108th CD Census 2000 TIGER/Line(R) Files Technical Documentation Chapter 6: Data Dictionary Record Type 1 - Complete Chain Basic Data Record Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number TLID No R N 6 15 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Permanent Record Number SIDE1 Yes R N 16 16 1 Single-Side Source Code SOURCE Yes L A 17 17 1 Linear Segment Source Code FEDIRP Yes L A 18 19 2 Feature Direction, Prefix FENAME Yes L A 20 49 30 Feature Name FETYPE Yes L A 50 53 4 Feature Type FEDIRS Yes L A 54 55 2 Feature Direction, Suffix CFCC Yes L A 56 58 3 Census Feature Class Code FRADDL Yes R A 59 69 11 Start Address, Left TOADDL Yes R A 70 80 11 End Address, Left FRADDR Yes R A 81 91 11 Start Address, Right TOADDR Yes R A 92 102 11 End Address, Right FRIADDL Yes L A 103 103 1 Start Imputed Address Flag, Left TOIADDL Yes L A 104 104 1 End Imputed Address Flag, Left FRIADDR Yes L A 105 105 1 Start Imputed Address Flag, Right TOIADDR Yes L A 106 106 1 End Imputed Address Flag, Right ZIPL Yes L N 107 111 5 ZIP Code(R), Left ZIPR Yes L N 112 116 5 ZIP Code(R), Right AIANHHL Yes L N 117 121 5 FIPS 55 Code (American Indian/ Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land), 2000 Left AIANHHR Yes L N 122 126 5 FIPS 55 Code (American Indian/ Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land), 2000 Right AIHHTLIL Yes L A 127 127 1 American Indian/Hawaiian Home Land Trust Land Indicator, 2000 Left AIHHTLIR Yes L A 128 128 1 American Indian/Hawaiian Home Land Trust Land Indicator, 2000 Right CENSUS1 Yes L A 129 129 1 Census Use 1 CENSUS2 Yes L A 130 130 1 Census Use 2 STATEL Yes L N 131 132 2 FIPS State Code, 2000 Left STATER Yes L N 133 134 2 FIPS State Code, 2000 Right COUNTYL Yes L N 135 137 3 FIPS County Code, 2000 Left COUNTYR Yes L N 138 140 3 FIPS County Code, 2000 Right COUSUBL Yes L N 141 145 5 FIPS 55 Code (County Subdivision), 2000 Left COUSUBR Yes L N 146 150 5 FIPS 55 Code (County Subdivision), 2000 Right SUBMCDL Yes L N 151 155 5 FIPS 55 Code (Subbarrio), 2000 Left SUBMCDR Yes L N 156 160 5 FIPS 55 Code (Subbarrio), 2000 Right PLACEL Yes L N 161 165 5 FIPS 55 Code (Place/CDP), 2000 Left PLACER Yes L N 166 170 5 FIPS 55 Code (Place/CDP), 2000 Right TRACTL Yes L N 171 176 6 Census Tract, 2000 Left TRACTR Yes L N 177 182 6 Census Tract, 2000 Right BLOCKL Yes L N 183 186 4 Census Block Number, 2000 Left BLOCKR Yes L N 187 190 4 Census Block Number, 2000 Right FRLONG No R N 191 200 10 Start Longitude FRLAT No R N 201 209 9 Start Latitude TOLONG No R N 210 219 10 End Longitude TOLAT No R N 220 228 9 End Latitude BV (Blank Value): Yes = Blank value may occur here; No = Blank value should not occur here Fmt: L = Left-justified (numeric fields have leading zeros and may be interpreted as character data) R = Right-justified (numeric fields do not have leading zeros and may be interpreted as integer data) Type: A = Alphanumeric, N = Numeric Record Type 2 - Complete Chain Shape Coordinates Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number TLID No R N 6 15 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Permanent Record Number RTSQ No R N 16 18 3 Record Sequence Number LONG1 No R N 19 28 10 Point 1, Longitude LAT1 No R N 29 37 9 Point 1, Latitude LONG2 Yes R N 38 47 10 Point 2, Longitude LAT2 Yes R N 48 56 9 Point 2, Latitude LONG3 Yes R N 57 66 10 Point 3, Longitude LAT3 Yes R N 67 75 9 Point 3, Latitude LONG4 Yes R N 