, 1987, USGS OF 88-700, 154 p.

Archuleta, R.J., Joyner, W.B., and Boore, D.M., A methodology for predicting ground motion at specific sites, in Brabb, E. E. (ed), Progress on seismic zonation in the San Francisco Bay region, USGS Circular 807, p. 26-36.

Atkinson, G.M., and Boore, D.M., 1987, On the MN, M relation for eastern North American earthquakes, in Seismological Research Letters, v. 58, p. 119-124.

_____1990, Recent trends in ground motion and spectral response relations in North America, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 6, p. 15-35.

_____1990, New ground motion relations for eastern North America, in BSSA, v. 85, p. 17-30.

_____1997, Some comparisons between recent ground-motion relations, in Seismological Research Letters, v. 68, no. 1, p. 24-40.

_____1997, Stochastic point-source modeling of ground motions in the Cascadia Region, in Seismological Research Letters, v. 68, no. 1, p. 74-85.

_____1998, Evaluation of models for earthquake source spectra in eastern North America, in BSSA, v. 88, p. 917-934. (abstract)

_____2003, Empirical ground-motion relations for subduction zone earthquakes and their application to Cascadia and other regions, in BSSA, v. 93, no. 4, p. 1703-1729 (PDF format, 892 Kb)

Atkinson, G.M., Boore, D.M., and Boatwright, J., l997, Comment on 'Earthquake source spectra in eastern North America', by R. Haddon, in BSSA, v. 87, p. 1697-1702. (abstract)

B - [back to top]

Basili, M. and Brady, A.G., 1978, Low frequency filtering and the selection of limits for accelerogram corrections in Proc. 6th European Conf. on Earthquake Engineering, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia.

Boatwright, J., 1985, Characteristics of the aftershock sequence of the Borah Peak, Idaho, earthquake determined from digital recordings of the events, in Stein, R.S. and Bucknam, R.C. (eds),  Proceedings of Workshop XXVIII On the Borah Peak, Idaho, Earthquake Volume A Convened under Auspices of National Earthquake Prediction and Hazard Programs 3 - 6 October 1984, USGS OF 85-290, p. 311-344.

Boatwright, J., and Boore, D.M., 1975, A simplification in the calculation of motions near a propagation dislocation, in BSSA, v. 65, p. 133-138.

Boatwright, J., and Boore, D.M., 1982, Analysis of the ground accelerations radiated by the 1980 Livermore Valley earthquakes for directivity and dynamic source characteristics, in BSSA, v. 72, no. 6, part A, p. 1843-1865.

Boatwright, J., Seekins, L.C., Fumal, T.E., Liu, H-P, and Mueller, C.S., 1991, Ground motion amplification in the Marina District, in BSSA, v.81, p. 1980-1997.

Bonamassa, O., Dietel, C., Glassmoyer, G., Mueller, C., Noce, T., Sena, J., Sembera, E., and Spudich, P., 1988, Digital recording of aftershocks of the October 1, 1987, Whittier Narrows earthquake [abs.]: EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 69, p. 262.

Boore, D.M., 1972, A note on the effect of simple tomography on seismic SH waves, in BSSA, v. 62, no. 1, p. 275-284.

Boore, D.M., 1969, Observations of the 1968 southern Illinois earthquake, reported in "SEISMOLOGICAL NOTES-November and December, 1968", in BSSA, v. 59, 1429--1430 (47Kb)

Boore, D.M., 1973, The effect of simple topography on seismic waves: Implications for the accelerations recorded at Pacoima Dam, San Fernando Valley, California, in BSSA, v. 63, no. 5, p. 1603-1609.

Boore, D.M., 1977, Strong-motion recordings of the California earthquake of April 18, 1906, in BSSA, v. 67, no. 3, p. 561-577.

Boore, D.M., 1980, On the attenuation of peak velocity, in Proceedings of the World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 7th, v. 2, p. 577-584.

Boore, D.M., 1982, The properties and prediction of strong ground motion, in Datta, S.K., ed., Earthquake ground motion and its effects on structures, in American Society Mechanical Engineers, AMD, v. 53, p. 3-20.

Boore, D.M., 1983, Strong-motion seismology, in James, D.E. (ed), U.S. national report to IUGG 1979-1982, Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics, v. 21, no. 6, p. 1308-1318.

Boore, D.M., 1983, Stochastic simulation of high-frequency ground motions based on seismological models of the radiated spectra, in BSSA, v. 73, no. 6. part A, p. 1865-1894.

Boore, D.M., 1984, Use of seismoscope records to determine ML and peak velocities, in BSSA, v. 74, no. 1, p. 315-324.

Boore, D.M., 1986, Prediction of ground-motion and spectral response parameters in eastern North America [abs.], in Earthquake Notes, v. 57, p. 28.

