Michael Will. Moran 
October 9, 2002

I am writing to express my strong support for Detectable Warnings and Accessible Pedestrian Signals. 'As an individual who has been totally blind since birth, and as an American with deep concerns for other Human Beings who possess similar impairments, I urge you to adopt and implement the proposed regulations put forth by the Public Rights Of Way Access Committee (prowac).

I consider myself to be a competent, capable, established, independent traveler. In order for me to carry out my current employment duties, it is necessary for me to travel extensively through out the United States and Canada. I use the aid of "The Long Cane" and a Dog Guide, to enhance my orientation and mobility. Traveling freely for a person who is Blind or visually Impaired is a serious under-taking. Those of us who choose to exercise our right of free travel are people blessed with various amounts of talents, skills and abilities.

Warning strips and audible pedestrian signals will be a significant aid to the safety of many visually impaired travelers.

It has been my observation, that other adaptations made to our environment, designed to assist a particular segment of the population, have also benefited a large number of people who were on the fringe or out side the targeted group.

Michael Will. Moran

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