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Commerce Computer Security Users's Guide

Accessing IT Security Awareness Course From Commerce Learning Center

Important Note: All pop-up blockers (Windows, Yahoo!, Google, etc.) must be disabled for this course to work.


    1. Using a web browser, link directly into the Commerce Learning Center – Members of OS, ITA, OIG, or NTIA click here All other bureaus should click this link

    2. Enter your Username and Password. Your Username is your primary DOC or operating unit (OU) e-mail address (e.g., as shown in the WebTA Locator information. If you do not have a password and need assistance, please view the contact list (, or if you have forgotten it, click on the “Forgot Password” link. See the below FAQ document for more details.

    3. Click on “2008 IT Security Awareness Course” located in the middle of the page. You will receive a Security Warning window. Click “Yes”.

    4. Click on the link titled “Play this Course". If your system is properly configured, the Skillsoft Course Player will appear. The course will open to the course menu screen. Each course module and associated assessment is summarized on this page. Each assessment must be successfully completed before the course will be marked as “Complete”. The progress indicators to the right indicate your progression through the course.

    5. After successfully completing the course, click the EXIT button at the top right of the screen.

    Note: When you launch the course, if you choose not to run the signed player applet the following message will be displayed. By not accepting to trust the Skillsoft player applet, the course will not be launch. When you close the message box, the Player will exit.

    It is recommended to review the Skillbriefs and Resources page contained within the course menu if this is your first time taking an IT Security course to learn more about the menu options and to learn how to properly navigate through the course.


    • To complete the annual training requirement, you must complete the Commerce IT Security Training and Awareness course. You are encouraged to print the completion certificate and retain a copy for your records.

    • Certificates are available from the “My Transcript” page. For more information, see Frequently Asked Questions below about completing the course.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q. What if I need to leave the course before I am finished?

A. Click the Exit button at the top of the page to place a bookmark in the course. When you return to the course, click the Return to Bookmark button on the Course Menu page.

Q. What do I do if I forget my password?

A. Go to the Commerce Learning Center web page at Click the “Forgot Password” link. Answer the password recovery challenge questions as prompted on the screen. Click the Submit button. Your password will appear on the screen. Click the "Click Here" button to Log In.

Q. What if I forgot my challenge answer?

A. If you cannot remember your challenge answer, you will need to send an email to your bureau Commerce Learning Center Support Contact. A list of support contacts is available at .

Q. How do I verify/update my email address?

A. To verify your email address, please follow the steps below:

- Log on to the webTA application

- From the webTA main menu click Locator info

- Verify that your valid DOC email address is entered into the Email/Internet field
- Save any changes
If you change your email address, it may take up to two weeks to update the CLC.

Q. How do I check to see if my system is properly configured to run the course?

A. To easily determine if your desktop settings meet the minimum system requirement to take the course, please run a browser test using the following test link.

Q. Should I have other applications open when running the course?

A. Occasionally, having other applications open on the desktop can affect course performance. We recommend closing all non-essential applications when playing the course.

Q. How do I know when I've completed the course?

A. The IT Security Training and Awareness course is completed when you’ve reached an average score of 70% on both lesson post-tests. Your overall course score is displayed on the top right of the Course Menu page. When you reach the last page of the course, click the Course Menu button to return to the Course Menu and check your overall course test score, then click Exit to leave the course. Certificates are available from the “My Transcript” page. After you complete the course, an icon will appear in front of the course name in the section titled “Your Courses Completed”. Click this icon to view and print your certificate.

Q. What if I encounter technical issues while trying to access the course?

A. CLC now offers “Live” Desktop Support to all Commerce Employees. For live assistance simply click the “Contact Us” or “Help” link located on any CLC page. At the Support contacts page click the “Live Support” link located in the Other Bureaus section. Type your inquiry in the box located just below the message area and click the “Send” button. Continue the dialog until your issue is resolved. If you need technical assistance outside of standard business hours, please contact technical support at

Q. What if I don’t know what my account information is?

A. Verify email address in WebTA application. If none present, then contact your bureau CLC support contact at:

Q. What if I don’t have a CLC account?

A. Update your email address in WebTA application. This will update the CLC within two weeks. After this period, attempt to access the CLC with the WebTA email address. If you’re still having trouble, you may contact Live Support – available 24 hours a day – 7 days a week at

Q. What if I don’t pass the test?

A. An overall passing score of 70% is required to meet course completion. If you did not successfully answer questions in a given topic, simply retake the section test.

Q. Can I opt out of the course by first taking tests?

A. Yes. While we encourage you to engage in the course material, completion only requires successful completion of the post tests.