Boore, D.M., 1986, The effects of finite bandwidth on seismic scaling relationships, in Earthquake Source Mechanics, Geophysical Monograph 37, Maurice Ewing 6, American Geophysical Union, p. 275-283.

Boore, D.M., 1986, Prediction of strong ground motion, in Brown, III, W.M., Kockelman, W.J., and Ziony, J.I., eds., Proceedings of Conference XXXII; Workshop on future directions in evaluating earthquake hazards of southern California: USGS OF 86-401, p. 189-201.

Boore, D.M., 1986, Short-period P- and S-wave radiation from large earthquakes: Implications for spectral scaling relations, in BSSA, v. 76, no. 1, p. 43-64.

Boore, D.M., 1987, The estimation of ground shaking caused by earthquakes, in Canadian Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 5th, Ottawa, Canada, July 1987, Proceedings, p. 27-38.

Boore, D.M., 1987, Notes on the prediction of ground motion and response spectra at hard- rock sites in eastern North America, in Proceedings of workshop on strong ground motion predictions in eastern North America: Electric Power Research Institute, NP-5875, p. 16.1 - 16.16.

Boore, D.M., 1987, The prediction of strong ground motion, in Erdik, M.O., and Toksoz, M.N., eds., Strong ground motion seismology: Dordrecht, D. Reidel Publishing Company, p. 109-141.

Boore, D.M., 1987, Quantitative ground motion estimates, in Proceedings of Symposium on Seismic Hazards, Ground Motions, Soil Liquefaction and Engineering Practice in North America: NCEER Technical Report 87-0025, p. 248-258.

Boore, D.M., 1987, Stochastic prediction of ground motion and spectral response parameters in eastern North America, in BSSA, v. 77, no. 2, p. 440-467.

Boore, D.M., 1988, Spectral scaling of the 1985 Nahanni, Northwest Territories earthquakes [abs.], in Seismological Research Letters, v. 59, no. 1, p. 45.

Boore, D.M., 1989, The Richter Scale; its development and use for determining earthquake source parameters, in Tectonophysics, v. 166, p. 1-14.

Boore, D.M., 1989, Spectral scaling of the 1985-1988 Nahanni, Northwest Territories, earthquakes, in BSSA, v. 79, no. 6, p. 1736-17611.

Boore, D.M., 1989, Quantitative ground-motion estimates, in Jacob, K.H, and Turkstra, C.J. (eds), earthquake hazards and the design of constructed facilities in the Eastern United States, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 558, p. 81-94.

Boore, D.M., 1989, Spectral scaling of the 1985-1988 Nahanni, Northwest Territories, earthquakes: A further look [abs.], in Seismological Research Letters, v. 60, p. 75.

Boore, D.M., 1990, Recent trends in ground motion and spectral response relations for North America: Earthquake Spectra, v. 6, no. 1, p. 15-35.

Boore, D.M., 1992, Source spectra for the 1988 Saguenay, Quebec, earthquakes, in BSSA , v. 82, no. 2, p. 683-719.

Boore, D.M., 1996, SMSIM, Fortran programs for simulating ground motions from earthquakes; version 1.0, USGS OF 96-80-A, 73 p.

Boore, D.M., 1996, SSMSIM, Fortran programs for simulating ground motions from earthquakes; version 1.0, USGS OF 96-80-B, One 3 1/2 inch DS/HD IBM compatible computer diskette.

Boore, D.M., 1997, Analysis of earthquake recordings obtained from the seafloor earthquake measurement system (SEMS) instruments deployed off the coast of southern California: USGS OF 97-733, 242 p.

Boore, D.M., 1997, Estimates of spectral amplitudes at FOAKE sites, Appendix C in: Bandyopadhyay, K.K., Kana, D.D., Kennedy, R.P., and Schiff, A.J., An evaluation of methodology for seismic qualification of equipment, cable trays and ducts in ALWR plants by use of experience data: Nucleatory Regulatory Commission/CR-6464 and BNL-NUREG-52500, p. C-1 - C-69.)

Boore, D.M., 1999, Basin waves on a sea-floor recording near Long Beach, California, from the 1990 Upland earthquake: implications for ground motion from a larger earthquake, in BSSA, v. 89, p. 317-324. (abstract)

Boore, D.M., 2001, Effect of baseline corrections on displacements and response spectra for several recordings of the 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan, earthquake, in BSSA, v. 91, no. 5, p. 1199 - 1211. (PDF format, 1.2 Mb)

Boore, D.M., 2001, Comparisons of ground motions from the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake with empirical predictions largely based on data from California, in BSSA, v. 91, no. 5, p. 1212 -1217.  (PDF format, 236 Kb)

Boore, D.M., 2003, Simulation of ground motion using the stochastic method, in Pure and Applied Geophysics, v. 160, p. 635--675, (PDF format 2.6 Mb)