76 85 10 Point 4, Longitude LAT4 Yes R N 86 94 9 Point 4, Latitude LONG5 Yes R N 95 104 10 Point 5, Longitude LAT5 Yes R N 105 113 9 Point 5, Latitude LONG6 Yes R N 114 123 10 Point 6, Longitude LAT6 Yes R N 124 132 9 Point 6, Latitude LONG7 Yes R N 133 142 10 Point 7, Longitude LAT7 Yes R N 143 151 9 Point 7, Latitude LONG8 Yes R N 152 161 10 Point 8, Longitude LAT8 Yes R N 162 170 9 Point 8, Latitude LONG9 Yes R N 171 180 10 Point 9, Longitude LAT9 Yes R N 181 189 9 Point 9, Latitude LONG10 Yes R N 190 199 10 Point 10, Longitude LAT10 Yes R N 200 208 9 Point 10, Latitude Note: The TIGER/Line(R) files contain a maximum of ten shape coordinates on one record. The number of shape records for a complete chain may be zero, one, or more. Complete chains with zero shape points (a straight line) do not have a Record Type 2. Coordinates have an implied six decimal places. See the Positional Accuracy section in Chapter 5 for more details. Record Type 3 - Complete Chain Geographic Entity Codes Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number TLID No R N 6 15 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Permanent Record Number STATE90L Yes L N 16 17 2 FIPS State Code, 1990 Left STATE90R Yes L N 18 19 2 FIPS State Code, 1990 Right COUNTY90L Yes L N 20 22 3 FIPS County Code, 1990 Left COUNTY90R Yes L N 23 25 3 FIPS County Code, 1990 Right COUSUB90L Yes L N 26 30 5 FIPS 55 Code (County Subdivision), 1990 Left COUSUB90R Yes L N 31 35 5 FIPS 55 Code (County Subdivision), 1990 Right PLACE90L Yes L N 36 40 5 FIPS 55 Code (Place/CDP), 1990 Left PLACE90R Yes L N 41 45 5 FIPS 55 Code (Place/CDP), 1990 Right TRACT90L Yes L N 46 51 6 Census Tract/BNA Code, 1990 Left TRACT90R Yes L N 52 57 6 Census Tract/BNA Code, 1990 Right AIANHHCE90L Yes L N 58 61 4 Census Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land*), 1990 Left AIANHHCE90R Yes L N 62 65 4 Census Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land*), 1990 Right AIHHTLI90L Yes L A 66 66 1 American Indian/Hawaiian Home Land* Trust Land Indicator, 1990 Left AIHHTLI90R Yes L A 67 67 1 American Indian /Hawaiian Home Land* Trust Land Indicator, 1990 Right RS1 Yes L A 68 69 2 Reserved Space 1 BLOCK90L Yes L A 70 73 4 Census Block Number, 1990 Left BLOCK90R Yes L A 74 77 4 Census Block Number, 1990 Right AIANHHCEL Yes L N 78 81 4 Census Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land), 2000 Left AIANHHCER Yes L N 82 85 4 Census Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land*), 2000 Right ANRCL Yes L N 86 90 5 FIPS 55 Code (ANRC), 2000 Left ANRCR Yes L N 91 95 5 FIPS 55 Code (ANRC), 2000 Right AITSCEL Yes L N 96 98 3 Census Code (American Indian Tribal Subdivision), 2000 Left AITSCER Yes L N 99 101 3 Census Code (American Indian Tribal Subdivision), 2000 Right AITSL Yes L N 102 106 5 FIPS 55 Code (American Indian Tribal Subdivision), 2000 Left AITSR Yes L N 107 111 5 FIPS 55 Code (American Indian Tribal Subdivision), 2000 Right * Census 2000 is the first census for which Hawaiian home land data are available from the U.S. Census Bureau. Record Type 4 - Index to Alternate Feature Identifiers Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number TLID No R N 6 15 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Permanent Record Number RTSQ No R N 16 18 3 Record Sequence Number FEAT1 No R N 19 26 8 Line Additional Name Identification Number, First FEAT2 Yes R N 27 34 8 Line