Robert M. Burke, Jr. September 8, 2002

I would like you to pass the PROWAC Report and send it to the Federal Register for final comment.

Early one morning in November, 1998, my brother was going to work at the New York City Industries For the Blind. Some how he slipped off the platform and had to go to the hospital. While in the hospital he died of a heart attack.
Unfortunately there was no detectible warning strip on the edge of the platform to tell him that he was at the end of the platform and might be falling onto the tracks.
Just maybe if there  had been detectible warning strips at the end of the platform he might be alive today.
So please pass the PROWAC Report so that detectible warning strips might be permanent fixtures on edges of subway platforms to save lives of people with limited vision or no vision alive.
Cordially yours
Robert M. Burke, Jr.
Old Dominion council Of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Charlottesville, Va 


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