Boore, D.M., 2003, Some notes on phase derivatives and simulating strong ground motions, in BSSA, v. 93, no. 3, p. 1132-1143, (PDF format, 1.3 Mb)

Boore, D.M., 2003, Analog-to-digital conversion as a source of drifts in displacements derived from digital recordings of ground acceleration, in BSSA, v. 93, no. 5, p. 2017-2024, (PDF format, 336 Kb)

Boore, D.M., 2003, A compendium of P- and S-wave velocities from surface-to-borehole logging:  Summary and reanalysis of previously published data and analysis of unpublished data, USGS OF 03-191, 14 p.. (PDF format, 165 Kb)

Boore, D.M., Aki, K., and Todd, T., 1971, A two-dimensional dislocation model for a strike-slip fault, in BSSA, v. 61, p. 177 - 194.

Boore, D.M, and Akkar, S., 2003, Effect of causal and acausal filters on elastic and inelastic response spectra, in Earthquake Eng. and Structural Dynamics, v. 32, p. 1729-1748 (PDF format, 2.0 Mb)

Boore, D.M., and Atkinson, G.M., 1986, Prediction of ground-motion and spectral response parameters in eastern North America [abs.]: Earthquake Notes, v. 57, p. 28.

_____1987, Stochastic prediction of ground motion and spectral response parameters at hard-rock sites in eastern North America, in BSSA, v. 77, no. 2, p. 440 - 467.

_____1989, Spectral scaling of the 1985-1988 Nahanni, Northwest Territories, earthquakes: A further look [abs.], in Seismological Research Letters, v. 59, p. 45.

_____1989, Spectral scaling of the 1985 to 1988 Nahanni, Northwest Territories, earthquakes, in BSSA, v. 79, no. 5, p. 1736-1761.

_____1992, Source spectra for the 1988 Saguenay, Quebec, earthquakes, in BSSA, v. 82, no. 2, p. 683-719.

Boore, D.M., and Boatwright, J., 1984, Average body-wave radiation coefficients, in BSSA, v. 74, no. 5, p. 1615-1621.

Boore, D.M., and Brown, L.T., 1998, Comparing shear-wave velocity profiles from inversion of surface-wave phase velocities with down-hole mesurements: Systematic differences between the CXW method and downhole measurements at six USC strong-motion sites, in Seismological Research Letters, v. 69, no.3 , p. 222-229.

_____1998, Erratum: Comparing Shear-wave Velocity Profiles from Inversion of Surface-wave Phase Velocities with Downhole Measurements: Systematic Differences between the CXW Method and Downhole Measurements at Six USC Strong-motion Sites. Correction of Figure 5, Seismological Research Letters, v. 69, p. 406.

Boore, DM., and Dunbar, W.S., 1977, Effect of the free surface on calculated stress drops, in BSSA, v. 67, no. 6, p. 1661-1664.

Boore, D.M., and Fletcher, J.B., 1982, Preliminary study of selected aftershocks from digital acceleration and velocity recordings, in The Imperial Valley, California, earthquake of October 15, 1979, USGS Professional Paper 1254, P. 109-118.

Boore, D.M., Harmsen, S.C., and Harding, S.T., 1981, Wave scattering from a step change in surface topography, in BSSA, v. 71, no. 1, p. 117-125.

Boore, D.M.; Hseih, L.L.; Iwan, W.D.; Peng, K.Z.; and Teng, T.L., 1982, USA-PRC cooperative project on strong ground motion: US-PRC Bilateral Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Harbin, China, Proceedings, 1-A - A-1-12.

Boore, D.M., and Hutton, D., 1987, The ML scale in southern California, in BSSA, v. 77, no. 6, p. 2,074-2,094.

Boore, D.M. and Joyner, W.B., 1978, The influence of rupture incoherence on seismic directivity, in BSSA, v. 68, no. 2, p. 283-300.

_____1982, The empirical prediction of ground motion, in BSSA, v. 72, no. 1, p. 43-60.

_____1983, Ground motions and response spectra at soil sites from seismological models or radiated spectra, in Hays, W.W., ed., Proceedings of Conference XXII; A workshop on "Site Specific Effects of Soil and Rock on Ground Motion and the Implications for Earthquake-Resistant Design": USGS OF 83-845, p. 261-279.

_____1984, A note on the use of random vibration theory to predict peak amplitudes of transient signals, in BSSA, v. 74, no. 5, p. 2,035-2,039.

_____1984, Prediction of high frequency strong ground motion, in International Workshop on Earthquake Engineering, Shangai, China, March, v. 1, p. A-1-3-1 -- A-3-17.

_____1984, Ground motions and response spectra at soil sites from seismological models of radiated spectra, ground motion and seismicity, in Proceedings of the World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, v. 8, no. 2, p. 457-464.

_____1986, Prediction of earthquake ground motion at periods of interest for base-isolated structures, in Proceedings of a seminar and workshop on base isolation and passive energy dissipation, ATC-17: Redwood City, Calif., Applied Technology Council, p. 355-370.

