Wendy C. Nusbaum 
September 27, 2002

I understand that you are taking public input right now concerning Audible Traffic Signals (ATS).  I have a 4 year old son who was born blind.  Over the past 4 years I have learned a great deal that has changed my feelings and attitude towards blind people and their abilities.  My guess is that no one on this Access Board is blind.  Have you at least researched the blind and their travel techniques?  What you are thinking about doing will cause more trouble than help.  The blind rely on their hearing to tell them what is going on.  It is wonderful to watch my son.  The things that he notices that the rest of us just tune out.  By putting all these ATS and locators on the street corners you are going to confuse the issue.  There will be so many conflicting sounds going off at one time that the blind person will not know which one is for them or where it is coming from.  Now if there is a very complex intersection the ATS may have its place there.  Vibrotactile indicators would be a better choice over the tone locators.  I feel a great deal more research needs to be done before you pass these new guidelines.
Thank you for listening to my concerns.  If you would like more input you can reach me at any of the following.
Wendy C. Nusbaum

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