Additional Name Identification Number, Second FEAT3 Yes R N 35 42 8 Line Additional Name Identification Number, Third FEAT4 Yes R N 43 50 8 Line Additional Name Identification Number, Fourth FEAT5 Yes R N 51 58 8 Line Additional Name Identification Number, Fifth Record Type 5 - Complete Chain Feature Identifiers Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type FILE No L N 2 6 5 File Code FEAT No R N 7 14 8 Line Name Identification Number FEDIRP Yes L A 15 16 2 Feature Direction, Prefix FENAME Yes L A 17 46 30 Feature Name FETYPE Yes L A 47 50 4 Feature Type FEDIRS Yes L A 51 52 2 Feature Direction, Suffix Record Type 6 - Additional Address Range and ZIP Code(R) Data Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number TLID No R N 6 15 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Permanent Record Number RTSQ No R N 16 18 3 Record Sequence Number FRADDL Yes R A 19 29 11 Start Address, Left TOADDL Yes R A 30 40 11 End Address, Left FRADDR Yes R A 41 51 11 Start Address, Right TOADDR Yes R A 52 62 11 End Address, Right FRIADDL Yes L A 63 63 1 Start Imputed Address Flag, Left TOIADDL Yes L A 64 64 1 End Imputed Address Flag, Left FRIADDR Yes L A 65 65 1 Start Imputed Address Flag, Right TOIADDR Yes L A 66 66 1 End Imputed Address Flag, Right ZIPL Yes L N 67 71 5 ZIP Code(R), Left ZIPR Yes L N 72 76 5 ZIP Code(R), Right Record Type 7 - Landmark Features Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number FILE No L N 6 10 5 File Code LAND No R N 11 20 10 Landmark Identification Number SOURCE Yes L A 21 21 1 Source or First Source Code to Update CFCC Yes L A 22 24 3 Census Feature Class Code LANAME Yes L A 25 54 30 Landmark Name LALONG Yes R N 55 64 10 Longitude LALAT Yes R N 65 73 9 Latitude FILLER Yes L A 74 74 1 Filler (to make even character count) Record Type 8 - Polygons Linked to Area Landmarks Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number FILE No L N 6 10 5 File Code CENID No L A 11 15 5 Census File Identification Code POLYID No R N 16 25 10 Polygon Identification Code LAND No R N 26 35 10 Landmark Identification Number FILLER Yes L A 36 36 1 Filler (to make even character count) Record Type 9 - Key Geographic Location Features Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number FILE No L N 6 10 5 File Code CENID No L A 11 15 5 Census File Identification Code POLYID No R N 16 25 10 Polygon Identification Code SOURCE Yes L A 26 26 1 Source or First Source Code to Update CFCC Yes L A 27 29 3 Census Feature Class Code KGLNAME Yes L A 30 59 30 Key Geographic Location Name KGLADD Yes R A 60 70 11 Key Geographic Location Address KGLZIP Yes L N 71 75 5 Key Geographic Location ZIP Code(R) KGLZIP4 Yes L N 76 79 4 +4 Postal Add-On Code for KGL FEAT Yes R N 80 87 8 Line Name Identification Number FILLER Yes L A 88 88 1 Filler (to make even character count) Record Type A - Polygon Geographic Entity Codes Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number FILE No L N 6 10 5 File Code CENID No L A 11 15 5 Census File Identification Code POLYID No R N 16 25 10 Polygon Identification Code AIANHH90 Yes L N 26 30 5 FIPS 55 Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land*), 1990 COUSUB90 Yes L N 31 35 5 FIPS 55 Code (County Subdivision), 1990 PLACE90 Yes L N 36 40 5 FIPS 55 Code (Place/CDP), 1990 TRACT90 Yes L N 41 46 6 Census Tract/BNA Code, 1990 BLOCK90 Yes L A 47 50 4 Census Block Number, 1990 CD106 Yes R N 51 52 