_____1989, The effect of directivity on the stress parameter determined from ground motion observations, in BSSA, v. 79, no. 6, p. 1984-1988.

_____1990, Preliminary analysis of peak accelerations: Earthquake SPECTRA, supplement to v. 6, p. 50-58.

_____1991, Estimation of ground motion at deep soil sites in eastern North America, in BSSA, v. 81, no. 6, p. 2167-2185.

_____1996, Site amplification for generic rock sites: Bulletin of the Seismoloical Society of America, v. 87, no. 2, p. 327-341.

_____1997, Site amplifications for generic rock sites, in BSSA, v. 87, no. 2, p. 327-341. (abstract)

Boore, D.M., Joyner, W.B., and Fumal, T.E., 1993, Estimation of response spectra and peak accelerations from western North American earthquakes: An interim report: USGS OF 93-509, 72 p.

_____1994, Estimation of response spectra and peak accelerations from western North American earthquakes: An interim report; Part two: USGS OF 94- 127, 40 p.

_____1997, Equations for estimating horizontal response spectra and peak acceleration from western North America earthquakes: A Summary of recent work (with 2005 erratum), in Seismological Research Letters, v. 68, no. 1, p. 128-153. (PDF format, 2.1 Mb).

_____1997, Site amplifications for generic rock sites, in BSSA, v. 87, no. 2, p. 327-341.

Boore, D.M., Joyner, W.B., Oliver, A.A., and Page, R.A., 1978, Estimation of ground motion parameters, USGS Circular 795, 43 p.

_____1980, Peak acceleration, velocity, and displacement from strong-motion records, in BSSA, v. 70, no. 1, p. 305-321.

Boore, D.M., Joyner, W.B., and Wennerberg, L., 1992, Fitting the stochastic model to observed response spectra in western North America: Tradeoffs between and , in BSSA, v. 82, no. 4, p. 1956-1963.

Boore, D.M., Lindh, A.G., McEvilly, T.V., and Tolmachoff, W.W., 1975, A search for travel-time changes associated with the Parkfield, California, earthquake of 1966, in BSSA, v. 65, p. 1407 - 1418.

Boore, D.M., Lindh, A.G., Tucker, B.E., Shakal, A.F., and McJunkin, R.D., 1983, Some studies concerning site response: Part I, Preliminary analysis of Parkfield array recordings of the Coalinga earthquake; Part 2, Stability of empirical estimates of site response, in Hays, W.W. (ed.), Proceedings of Conference XXII; A workshop on "site-specific effects of soil and rock on ground motion and the implications for earthquake-resistant design", in USGS OF 83-845, p. 144-166.

Boore, D.M., and McCann, Jr., M., 1983, Variability in ground motions: Room mean square acceleration for the 1971 San Fernando, California, earthquake, in BSSA, v. 73, no. 2, p. 615-632.

Boore, D.M., Oliver, A.A., III, Page, R.A., and Joyner, W.B., 1978, Estimation of ground motion parameters, USGS OF 78-509, 146 p.

Boore, D.M., and Page, R.A., 1972, Accelerations near faults that have moved during moderate-sized earthquakes, USGS OF 72-43, 12 p.

Boore, D.M., and Porcella, R.L., 1980, Peak acceleration from strong-motion records: A postscript, in BSSA, v. 70, p. 2295-2297.

_____1982, Peak horizontal ground motions from the main shock; comparision with data from previous earthquakes, in The Imperial Valley, California, Earthquake of October 15, 1979: USGS Professional Paper 1254, p. 439-441.

Boore, D.M., Peng, K., Xie, L., Li, S., Iwan, W.D., and Teng, T.L., 1985, The near-source strong-motion accelerograms recorded by an experimental array in Tangshan, China: Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, v. 38, p. 92-l09.

Boore, D.M., Seekins, L., and Joyner, W.B., 1989, Peak accelerations from the 17 October 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, in Seismological Research Letters, v. 60, no. 4 p. 151-166.

Boore, D.M. and Smith, C.E., 1999, Analysis of earthquake recordings obtained from the Seafloor Earthquake Measurement System (SEMS) instruments deployed off the coast of southern California, in BSSA, v. 89, p. 260-274. (abstract)

Boore, D.M., Stephens, C.D., and Joyner, W.B., 2002, Comments on baseline correction of digital strong-motion data: Examples from the 1999 Hector Mine, California, earthquake, in BSSA, v. 70, p. 1543-1560. PDF format (1.8 Mb)

Boore, D.M., and Stierman, D.J., 1976, Source parameters of the Pt. Mugu, California, earthquake of February 21, 1973, in BSSA, v. 66, no. 2, p. 385-404.

Boore, D.M., and Zoback, M.D., 1974, Near-field motions from kinematic models of propagating faults, in BSSA, v. 64, no. 2, p. 321-342.

