The U.S. Census Bureau

Census Acquisition Information

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Request for Information (RFI)
2010 Census Communications Campaign Evaluation

The following Request for Information (RFI) is issued solely for Market Research purposes. It does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a commitment to issue a Request for Proposal by the U.S. Census Bureau. The Census Bureau is not accepting offers at this time nor will the information provided be evaluated or considered as an offer. This RFI does not commit the Census Bureau to contract for any supply or service whatsoever. The Census Bureau is not responsible for any administrative cost incurred by a contractor in response to this RFI.


The following questions are intended to assist the Census Bureau to learn more about the services available in the industry for evaluating the 2010 Census Communications Campaign.

The Census Bureau welcomes information from all individuals and concerns.

Although answers to these questions are optional, the Census Bureau will appreciate and encourages vendors to submit responses based on their knowledge, experience and expertise conducting evaluations of national communications campaigns. Responses shall be submitted no later than 2:00 PM EST on Friday, January 18, 2008.

All respondents to this announcement are encouraged to submit information regarding their insight, capability, and estimated cost to provide the referenced services for the evaluation of the Census 2010 communication campaign. All information provided will be kept confidential and will be utilized for market research purposes directly related to the potential acquisition of the services described in this Request for Information.

Based on the information provided, and as part of its ongoing market research, the Census Bureau may contact individual respondents for additional information.

Contact Information

Company Name:



Contact Person Info:
Phone Number:
Web Site:

Company Information

Type Of Business (mark all that apply)
     Large Business            8(a) certified            HUBZone certified            Small Business
     Small Disadvantaged Business             Woman-Owned Small Business
     Veteran Owned Small Business            Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
On GSA Schedule?
     No          Yes - Contract Number  
Services provided, including language capabilities, principal markets, and geographical areas serviced.
   (Maximum: 500 words)
Example of company's previous experiences evaluating national communications campaigns.
   Include a brief description of the campaign(s) evaluated, targeted audience(s), campaign
   length/period, reach/geographical area(s) covered, and campaign budget; and a description
   of the evaluation's metrics, methods engaged, length, and cost.

   (Maximum: 750 words)

Based on the experiences from the Census 2000 campaign, the Census Bureau is particularly interested in considering new types of evaluation activities - for example, possibly conducting more comprehensive evaluations at the local level, using ethnographic and/or other qualitative methods as well as surveys and other quantitative methods. Another alternative would be to consider a locally-based "case-study" approach that begins to quantify the reach of local and national partner activities or local media relations efforts.

Based on your experience conducting evaluations of national communications campaigns, and taking into consideration all information provided and challenges anticipated regarding the 2010 Census Communications Campaign, please describe:

  1. Creative and valid methods to measure degree of exposure of targeted audiences to the different campaign elements (e.g. paid advertising/media, grass-root efforts, events, public relations).
  2. Potential methods to effectively and accurately measure and distinguish the impact of paid media versus the impact of partnership efforts in mail return rates.
  3. Potential methods to validly measure intent to respond and mail back the Census form. When answering these questions, consider the fact that a wide gap exists between respondents who say they will mail back a Census form versus those who actually do.
  4. Potential methods to effectively measure change in target groups' awareness, understanding or intentions as a result of the communications campaign.
  5. Potential methods to effectively measure actual behavior (% increase in mail response) of targeted populations as a result of the communications campaign.
  6. Potential methods to estimate and measure Return on Investment (ROI) of the paid communications campaign across population segments.
  7. Potential methods to assess the influences on behavior of linguistically isolated households and to make causative connections between communications methods/modes and Census.
  8. Estimated cost for a comprehensive evaluation of the 2010 Census communications campaign, and the rationale for the estimated cost. (Refer to the 2010 Census Communications Campaign SOW for more information regarding the scope of the campaign.)
  9. Any additional information not previously provided that could assist the Census Bureau in their market research.

Respondents are allowed to submit limited ancillary materials such as marketing brochures, spec sheets, and promotional materials. Supporting materials shall be submitted by email to All materials shall be submitted on pdf format, printable on letter-size paper (8.5" x 11").

Source: U.S. Census Bureau
Acquisition Division

Created: 12/21/2007
Last Revised: December 21, 2007