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California Greenhouse Gas Waiver Request

Signed July 11, 2008: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The California Air Resources Board in December 2005 requested a waiver of pre-emption for its greenhouse gas regulations for certain new motor vehicles beginning with Model Year 2009 (see the request). California’s request was subject to the waiver criteria set forth in the Clean Air Act. EPA followed the statutory process used for all waivers to review California’s request.

EPA sent a letter to California on December 19, 2007, setting forth its intent to deny the waiver in favor of a national solution for vehicle greenhouse gas emissions. On February 29, 2008, EPA Administrator Johnson signed a Federal Register Notice Denying a Waiver of Clean Air Act Preemption for California's 2009 and Subsequent Model Year Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for New Motor Vehicles.

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Waiver Process

The Clean Air Act gives California special authority to enact stricter air-pollution standards for motor vehicles than the federal government’s. EPA must approve a waiver, however, before California’s rules may go into effect. Once California files a waiver request, EPA publishes a notice for public hearing and written comment in the Federal Register. The written comment period typically remains open for a period of time after the public hearing. Once the comment period expires, EPA reviews the comments and the administrator determines whether California has satisfied the law’s requirements for obtaining a waiver.

According to the Clean Air Act Section 209 – State Standards, EPA shall grant a waiver unless it finds that California:

You can read all the documents associated with this waiver request at www.regulations.gov (Or go to the main page for the regulations docket, select Advanced Search, then Docket Search, and type EPA-HQ-OAR-2006-0173 as the Docket ID). Below we have provided direct links to some of the relevant documents.

For extensive information about federal environmental laws, EPA regulations, significant guidance documents, and dockets -- including how to search for rules and comment on them -- see the Laws, Regulations, Guidance, and Dockets site.

Related Documents

Date Document
December 21, 2005 Letter to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson from Catherine Witherspoon of the California Air Resources Board Requesting a Waiver of Pre-emption for Its Greenhouse-Gas Regulations
   Attachment 1: CARB Executive Order G-05-061
   Attachment 2: Support Documents
February 21, 2007 Letter to Catherine Witherspoon from William Wehrum, EPA Acting Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation, Regarding the Massachusetts v. EPA Case Pending Before the U.S. Supreme Court
April 30, 2007 Federal Register Notice: Opportunity for Public Hearing | PDF Version (2 pp, 81K)
May 10, 2007 Federal Register Notice: Opportunity for Second Public Hearing | PDF Version (2 pp, 88K, May 2007) announcing the location of the May 22, 2007, public hearing and announcing an additional public hearing.
May 11, 2007 Energy Security & Climate Change (PDF) (21 pp, 73K) Testimony by EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson before the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure
July 24, 2007 California’s Waiver Request to Control Greenhouse Gases Under the Clean Air Act (PDF) Exit EPA Disclaimer (19 pp, 133K) Congressional Research Service report RL34099.
July 26, 2007 California Waiver Request/Greenhouse-Gas Motor-Vehicle Emission Standards (PDF) (7 pp, 27K) Testimony by EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson before the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee
December 19, 2007 Letter to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger from EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson Regarding California’s Request for a Waiver of Pre-emption for Its Greenhouse-Gas Regulations (PDF) (4 pp, 2MB)
February 29, 2008 Federal Register Notice: California State Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Standards; Notice of Decision Denying a Waiver of Clean Air Act Preemption for California's 2009 and Subsequent Model Year Greenhouse Gas Emission Standards for New Motor Vehicles | PDF Version (14 pp, 127K)

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