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Highways for LIFE

Highways for LIFE Videos

4500 South at I-215 East Rapid Bridge Replacement Project Salt Lake City, Utah

Nestled in the scenic Wasatch Front the 4500 South Bridge over I-215 East is being replaced using an innovative process called Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) which allows for the building of a new bridge in a staging area until it is moved into place. Watch animiation of the existing bridge being replaced with a single span bridge (.wmv, 8 mb).

 A self-propelled modular transporter moves the prefabricated superstructure of the new 4500 South bridge in Salt Lake City, Utah

Boom Birch Bridge in Old Town, Maine

Below are before and after pictures of the bridge. Watch an animation of how Maine DOT used prefabricated bridge elements (.wmv, 3 mb) to construct the project.

 Boom Birch bridge before Boom Birch bridge after

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Mary Huie
Highways for LIFE

This page last modified on 01/02/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration