W. T. Armantrout
October 28, 2002

I write in hopes that you will stop the spending of these audible devices. I have seen the blind population travel safely about for many years. The training they possess is equal to none that I have seen. The way they use their long white canes and instruct their guide dogs is one to be admired.

These skills are not miracle phenomena, but training and practiced skills acquired by competent travel instruction.

Just four years ago I would not have believed it. The reason I do today is because my wife became blind four years ago and has since been trained and practices her cane skills daily. She is extremely active in the community because she is able to use her cane and audible environmental clues that give her the freedom to go about freely and independently; allowing her to be a full participant to society.

Training to the blind be it with a long white cane or a guide dog is the key to safe travel. I, myself, have taken some cane travel lessons. It is not rocket science to use one's common sense, audible ENVIRONMENTAL clues, and practice after acquiring safe and efficient travel skills.

Please do not let our financial burden be added yet the expense of these useless devices. Please, instead, if the funds must be spent, use them for travel skills training to the blind. Remember: no matter how many audible devices there are, a blind person will not travel unless they feel safe. Safety means training, let's put our money where it will do most good.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

W. T. Armantrout

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