2 Congressional District Code, 106th CD108 Yes R N 53 54 2 Congressional District Code, 108th SDELM Yes L A 55 59 5 School District Code, Elementary School PUMA5 Yes L N 60 64 5 Public Use Microdata Area 5% File, 2000 SDSEC Yes L A 65 69 5 School District Code, Secondary School SDUNI Yes L A 70 74 5 School District Code, Unified District TAZ Yes R A 75 80 6 Traffic Analysis Zone Code, 2000 UA Yes L N 81 85 5 Census Urban Area Code, 2000 UA90 Yes L N 86 89 4 Census Urbanized Area, 1990 STATE90 Yes L N 90 91 2 FIPS State Code, 1990 COUNTY90 Yes L N 92 94 3 FIPS County Code, 1990 AIANHHCE90 Yes L N 95 98 4 Census Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land*), 1990 * Census 2000 is the first census for which Hawaiian home land data are available from the U.S. Census Bureau. Record Type C - Geographic Entity Names Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number STATE Yes L N 6 7 2 FIPS State Code COUNTY Yes L N 8 10 3 FIPS County Code DATAYR Yes L N 11 14 4 FIPS Code, Name, and/or Attribute Data Applicable Year FIPS Yes L N 15 19 5 FIPS PUB 55-3 Code FIPSCC Yes L A 20 21 2 FIPS 55 Class Code PLACEDC Yes L A 22 22 1 Place Description Code LSADC Yes L A 23 24 2 Legal/Statistical Area Description Code ENTITY No L A 25 25 1 Entity Type Code MA Yes L N 26 29 4 Metropolitan Area Code SD Yes L N 30 34 5 School District Code AIANHHCE Yes L N 35 38 4 Census American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land Code VTDTRACT Yes R A 39 44 6 Census Voting District Code/Census Tract Code UAUGA Yes L N 45 49 5 Urban Area Code, 2000/Urbanized Area Code, 1990*/Urban Growth Area Code, 2000 AITSCE Yes L N 50 52 3 Census American Indian Tribal Subdivision Code NAME Yes L A 53 112 60 Name of Geographic Area * The Census Urban Area Code, 2000 is a 5-character code, however the Census Urbanized Area Code, 1990 is a 4-character code. Because both the 5-character Census 2000 code and the 4-character 1990 code appear in the same 5-character UAUGA field, the 4-character 1990 urbanized area code appears with a trailing blank in the UAUGA field. The 4-character 1990 urbanized area code appears with a trailing blank only in Record Type C. Record Type H - TIGER/Line(R) ID History Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number FILE No L N 6 10 5 File Code TLID No R N 11 20 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Permanent Record Number HIST Yes L A 21 21 1 History or Last Source Code to Update SOURCE Yes L A 22 22 1 Source or First Source Code to Update TLIDFR1 Yes R N 23 32 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Created From Number 1 TLIDFR2 Yes R N 33 42 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Created From Number 2 TLIDTO1 Yes R N 43 52 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Became Number 1 TLIDTO2 Yes R N 53 62 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Became Number 2 Record Type I - Link Between Complete Chains and Polygons Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number TLID No R N 6 15 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Permanent Record Number FILE No L N 16 20 5 File Code RTLINK No L A 21 21 1 Record Type of Link CENIDL Yes L A 22 26 5 Census File Identification Code, Left POLYIDL Yes R N 27 36 10 Polygon Identification Code, Left CENIDR Yes L A 37 41 5 Census File Identification Code, Right POLYIDR Yes R N 42 51 10 Polygon Identification Code, Right