Patty DiTucci
October 28, 2002

1.Have you ever considered universal design for areas of w/c ramps that have truncated domes or using a different texture pavement but having it the same across the country at every intersection as a way for blind or visually impaired individuals to orient themselves correctly for crossing a street? Also the area covered by cross walks should have this same texture as well keeping universal design in mind for all crosswalks across the country in order to make it accessible for people who are blind and visually impaired as well as people who have other disabilities. This could also universally be applied to traffic calming roundabouts that are circular and are hazardous for all pedestrians who try to cross streets where they are located be they blind or visually impaired or have other disabilities .

2. Another concern I and others have is in apartment buildings and other buildings that there are stairwells that are open and unprotected ( you can walk underneath them and bump your head because your cane has nothing to hit against to give you information to avoid the protruding steps ) A universal design system might be to enclose or wall off these areas with wood and paint them the same color as the sofet and facsia of the particular building for existing buildings that have this problem and build it into the architechtual design of buildings being constructed now and in the future.

3 Using the universal design principal,all existing elevators should be converted to talking so that when a button is pushed it will tell you what floor you are on as the doors open and close. In other words you are making elevators accessible for blind and visually impaired individuals as well as people of all other disabilities. All new buildings should have this included as well. 4. All existing malls and strip centers grocery stores and big chain stores ie Sams, Walmarts, Fast food resturants and any place of business that sits back off the street should have crosswalks or safe zones for pedestrians denoted by universal design through use of truncated domes, // textured cement to safely have blind and visually impaired individuals and individuals with other disabilities safely traverse large parking lots from the bus stops on the street and street corners. This same principal could be applied to all parking lot driveways so that the person can walk straight across to the sidewalk on the other side of the driveway and continue their route. This could universally be implemented in all parking lots and built into new ones. 5. Auditory signals should be standard and part of a universal design system across the country for existing signals and new ones for use by blind and visually impaired individuals. This system would be good for all pedestrians to help them pay attention so they wouldn't try to cross against traffic. 6. Another idea would be to get rid of vehicles of having the ability to turn right on red in all states across the country . The danger of like it is now for vehicles to turn right on red is that most vehicles turn without looking to see if there is a pedestrian trying to cross the street. This is dangerous not only for blind and visually impaired individuals but for all pedestrians.

7. Also that talking maps be located inside all buildings including pertinant information as to where bathrooms, exits, number of floors in a building, where elevators and stairs are located etc. Also restroom design should be included information as well. In a high rise building these maps could be beside the elevator or exit for each floor. This could be a universal design thing again applied to all existing buildings and part of the architectural design for new buildings applied across the country.

8. All ATMS universally designed and implemented nationwide should be talking ones for blind and visually impaired individuals.

9. All bus, train, lightrail,transfer stations airports, government

buildings,churches,museums, libraries, banks, stores, workplaces, schools, hospitals, parks, recreation areas,camping and fishing areas and hike and bike trails should have talking schedule and events boards with earphones and auditory descriptions of restroom design as well as talking maps of each facility and universally designed and implemented nationwide.

10. To have descriptive video of all TV programs cable included as well as movies and plays in theaters and in rental videos available at blockbuster or hollywood video available without cost and become standard as closed captioning or tv or a movie is for everyone - again universally designed, applied nationwide and available on all TV shows, cable included and movies, plays, live theater and rental movies

11 Free directory assistance for all

These are just a few suggestions to help the world become less hazardous, more accessible and inclusive for not only blind and visually impaired individuals but for all adults and children nationwide and eventually worldwide.


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