_____1974, Two-dimensional kinematic fault modeling of the Pacoima Dam strong-motion recordings of the February 9, 1971, San Fernando earthquake, in BSSA, v. 64, no. 3, p. 555-570.

Borcherdt, R.D., 1970, Effects of local geology on ground motion near San Francisco Bay, in BSSA, v. 60, p. 29-61.

_____1977, Reflection and refraction of type-II S waves in elastic and anelastic media, in BSSA, v. 67, no. 1, p. 43-67.

_____1983, On recent advances in strong-motion data acquisition capabilities: World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 8th, San Francisco, Calif., v. 2, p. 63-70.

_____1984, On anaelastic-earth structure and seismic waves: Workshop on Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Earthquake Engineering Applications, Los Altos, Calif., Publ. No. 85-02, 27-1, p. 18.

_____1986, Characteristics of anaelastic reflection-refraction coefficients with implications for calculation of synthetic seismograms: Indo-U.S. Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research, New Delhi, India, Jan. 19-23, 1987, Proceedings, v. 1, p. IV, p. 65-75.

_____1987, Application of LSI technology to field digital data acquisition systems for wind and earthquake engineering: Workshop on Field Data Acquisition Systems, Raleigh, North Carolina, April 13-14, 1987.

_____1988, Volumetric strain in relation to particle displacements for body and surface waves in a general viscoelastic half-space: Geophysical Journal, v. 93, p. 215-228.

_____ed., 1989, Results and data from seismologic and geologic studies following earthquakes of December 7, 1988, near Spitak, Armenia, S.S.R.: USGS OF 89-163A, B, C, D. E, 196 p. (Part of a multi-volume publication, v. II-V being data sets OFR 89-169B, 89-163C, 89-163D, 89-163E).

_____1990, Influence of local geology in the San Francisco Bay region, California on ground motions generated by the Loma Prieta earthquake of October 17, 1989: International Symposium on Safety of Urban Life and Facilities, Tokyo, Japan, November 1-2, 1990, Proceedings, p. 1.1 - 1.35.

_____1991, On the observation, characterization, and predictive GIS mapping of strong ground shaking for seismic zonation--A case study in the San Francisco Bay region: Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auklund, New Zealand, November 20-23, 1991, Proceedings, v. 24, p. 287-305; also published in Bulletin of New Zealand National Society of Earthquake Engineering, v. 24, p. 287-305.

_____1992 Book review of "Anatomy of seismograms," by Ota Kulhanek, in Spectra, v. 8, p. 495 - p. 496.

_____1994, Estimates of site-dependent response spectra for design (methodology and justification), in Earthquake Spectra, v. 10, no. 4, p. 617-653.

_____1994, The Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of October 17, 1989: Strong ground motion and ground failure, in Borcherdt, R.D. (ed.), The Loma Prieta, California, earthquake of October 17, 1989: USGS Professional Paper 1551-A, p. A1 - A7.

_____1994, Strong ground motions generated by the Northridge, California earthquake of January 17, 1994: Preliminary implications for site-dependent, earthquake-resistant, design spectra: Joint Japan / United States Seminar on the Northridge, California Earthquake of Jan. 17,1994, Architectural Institute of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Proceedings, p. 83 - p. 114.

_____1997, Future of the US national strong-motion program, USGS Open- File Report 97-530 A,B,C.

_____1997, Spatial ground-motion amplification analysis: Spatial Analysis in Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - Geo-Logan '97 Conference, Geo-Institute, American Society of Civil Engineering, Proceedings, p. 56-69.

_____1997, Spatial ground-motion amplification analyses, in Proc. Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers, p. 56-69.

_____1997, Site Dependent Response Spectra for New and Existing Highway Facilities, Procs. Workshop, NCEER Federal Highway Research Project, San Francisco, CA, May 1997, 42 p.

_____1997, ed., 1997, Executive Summary of visions and options for the future of the US National Strong-Motion Program, The committee for the future of the US National Strong-Motion Program, USGS OF 97-530A, 14 p.

_____1997, ed., 1997, Vision for the future of the US National Strong-Motion Program, The committee for the future of the US National Strong-Motion Program, USGS OF 97-530B, 47 p.

_____1997, ed., 1997, Options for the future of the US National Strong-Motion Program, The committee for the future of the US National Strong-Motion Program, USGS OF 97-530C, 29 p.

Borcherdt, R.D., Anderson, J.G., Crouse, C.B., Donovan, N.C., McEvilly, T.V., and Shakal, T.F., 1984, National planning considerations for the acquisition of strong ground- motion data, in Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Special Publication 84-08, 57 p.

Borcherdt, R.D., Brown, R.B., Page, R.A., Wentworth, C.M., and Hendley II, James W., 1995, Reducing earthquake losses throughout the United States; Seismic maps foster landmark legislation, USGS Fact Sheet 224-95, 2 p.

