Judy Prociuk 
September 28, 2002

To Whom it may concern,

Even though I am not a U.S. citizen, I frequently visit the United States and therefore would like to submit my comments on accessible pedestrian signals. I am a blind person living in Canada and very much appreciate the audible component in traffic signals to indicate when the walk light is on and therefore safe to cross the street. I look upon this as an access to information issue. If there is a visual signal to alert sighted pedestrians when to walk or not walk, the same should be true for blind pedestrians. Blind pedestrians should not have to depend on listening for traffic noises or for someone to help them across the street if an accessible signal is not present. In my opinion accessible signals should be at every intersection where a visual signal is present. If blind pedestrians don't need to know when the signal is on, then sighted pedestrians should also be made to rely on other means to determine when to cross a street. I trust my comments will be given some consideration, thank you for your time and attention, respectfully,

Judy Prociuk
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

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