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Guides To Doing Business in Australia

For American companies, Australia’s appeal is still compelling: few barriers to entry, a familiar legal and corporate framework, sophisticated consumer and industrial demand, and a straightforward business culture. 

The Australia-U.S. Free Trade Agreement enhances the long and successful trading relationship by eliminating tariffs on almost all manufactured and agricultural goods.  The Agreement also eased investment rules, and opened all levels of the Australian government procurement market to U.S. companies.

We believe this is an excellent time for American companies with innovative products and technologies to develop an entry strategy for the Australian market, or to re-examine previous business plans for this market.

Various sources have submitted informative guides on How To Do Business In Australia.  Should you need assistance in discovering whether Australia is the right export market for your U.S. products or services, please contact our office for assistance

Australian Market Overview

The Australian Market: Overview, Entry Strategies and Quarantine Issues. more...

Country Commercial Guide - Australia

This comprehensive annual report looks at the Australian commercial environment and features: Economic and Political trends and environment, Marketing of U.S. products and services, Trade regulations and Customs information, Investment Climate and Financing, Trade Statistics and in-country Contacts... and much more...

Economic Trends and Outlook for Australia

A joint report on Economic Trends and Investment Climate in Australia, produced by the Economic Section, American Embassy Canberra and the U.S. Commercial Service offices at the American Consulates General in Sydney and Melbourne. more...

"Doing Business in Australia" - a guidebook

Click here to request a copy of this informative guidebook... more...