Boulder Glacier Ice Cave 1932 - 1988

This pairing of photos from the flank of Boulder Glacier reveals a dramatic change in the 56 years between the photos. The repeat photograph was taken by Glacier National Park ranger Jerry DeSanto. Pack trips to Boulder Glacier used to include exploration of the glacier’s ice cave. The cave has long since disappeared as the glacier receded beyond this point.

To see ice cave location, see Boulder Glacier images

Boulder Glacier ice cave animation

NOTE: Proper credit for any of the photographs should include the photographer and the source (eg. T.J. Hileman, courtesy of Glacier National Park Archives). View the paired images to see examples of proper crediting for each photo. For more information see the section Use Guidelines and Proper Crediting.

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72 dpi, small file size
 1932 198 kb  1988 BW 173 kb  


1988 BW


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 1932 2.14mb  1988 BW 2.09mb  


1988 BW


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