Borcherdt, R.D., Dietel, C., Glassmoyer, G., Sembera, E. Cranswick, E., Amirbekian, R.; Aharonian, V.; Safarian, K.; Galagian, H.; Hapoian, G.; Mori, J., and Filson, J., 1990, Installation and first results from a dense three- dimensional array at Garni, Armenia [abs.]: EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, v. 71, no. 43, p. 1478.

Borcherdt, R.D., Dietel, C., Sembera, E., Gibbs, J., and Nicholson, C., 1986, Site selection and instrumentation configurations, in Borcherdt, R.D., Preliminary report on aftershock sequence for earthquake of January 31, 1986 near Painesville, Ohio (time period: 2/1/86 - 2/10/86): USGS OF 86-181, p.

Borcherdt, R.D., and Donovan, N.C., 1989, Geosciences, in Loma Prieta earthquake October 17, 1989: Preliminary reconnaissance report: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute Publication 89-03, p. 5-22.

_____1990 Geosciences Summary: Earthquake Spectra, Suppl. v. 6.

Borcherdt, R.D., Fletcher, J.P., Jensen, E.G., Maxwell, G.L., VanSchaak, J.R., Warrick, R.E., Cranswick, E., Johnston, M.J.S., and McClearn, R., 1985. A General Earthquake Observation System (GEOS), in BSSA v. 75,p. 1783-1825

Borcherdt, R.D., and Frankel, A., 1997, Recommendations for EHRP 5-Year Plan, USGS OF No. 97-58, 47 p.

Borcherdt, R.D., Frankel, A., Joyner, W.B., and Bouabid, J., 1997, Vision 2005 for earthquake ground-motion measurement in the United States, Proc. Workshop, Strong Motion Measurement for Public Safety, Committee for the Advancement of Strong Motion Programs, Monterey, CA, April, 1997, in press.

Borcherdt, R.D., and Glassmoyer, G.M., 1986, Characteristics of high-frequency ground motions, in Wesson R.L., and Nicholson, C., eds., Studies of the January 31, 1986 northeastern Ohio earthquake, a report to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: USGS OF 86-331, p. 29-34.

_____1987, On the aftershock sequence of the earthquake of January 31, 1986 in northeastern Ohio; Effects of bandwith and local geology on observed high-frequency ground motion: Earthquake Ground Motion Estimation in Eastern North America, Proceedings, p. 8-42.

_____1988, On the aftershock sequence for the earthquake of January 31, 1986 in northeastern Ohio: effects of bandwidth and local geology on observed high-frequency ground motion: Earthquake Ground Motion Estimation in Eastern North America: Electric Power Research Institute, NP-5875s, p. 8-1 to 8-42.

_____1989, An exact anelastic model for the free-surface reflection of P and S-I waves, in BSSA, v. 79, no. 3, p. 842-859.

_____1990, Local geology and its influence on strong ground motion: National Conference, Loma Prieta Earthquake, One Year Later, Oakland, Calif., October 15-18, 1990, Proceedings, 20 p.

_____1992, On the characteristics of local geology and their influence on ground motions generated by the Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay region, in BSSA, v. 82, no. 2, p. 603-641.

_____1993, Influence of local geology on strong- and weak-ground motions recorded in the San Francisco Bay Region and their implications for site-specific building code provisions, in Borcerdt, R.D., ed., The Loma Prieta California, earthquake of October 17, 1989 -- Strong ground motion: USGS Professional Paper], 1551A, p. A77 - A108.

Borcherdt, R.D., Glassmoyer, G., Andrews, M., and Cranswick, E., 1989, Effect of site conditions on ground motion and damage in Wyllie, Jr., L.A., and Filson, J.R., Armenian earthquake reconnaisssance report: Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Spectra, Special Suppl., p. 23-42.

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Çelebi, M., 1998, Radiation damping observed from recorded seismic responses of buildings: Proc., European Conf. on Earthquake Eng., 11th, Paris, France, September 6-11, 1998.

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Çelebi, M.K., Erdik, M., Mihailov, V., and Apaydin, N. (editors), 2001, Strong-Motion Instrumentation for Civil Engineering Structures, NATO Science Series (E: Applied Sciences-vol. 373), Kluwer Academic Publishers, (ISBN 0-7923-6916-5), 605 p.

Çelebi, M., Gorshkov, A., and Filimonov, M., 1993, Application of pattern recognition method (PRM) to estimate ground motions in San Francisco Peninsula, California,  USGS OF 93-0398, 43 p.

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Çelebi, M., and Lysmer, John, Luco, J.E., 1992, Recommendations for a soil-structure interaction experiment, USGS OF 92-295, 15 p. (PDF format, 1.3 Mb)

Çelebi, M., and McGarr, A., 1991, Site-response at Foster City and San Francisco Airport-Lome Prieta studies, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 5, p. 35-46.