FILLER Yes L A 52 52 1 Filler (to make even character count) Record Type P - Polygon Internal Point Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number FILE No L N 6 10 5 File Code CENID No L A 11 15 5 Census File Identification Code POLYID No R N 16 25 10 Polygon Identification Code POLYLONG No R N 26 35 10 Polygon Internal Point Longitude POLYLAT No R N 36 44 9 Polygon Internal Point Latitude Record Type R - TIGER/Line(R) ID Record Number Range Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number FILE No L N 6 10 5 File Code CENID No L A 11 15 5 Census File Identification Code MAXID No R N 16 25 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Maximum Permanent ID for Census File MINID No R N 26 35 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Minimum Permanent ID for Census File HIGHID No R N 36 45 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Current High ID for Census File FILLER Yes L A 46 46 1 Filler (to make even character count) Record Type S - Polygon Additional Geographic Entity Codes Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number FILE No L N 6 10 5 File Code CENID No L A 11 15 5 Census File Identification Code POLYID No R N 16 25 10 Polygon Identification Code WATER Yes L N 26 26 1 Water Flag MSACMSA Yes L N 27 30 4 FIPS Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area/Metropolitan Statistical Area Code, 2000 PMSA Yes L N 31 34 4 FIPS Primary Metropolitan Statistical Area Code, 2000 AIANHH Yes L N 35 39 5 FIPS 55 Code (American Indian/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land), 2000 AIANHHCE Yes L N 40 43 4 Census Code (American Indian/ Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Home Land), 2000 AIHHTLI Yes L A 44 44 1 American Indian/Hawaiian Home Land Trust Land Indicator, 2000 RS6 Yes L A 45 46 2 Reserved Space 6 STATE Yes L N 47 48 2 FIPS State Code, 2000 COUNTY Yes L N 49 51 3 FIPS County Code, 2000 CONCIT Yes L N 52 56 5 FIPS 55 Code (Consolidated City), 2000 COUSUB Yes L N 57 61 5 FIPS 55 Code (County Subdivision), 2000 SUBMCD Yes L N 62 66 5 FIPS 55 Code (Subbarrio), 2000 PLACE Yes L N 67 71 5 FIPS 55 Code (Incorporated Place/CDP), 2000 TRACT Yes L N 72 77 6 Census Tract, 2000 BLOCK Yes L N 78 81 4 Census Block Number, 2000 UR00COR Yes R N 82 82 1 Urban/Rural Indicator, 2000 Corrected CDCU Yes R N 83 84 2 Congressional District Code, Current (108th) SLDU Yes R A 85 87 3 State Legislative District Code (Upper Chamber), 2000 SLDL Yes R A 88 90 3 State Legislative District Code (Lower Chamber), 2000 UGA Yes L A 91 95 5 Oregon Urban Growth Area, 2000 BLKGRP Yes L N 96 96 1 Census Block Group, 2000 VTD Yes R A 97 102 6 Census Voting District Code, 2000 UA00COR Yes L N 103 107 5 Urban Area Code, 2000 Corrected UA90RED Yes L N 108 112 5 Urban Area Code, 1990 Redefined on Census 2000 Criteria UR90RED Yes L N 113 113 1 Urban/Rural Indicator, 1990 Redefined on Census 2000 Criteria ZCTA5 Yes L A 114 118 5 ZIP Code(R) Tabulation Area, 2000 UR Yes L A 119 119 1 Urban/Rural Indicator, 2000 UR90 Yes L A 120 120 1 Urban/Rural Indicator, 1990 Record Type Z - ZIP+4(R) Codes Field BV Fmt Type Beg End Len Description RT No L A 1 1 1 Record Type VERSION No L N 2 5 4 Version Number TLID No R N 6 15 10 TIGER/Line(R) ID, Permanent Record Number RTSQ No R N 16 18 3 Record Sequence Number ZIP4L Yes L N 19 22 4 +4 Postal Add-On Code, Left ZIP4R Yes L N 23 26 4 +4 Postal Add-On Code, Right