Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Photo Information

`A`a flow on Pulama pali, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
Photograph by C. Heliker on January 13, 2000
This aerial view is looking north toward the Royal Gardens subdivision (note roads in distance) built on the Pulama pali. The gray area spreading from left to right consists of pahoehoe flows that reached the base of the pali on December 14, 1999, and the Royal Gardens private access road on 11 January 2000 (note 90° turn in road, lower left). By the end of January, the flow had covered 1.3 km of road. This is status quo for the access road, which was last paved with lava in January 1998; its predecessors form numerous strata in the flow field beneath it.

The dark area beneath the recent pahoehoe flows consist of lava flows erupted from Kupaianaha between 1989 and 1991.

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Updated: 18 May 2000