Çelebi, M.; Mueller, Charles; Sembera, E.; Smyth, S.; Gurpinar, A.; and Abbildo, A., 1989, Seismic response of a nuclear test reactor building: International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, 10th, Anaheim, California, August 14-18, 1989, Proceedings, p. 285-290.

Çelebi, M.; Nishenko, Stuart; Astill, Clifford; and Chung, R.M., 1998, Seismic instrumentation of federal buildings; A proposal document for consideration by federal agencies: USGS OF 98-117, 38 p. (PDF format, 1.4 Mb)

Çelebi, M. (Coordinator), Olsen, B. (Chairman), Bush, L., Clark, J., Crosson, R., Grant, P., Halverson, H., Hawkins, N., Hancock, W., Kinsman, T., Maley, R., Noson, L., Pearson, C., and Vasishth, U., 1989, Report on list of structures recommended for seismic instrumentation in the Puget Sound area, Washington, USGS OF 89-374, 61 p.  (PDF format, 4.4 Mb)

Çelebi, M., Page, R.A., and Safak, E., 2003, Monitoring Earthquake Shaking in Buildings to Reduce Loss of Life and Property: USGS Fact Sheet 068-03, 4 p.  

Çelebi, M., Page, R.A., and Seekins, Linda, 1995, Reducing earthquake losses throughout the United States; Building safer structures: USGS Fact Sheet 167-95, 2 p.

Çelebi, M., Phan, L.T., and Marshall, R.D., 1993, Dynamic characteristics of five tall buildings during strong and low-amplitude motions, in The Structural Design of Tall Buildings, v. 2, p. 1-15. (PDF format, 1.2 Mb)

Çelebi, M., Prescott, W., Stein, R., Hudnut, K., Behr, J., and Wilson, S., 1998, GPS monitoring of dynamic behavior of long-period structures, in  Earthquake Spectra (Journal of EERI), v. 15, no. 1, p. 55-66, February 1999.

Çelebi, M., W. Prescott, R. Stein, K. Hudnut, and S. Wilson, 1998, GPS Monitoring of Structures in Real Time, Recent Advances, (Inv. Pap.r) Intl IDNDR Conf. on Early warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasaters, Potsdam, Germany, September 7-11, 1998.

Çelebi, M.; Prince, J; Dietel, C.; Onate, M.; and Chavez, G., 1987, The culprit in Mexico City--amplification of motions: Earthquake Spectra, Journal of EERI, v. 3, no. 2, p. 315-328.

Çelebi, M., and Safak, E., 1991, Seismic response of Transamerica Building - I, Data and preliminary analysis, in Journal of Structural Engineering, v. 117, no. 8, p. 2389-2404.

Çelebi, M.,1992, Seismic response of Pacific Park Plaza - I, Data and preliminary analysis, in Journal of Structural Engineering, v. 118, no. 6, p. 1547-1565.

Çelebi, M., Safak, E., Brady A., Maley, R., and Sotoudeh, Vahid, 1987, Integrated instrumentation plan for assessing the seismic response of structures; a review of the current USGS program, USGS Circular 947, 39 p. (PDF format, 5.4 Mb)

Çelebi, M., Safak, E., and Youssef, N., 1989, Analyses of recorded responses of a unique building in Los Angeles to motions caused by Whittier Narrows, California, earthquake of October 1, 1987, USGS OF 89-542, 74 p.

Çelebi, M., and Sanli, A., 2002, GPS in pioneering dynamic monitoring of long-period structures, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 18, no. 1, p. 47-61. (PDF format, 1.0 Mb)

Çelebi, M., Sanli, A., Gallant, S., and Radulescu, D., 2004, Real-time seismic monitoring needs of a building owner---and the solution:  a cooperative effort, in Earthquake Spectra, v. 20, no. 2, p. 333-346. (PDF format, 10.5 Mb)

Çelebi, M., and Sembera, E., 1985, Preliminary evaluation of performance of structures, in Algermissen, S.T. (ed), Preliminary Report of Investigations of the Central Chile earthquake of March 3, 1985, USGS OF 85-0542, p. 125-179.

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Çelebi, M., Spudich, P.A., and Stauffer, P.H. 1995, Reducing earthquake losses throughout the United States; Saving lives through better design standards: USGS Fact Sheet 176-95, 2 p.

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Seekins, L.C., Wennerberg, L., Margheriti, L., and Liu, H-P., 1996, Site amplification at five locations in San Francisco, California: A comparison of S-waves, codas and microtremors, BSSA, v. 86, no. 3, p. 627-635. (abstract)

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Silverstein, B.L., 1978, Geologic description of selected strong-motion accelerograph sites, USGS OF 78-1005, 43 p.

