NC SM 06/00/2004 Table: Tattnall County, GA, Summary, February 2004 Table 1-1. Summary: Mean hourly earnings(1) and weekly hours by selected characteristics, private industry and State and local government, National Compensation Survey, Tattnall County, GA, February 2004 Total Private industry State and local government Hourly earnings Hourly earnings Hourly earnings Worker and establishment characteristics Mean Mean Mean weekly weekly weekly Relative hours(- Relative hours(- Relative hours(- Mean error(2) 3) Mean error(2) 3) Mean error(2) 3) (percen- (percen- (percen- t) t) t) Total................................................................. $12.64 5.0 38.5 $9.87 6.1 38.7 $13.55 5.6 38.5 Worker characteristics:(4) White-collar occupations(5)......................................... 16.68 9.2 36.6 13.22 6.5 37.4 18.65 11.0 36.1 Professional specialty and technical.............................. 20.59 8.7 33.4 13.75 9.0 35.6 25.39 2.6 31.9 Executive, administrative, and managerial......................... – – – – – – – – – Sales............................................................. – – – – – – – – – Administrative support............................................ 9.29 2.1 39.6 – – – 8.98 3.0 40.0 Blue-collar occupations(5).......................................... – – – – – – – – – Precision production, craft, and repair........................... – – – – – – – – – Machine operators, assemblers, and inspectors....................................................... – – – – – – – – – Transportation and material moving................................ – – – – – – – – – Handlers, equipment cleaners, helpers, and laborers..................................................... – – – – – – – – – Service occupations(5).............................................. 11.42 2.7 39.3 – – – 11.99 1.0 39.2 Full time........................................................... 12.73 4.8 40.0 9.82 6.4 39.9 13.68 5.1 40.0 Part time........................................................... 10.15 17.6 20.1 10.76 16.7 25.6 9.82 26.0 18.0 Nonunion............................................................ 12.64 5.0 38.5 9.87 6.1 38.7 13.55 5.6 38.5 Time................................................................ 12.64 5.0 38.5 9.87 6.1 38.7 13.55 5.6 38.5 Establishment characteristics: Goods producing..................................................... (6) (6) (6) – – – (6) (6) (6) Service producing................................................... (6) (6) (6) 9.99 6.6 38.6 (6) (6) (6) 50-99 workers(7).................................................... 11.22 7.3 34.1 10.77 10.1 35.5 – – – 100-499 workers..................................................... 9.69 5.7 38.4 9.68 6.3 39.5 – – – 500 workers or more................................................. – – – – – – – – – 1 Earnings are the straight-time hourly wages or salaries paid to employees. They include incentive pay, cost-of-living adjustments, and hazard pay. Excluded are premium pay for overtime, vacations, and holidays; nonproduction bonuses; and tips. The mean is computed by totaling the pay of all workers and dividing by the number of workers, weighted by hours. 2 The relative standard error (RSE) is the standard error expressed as a percent of the estimate. It can be used to calculate a "confidence interval" around a sample estimate. For more information about RSEs, see appendix A. 3 Mean weekly hours are the hours an employee is scheduled to work in a week, exclusive of overtime. 4 Employees are classified as working either a full-time or a part-time schedule based on the definition used by each establishment. Union workers are those whose wages are determined through collective bargaining. Wages of time workers are based solely on hourly rate or salary; incentive workers are those whose wages are at least partially based on productivity payments such as piece rates, commissions, and production bonuses. 5 A classification system including about 480 individual occupations is used to cover all workers in the civilian economy. See appendix B for more information. 6 Classification of establishments into goods-producing and service-producing industries applies to private industry only. 7 Establishments classified with 50-99 workers may contain establishments with fewer than 50 due to staff reductions between survey sampling and collection. NOTE: Dashes indicate that no data were reported or that data did not meet publication criteria.