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Adsolubilization and Photocatalysis in a Semiconducting Monolithic Reactor for Wastewater Treatment
Grant Number R828598C753
RFA: Gulf Coast Hazardous Substance Research Center (Lamar University) (1996)

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  • Journal Article (5)
  • Paper (1)
  • Presentation (2)
  • Proceedings (1)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Journal Article Lin HF, Ravikrishna R, Valsaraj KT. Reusable adsorbents for dilute solution separation. 6. Batch and continuous reactors for the adsorption and degradation of 1,2-dichlorobenzene from dilute wastewater streams using titania as a photocatalyst. Separation and Purification Technology 2002; 28(2): 87-102. R828598C753 (2001)
    not available
    Journal Article Lin HF, Valsaraj KT. A titania thin film annular photocatalytic reactor for the degradation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in dilute water streams. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2003; 99(2):203-219. R828598C753 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Lin HF, Valsaraj KT. Development of an optical fiber monolith reactor for photocatalytic wastewater treatment. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 2005; 35(7-8): 699-708. R828598C753 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Yuan QZ, Ravikrishna R, Valsaraj KT. Reusable adsorbents for dilute solution separation. 5. Photodegradation of organic compounds on surfactant-modified titania. Separation and Purification Technology 2001; 24(1-2): 309-318. R828598C753 (2001)
    not available
    Journal Article T. Valsaraj, "Surface chemistry in industrial wastewater treatment technology." Research Advances in Water Research. 1, p 15-24, 2000. R828598C753 (2001)
    not available
    Paper K. T. Valsaraj. "Mineral oxides as reusable adsorbents for wastewater treatment." Invited paper for International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, ICMAT 2001, July 1-6,Singapore. R828598C753 (2001)
    not available
    Presentation Lin HF, Valsaraj KT. Investigations into reactor designs for photocatalytic wastewater treatment. Presented at the Third Trivandrum International Symposium on Recent Trends in Photochemical Sciences, Trivandrum, India, January 5-7, 2004. R828598C753 (Final)
    not available
    Presentation Valsaraj KT, Lin HF. Monolith photocatalytic reactor for water treatment. Presented at the 225th American Chemical Society National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 23-27, 2003. R828598C753 (Final)
    not available
    Proceedings Yuan, R. Ravikrishna, H. Lin and K. T. Valsaraj. "Photodegradation of organic compounds on surfactant-modified titania." Abstract #36, Session No: AE-2e. 94th Annual Conference and Exhibition, AWMA, Orlando, FL, June 24-28, 2001. R828598C753 (2001)
    not available

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