CPH-L-149 Selected Characteristics for Persons of French Ancestry: 1990 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census Internet Release date: February 18, 1998 AGE AND SEX LABOR FORCE STATUS All persons 6,204,184 Persons 16 years and over 4,936,102 100.0 Females 3,352,160 In labor force 3,261,489 66.1 Males 2,852,024 Civilian labor force 3,219,556 65.2 Median age 34.7 Employed 3,031,100 Sex ratio 85.1 Unemployed 188,456 5.9 Not in labor force 1,674,613 NATIVITY AND YEAR OF ENTRY All persons 6,204,184 OCCUPATION Native born 6,034,710 97.3 Employed persons 16 years and over 3,031,100 100.0 Foreign born 169,474 2.7 Managerial and professional 793,556 26.2 Entered 1980 to 1990 45,195 26.7 Technical, sales, and administrative 1,014,716 33.5 Entered before 1980 124,279 73.3 Service 394,807 13.0 Naturalized citizen 88,672 52.3 Farming, forestry, and fishing 57,032 1.9 Not a citizen 80,802 47.7 Production, craft, and repair 363,759 12.0 Operators, fabricators, and laborers 407,230 13.4 MARITAL STATUS Persons 15 years and over 5,016,290 100.0 CLASS OF WORKER Never married 1,154,867 23.0 Employed persons 16 years and over 3,031,100 100.0 Now married 2,946,916 58.7 Private wage and salary 2,374,699 78.3 Separated 89,816 1.8 Local government 192,298 6.3 Widowed 353,791 7.1 State government 135,887 4.5 Divorced 470,900 9.4 Federal government 90,809 3.0 Self-employed 223,865 7.4 Unpaid family worker 13,542 0.4 FERTILITY Women 35 to 44 years 540,769 Children ever born per 1000 women 1,927 WORKERS IN FAMILY Families 1,616,219 100.0 No workers 199,497 12.3 HOUSEHOLD TYPE 1 worker 444,940 27.5 All persons 6,204,184 2 workers 759,899 47.0 In households 6,091,735 98.2 3 or more workers 211,883 13.1 In group quarters 112,449 1.8 INCOME IN 1989 HOUSEHOLD SIZE Households Households 2,335,456 100.0 Median income (dollars) $30,696 1 person 585,490 25.1 Mean income (dollars) $38,224 2 persons 789,651 33.8 Families 3 persons 406,897 17.4 Median income (dollars) $36,237 4 persons 345,062 14.8 Mean income (dollars) $43,846 5 or more persons 208,356 8.9 Per capita income (dollars) $14,850 SCHOOL ENROLLMENT AND TYPE OF SCHOOL POVERTY RATE Persons 3 years and over enrolled 1,497,293 100.0 Families 7.2 Preprimary school 104,064 7.0 Unrelated individuals 21.3 Elementary or high school 970,297 64.8 Persons 9.3 College 422,932 28.2 PLUMBING AND KITCHEN FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Occupied housing units 2,339,545 100.0 Persons 25 years and over 4,147,969 100.0 Lacking complete plumbing facilities 10,675 0.5 High school graduate or higher 3,275,264 79.0 Lacking complete kitchen facilities 11,537 0.5 Bachelor's degree or higher 756,788 18.2 Graduate degree or higher 251,840 6.1 MORTGAGE STATUS AND GROSS RENT Specified owner-occupied housing units 1,170,665 100.0 ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH With a mortgage 775,089 66.2 Persons 5 years old and over 5,816,778 100.0 Not mortgaged 395,576 33.8 Speak a language other than English 417,754 7.2 Median mortgage (dollars) $211 Do not speak English "very well" 108,542 1.9 Specified renter-occupied housing units Persons 5 years and over in households 5,704,483 100.0 Median rent (dollars) $463 In linguistically isolated households 42,152 0.7