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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)

Primary Care Counseling for Proper Use of Motor Vehicle Occupant Restraints

Clinical Summary of Recommendations

This document is a summary of the 2007 update of recommendations of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) on counseling about proper use of motor vehicle occupant restraints and avoidance of alcohol use while driving. This summary is intended for use by primary care clinicians.

For a summary of the evidence systematically reviewed in making these recommendations, the full recommendation statement (PDF File, 350 KB; PDF Help), and supporting documents, go to

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Population General Primary Care Population
Recommendation Counseling for proper use of motor vehicle occupant restraints
No recommendation
Grade I (Insufficient Evidence)
Interventions There is good evidence that community and public health interventions, including legislation, law enforcement campaigns, car seat distribution campaigns, media campaigns, and other community-based interventions, are effective in improving the proper use of car seats, booster seats, and seat belts.
Suggestions for Practice Current evidence is insufficient to assess the incremental benefit of counseling in primary care settings, beyond increases related to other interventions, in improving rates of proper use of motor vehicle occupant restraints.

Linkages between primary care and community interventions are critical for improving proper car seat, booster seat, and seat belt use.
Relevant Recommendations from the Guide to Community Preventive Services (CDC) The Guide to Community Preventive Services has reviewed evidence of the effectiveness of selected population-based interventions to reduce motor vehicle occupant injuries, focusing on three strategic areas:
  • Increasing the proper use of child safety seats.
  • Increasing the use of safety belts.
  • Reducing alcohol-impaired driving.
Multiple interventions in these areas have been recommended. Recommendations can be accessed at

Copyright and Source Information

This document is in the public domain within the United States. For information on reprinting, contact Randie Siegel, Director, Division of Printing and Electronic Publishing, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 540 Gaither Road, Rockville, MD 20850.

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Source: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Primary Care Counseling for Proper Use of Motor Vehicle Occupant Restraints: Clinical Summary of U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations. Ann Intern Med 2007;147:187-93.

Current as of August 2007

Internet Citation:

U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Primary Care Counseling for Proper Use of Motor Vehicle Occupant Restraints: Clinical Summary. August 2007. First published in Ann Intern Med 2007;147:187-93. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.


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