CPH-L-149 Selected Characteristics for Persons of British West Indian Ancestry: 1990 Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census Internet Release date: February 18, 1998 AGE AND SEX LABOR FORCE STATUS All persons 35,822 Persons 16 years and over 30,300 100.0 Females 19,892 In labor force 22,884 75.5 Males 15,930 Civilian labor force 22,406 73.9 Median age 33.4 Employed 20,586 Sex ratio 80.1 Unemployed 1,820 8.1 Not in labor force 7,416 NATIVITY AND YEAR OF ENTRY All persons 35,822 OCCUPATION Native born 7,347 20.5 Employed persons 16 years and over 20,586 100.0 Foreign born 28,475 79.5 Managerial and professional 4,997 24.3 Entered 1980 to 1990 14,015 49.2 Technical, sales, and administrative 6,278 30.5 Entered before 1980 14,460 50.8 Service 4,942 24.0 Naturalized citizen 9,741 34.2 Farming, forestry, and fishing 92 0.4 Not a citizen 18,734 65.8 Production, craft, and repair 2,537 12.3 Operators, fabricators, and laborers 1,758 8.5 MARITAL STATUS Persons 15 years and over 30,794 100.0 CLASS OF WORKER Never married 11,861 38.5 Employed persons 16 years and over 20,586 100.0 Now married 13,199 42.9 Private wage and salary 15,946 77.5 Separated 1,996 6.5 Local government 2,533 12.3 Widowed 1,366 4.4 State government 798 3.9 Divorced 2,372 7.7 Federal government 475 2.3 Self-employed 789 3.8 Unpaid family worker 45 0.2 FERTILITY Women 35 to 44 years 3,750 Children ever born per 1000 women 2,188 WORKERS IN FAMILY Families 10,950 100.0 No workers 877 8.0 HOUSEHOLD TYPE AND RELATIONSHIP 1 worker 3,149 28.8 All persons 35,822 2 workers 4,810 43.9 In households 34,775 97.1 3 or more workers 2,114 19.3 In group quarters 1,047 3.0 INCOME IN 1989 HOUSEHOLD SIZE Households Households 14,684 100.0 Median income (dollars) $29,738 1 person 3,205 21.8 Mean income (dollars) $35,651 2 persons 3,514 23.9 Families 3 persons 2,728 18.6 Median income (dollars) $33,388 4 persons 2,340 15.9 Mean income (dollars) $39,204 5 or more persons 2,897 19.7 Per capita income (dollars) $13,904 SCHOOL ENROLLMENT AND TYPE OF SCHOOL INCOME IN 1989 BELOW POVERTY LEVEL Persons 3 years and over enrolled 10,664 100.0 Families 13.2 Preprimary school 381 3.6 Unrelated individuals 25.9 Elementary or high school 5,252 49.2 Persons 15.7 College 5,031 47.2 PLUMBING AND KITCHEN FACILITIES EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Occupied housing units 14,444 100.0 Persons 25 years and over 24,996 100.0 Lacking complete plumbing facilities 80 0.6 High school graduate or higher 17,520 70.1 Lacking complete kitchen facilities 190 1.3 Bachelor's degree or higher 4,004 16.0 Graduate degree or higher 1,749 7.0 MORTGAGE STATUS AND GROSS RENT Specified owner-occupied housing units 3,340 100.0 ABILITY TO SPEAK ENGLISH With a mortgage 2,930 87.7 Persons 5 years old and over 34,264 100.0 Not mortgaged 410 12.3 Speak a language other than English 4,290 12.5 Median mortgage (dollars) $294 Do not speak English "very well" 1,508 4.4 Specified renter-occupied housing units Persons 5 years and over in households 33,217 100.0 Median rent (dollars) $511 In linguistically isolated households 801 2.4