Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Photo Information

Vents active for first time in Puka Nui on south flank of Pu`u `O`o, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
Photograph by J. Kauahikaua on September 25, 1999
Aerial view is northwest toward Puka Nui, on the south flank of Pu`u `O`o cone (right side of photo). Lava appeared for the first time in Puka Nui on September 23, building a small spatter cone near the center of the pit (visible in center of crater) and covering about half the crater floor with lava. Two days later, a second spatter cone became active against the wall of the cone (visible in lower right of crater)  and fed flows that paved most of the crater floor not covered on the 23rd.

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Updated: 18 May 2000