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EVMS reporting: Content and Formatting Requirements

Earned Value Management
Content and Format Requirements


Project performance reports are to include an integrated performance curve graph that depicts the following:

    • Planned costs from project inception through project completion. This is the Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) or Planned Value (PV).

    • Actual expenditures from project inception through the current reporting period. This is the Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) or Actual Cost (AC).

    • The amount of work (expressed in monetary terms) accomplished from project inception through the current reporting period. This is the Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) or Earned Value (EV).

Additionally, performance reports are to include the following Earned Value Management System (EVMS) data:

    • Budget at Completion (BAC); this is the total cost budgeted for the life of the project.

    • Cost Variance (CV); calculated as (BCWP-ACWP or EV-AC).

    • Cost Performance Index (CPI); calculated as (BCWP/ACWP or EV/AC)

    • Estimate at Completion, adjusted for the current CPI; (EAC1); calculated as ((BAC-BCWP)/CPI)+ACWP or ((BAC-EV)/CPI)+AC

    • Variance at Completion, adjusted for the current CPI (VAC1); calculated as (BAC- EAC1)

    • Estimate to Complete, adjusted for the current CPI (ETC1); calculated as (EAC1-ACWP)

    • Schedule Variance (SV); calculated as (BCWP-BCWS or EV-PV)

    • Schedule Performance Index (SPI); calculated as (BCWP/BCWS or EV/PV)

    • Cost/Schedule Index (CSI); calculated as (CPI X SPI)

    • Estimate at Completion, adjusted for both CPI & SPI (EAC2); calculated as ((BAC-BCWP)/CSI)+ACWP or ((BAC-EV)/CSI)+AC

    • Variance at Completion, adjusted for both CPI & SPI (VAC2); calculated as (BAC- EAC2)

    • Estimate to Complete, adjusted for both CPI & SPI (ETC2); calculated as (EAC2-ACWP)

    • Expected Completion Date, based on the current SPI

In addition to the quantitative data listed above, the project performance report must also include a discussion of any cost or schedule variances exceeding 10% (a CPI, SPI or CSI less than 0.90 or greater than 1.10). Please explain the cause(s) of the variance and whether or not you still expect to achieve your performance goals. Also discuss the corrective actions that will be taken to correct the variances, the risk associated with the actions, and how close the planned actions will bring the investment to the original baseline. Define any anticipated need for baseline changes, if any.


Performance reports must be submitted, in either WordPerfect or Microsoft Word, in the format shown on page 3. Submittal of the performance reports must be accomplished by posting the performance report in the resource library of the project’s Exhibit 300 in eCPIC, along with e-mail notification to that the performance report has been submitted.

For those operating units without established Earned Value reporting capability, assistance in the formulation of the integrated performance curve is available on the OITPP website. The Microsoft Excel workbook provided there can be downloaded, and with a minimal amount of customization and data importing, can be used to generate an integrated performance curve in a format acceptable for pasting into WordPerfect or Microsoft Word.

Project Performance Report

<Project Name>

As of <end of period being reported>

Chart of a Project Performance Report Integrated Performance Curve


Budget at Completion:




Cost Variance:




Cost Performance Index:




Estimate at Completion:




Variance at Completion:




Estimate to Complete:




Schedule Variance:




Schedule Performance Index:




Cost/Schedule Index:




Estimate at Completion:




Variance at Completion:




Estimate to Complete:




Expected Completion Date: