Ruby Edgar
October 24, 2002

To whom it may concern

I would like to recommend that the Access Board consider not installing audible traffic signals at every lighted intersection since this is unnecessary. These audible traffic signals should be installed only in instances where traffic cues are undetectable for blind persons. Also, detectable warnings for street crossings are unnecessary unless the street crossing is completely flat. in order to achieve independence and safe mobility, blind persons need to be properly trained. Overprotection will not insure safety or good travel skills. Please regard the voice of reason and apply monetary resources to promote education and training for the blind. The environment is ever-changing and there are volumes of travel issues that need to be addressed such as noisy construction sounds and machines which would drown out any audible signals. Also there's the broken sidewalks which are unsafe for everyone. Then there are airplanes and weed eaters and tree trimming machines and other manmade noise distractions where audible signals would not be heard at all. Let's look at the big picture in the big city and not waste tax-payer's money on a bandied solution.

Regards Ruby Edgar

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