Western Region - Evening Public Lecture Series

2007 Video Archive

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January 25, 2007

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The Hidden World of the Golden Gate

How tides, currents, and humans have created an array of sea-floor features

By Patrick Barnard, Marine Geologist, and Peter Dartnell, Physical Scientist

February 22, 2007

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Riding the Storm

Landslide Danger in the Bay Area Hills

Peter Lyttle, National Landslide Hazards Program Coordinator,
will introduce the USGS premiere of the documentary
Riding the Storm by Karen Adams. A question-and answer session
with the producer, USGS researchers, and residents
featured in Riding the Storm will follow.

March 22, 2007

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Piecing together the story of a giant meteorite crater beneath the Atlantic coast

By David S. Powars, Geologist, and R.D. Catchings, Geophysicist

April 26, 2007

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Shock Waves

How the 1906 earthquake shook up California and science

A presentation of the award-winning USGS Video Shock Waves introduced by David Schwartz, Earthquake Geologist

May 31, 2007

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Alchemy in the Abyss

Probing the mysteries of deep-ocean minerals

By James R. Hein, Marine Geologist

Jun 28, 2007

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Adventures in Southwest Geology

Exploring the colorful southern Colorado Plateau in 3-D

By Philip Stoffer, Geologist

Take a colorful tour with the help of 3-D photography through some of the region's highlights:

July 26, 2007

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Plate Tectonics in Action

Exploring the Earth with the new edition of This Dynamic Planet map and Web site

By Robert Tilling, Volcanologist, and Stephen Kirby, Earthquake Geophysicist

August 30, 2007

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Dark Holes in Muir's "Range of Light"

Insights from southern Sierra Nevada caves and karst

By John C. Tinsley, Geologist

September 27, 2007

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A Tale of Two Kelp Forests

Sea Otters and Ecosystem Dynamics in the Aleutians and the Commander Islands

By Tim Tinker, Research Biologist, University of California, Santa Cruz

Sea otter populations in the central and western Aleutian Islands have declined by 75-95% over the past 15-20 years, while populations in the nearby Russian Commander Islands have remained roughly stable. There are no obvious environmental explanations for these disparate patterns, as the archipelagos are physically and biologically quite similar. Because of the differing population trajectories and the role of sea otters as keystone predators, the two kelp forest ecosystems that were once very similar are now quite different. What has caused these differences?

October 25, 2007

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Fire As An Ecosystem Process

Past, Present, And Future

By Jon E. Keeley, Research Ecologist

November 15, 2007

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Disasters, Dust, .... and Danger?

Using geoscience to help understand whether health risks lurk in particles produced by disasters

By Geoff Plumlee, Research Geochemist

December 13, 2007

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Exploring Antarctica's Frozen Frontier

The USGS Antarctic Program from the 1957 International
Geophysical Year to the 2007 International Polar Year

By Jerry Mullins, Coordinator, USGS Antarctic, Arctic and Canadian Programs
and John Behrendt, USGS Geophysicist Emeritus

USGS Public Events Calendar (Recorded Message) --- (650) 329-5000
For additional information on the USGS Evening Public Lecture Series please contact Amelia Barrales: abarrales2@usgs.gov or telephone (650) 329-5136.

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URL: http://online.wr.usgs.gov/calendar/2007.html
Page Contact Information: abarrales2@usgs.gov
Page Last Modified: Friday, 01-Feb-2008 13:04:10 EST