Lorraine Rovig 
September 5, 2002

I object most heartily to the proposal currently being recommended by some on the Access Board-.- which is to mandate the installation of “audible signal lights at expanding numbers of intersections around the country with the ill-founded idea that this will assist blind people to cross America’s streets safely.

It is obvious to me that members of the board are being influenced by their emotional responses to blindness and their mistaken idea that to lose that one sense out of the five means a person can’t cope with the world as it is. Actually, it is such attitudes that make the world a hard place to deal with when you are blind, not the need to figure out and find out how to get along by using the other four senses.. Do you think blind Americans have been staying home waiting for you guys in Washington to make a decision?

Do not waste my money on this boondoggle!

Yours sincerely,
Lorraine Rovig
Taxpayer and Expert on Blindness


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