_____1979, Geologic description of selected strong-motion accelerograph sites, Part II, USGS OF 79-428, 37 p.

_____1979, Geologic description of selected strong-motion accelerograph sites, Part III, USGS OF 79-1619, 38 p.

_____1979, The Santa Barbara earthquake of August 13, 1978; a reconnaissance report, in Porcella, R.L. (ed), Seismic engineering program report, May-August 1978,  USGS Circular 0785-B, p. 7.

_____1980, Geologic description of selected strong-motion accelerograph sites, Part IIII, USGS OF 80-473, 29 p.

_____1980, Geologic description of selected strong-motion accelerograph sites, Part V, USGS OF 80-1140, 32 p.

_____1985, Processed strong-motion records from Monasavu Dam, Fiji; earthquakes of February 13, 14, and 23, 1983, USGS OF 85-0375, 59 p.

_____1985, Processed strong-motion records from the Coalinga, California, aftershock on July 9, 1983 0740 UTC, USGS OF 85-0584, 169 p.

Silverstein, B.L., and Brady, A.G., 1985, Processed strong-motion records from the Coalinga, California, aftershock of July 22, 1983 0239 UTC, USGS OF 85-0250, 231 p.

Silverstein, B.L., Brady, A.G., and Mork, P.N., 1986, Processed strong-motion records from the southern Alaska earthquake of January 1, 1975 0355 GMT, USGS OF 86-0191, 99 p.

_____1986, Processed strong-motion records recorded on Bougainville Island, Papua New Guinea; earthquakes of December 13, 1981 and March 18, 1983, USGS OF 86-0264, 148 p. (Supersedes OF 85-261)

Soydemir, Cetin, and Çelebi, M., 1992, Seismic design of buildings with multi-level basements, in Proceedings of the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, v. 3, p. 1731-1734.

Spudich, P., Boore, D., Borcherdt, R., Brady, A.G., Çelebi, M., Fletcher, J.B., Holzer, T., Joyner, W., Safak, E., and Youd, T.L., 1985, National plan to record earthquake motions on the ground and in man-made structures: Menlo Park, Calif., USGS, 177 p.

Spudich, P., Joyner, W.B., Lindh, G., Boore, D.M., Margaris, B.M. and Fletcher, J.B., 1999, SEA99: A revised ground motion prediction relation for use in extensional tectonic regimes, BSSA, v. 89, no. 5, p. 1156-1170. (abstract) (SEA99 coefficients)

Stauber, D.A., and Boore, D.M., 1978, Crustal thickness in northern Nevada from seismic refraction profiles, in BSSA, v. 68, p. 1049 - 1058.

Swanger, H.J., and Boore, D.M., 1978, Simulation of strong-motion displacements using surface-wave modal superposition, in BSSA, v. 68, no. 4, p. 907 - 922.

Switzer, J., Johnson, D., Maley, R., and Matthiesen, R., 1981, Western Hemisphere Strong-Motion Accelerograph Station List - 1980; USGS OF 81-664, 172 p.

Switzer, J.C., and R.L. Porcella (compilers), 1988, Catalogue of U.S Geological Survey Strong-Motion Records, 1988, USGS Circular 1057, 34 p. (PDF format)

_____1989, Catalogue of U.S Geological Survey Strong-Motion Records, 1989, USGS Circular 1084, 43 p. (PDF format)

_____1990, Catalogue of U.S Geological Survey Strong-Motion Records, 1990, USGS Circular 1093, 30 p. (PDF format)

_____1991, Catalogue of U.S Geological Survey Strong-Motion Records, 1991, USGS Circular 1101, 18 p. (PDF format)

_____1992, Catalogue of U.S Geological Survey Strong-Motion Records, 1992, USGS Circular 1114, 63 p. (PDF format)

_____1993, Catalogue of U.S Geological Survey Strong-Motion Records, 1993, USGS Circular 1121, 14 p. (PDF format)

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T - [back to top]

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U - [back to top]

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_____1975, Seismic Engineering Program Report, January-March, 1975, USGS Circular 717-A, 23 p.

_____1975, Seismic Engineering Program Report, April-June, 1975, USGS Circular 717-B, 12 p.

_____1975, Seismic Engineering Program Report, July-September, 1975, USGS Circular 717-C, 21 p.

_____1975, Seismic Engineering Program Report, October-December, 1975, USGS Circular 717-D, 23 p.

_____1976, Seismic Engineering Program Report, January-March, 1976, USGS Circular 736-A, 23 p.

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V - [back to top]

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W - [back to top]

Warrick, R.E., 1974, Seismic investigation of the San Francisco Bay mud site, in BSSA, v. 64, no. 2, p. 375-385.

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Wesson, R.L., Page, R.A., Boore, D.M., and Yerkes, R.F., The Van Norman reservoirs area, northern San Fernando Valley, California; expectable earthquakes and their ground motions in the Van Norman reservoirs area, USGS Circular 0691-B, 9 p.

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