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Asset Management

2008 Regional Asset Management Conferences

Course Announcement: Albuquerque, New Mexico

Albuquerque, NM
September 10-11, 2008

Albuquerque Marriott
2101 Louisiana Blvd., NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110
Phone: (505) 881-6800
Fax: (505) 888-2982
Group Discount Code: FHAFHAA

To register:

Registration for this conference is closed.

This conference is being sponsored by FHWA, and there is no cost to attend. Please note that the final day to register is August 24, 2008.

The Federal Highway Administration's Office of Asset Management will be hosting a free Regional Asset Management Conference to bring the latest asset management technologies, research, and training to an area near you.

The Regional Asset Management Conference in Albuquerque, NM, on September 10-11, 2008, will address a broad scale of asset management topics, will focus on case studies from various agency implementation efforts, and will provide a venue for sharing ideas and experiences among State and local transportation officials. This conference will provide the tools necessary to implement asset management principles for improved decision-making techniques in your highway program.

Each Regional Asset Management Conference will be 1½ days long:

Day 1 will provide a brief overview of various asset management topics and a short best practice presentation about asset management.

Day 2 will provide more in-depth information on various asset management topic areas as well as provide the opportunity to take the Asset Management 101 course or to participate in a full-day training session on a particular subject.

The following topics will be discussed at the conference:

  • The Basics of Asset Management.
  • Show/Discuss Available Tools (Pavement and Bridge Management Systems, HERS-ST, LCCA, etc.).
  • Transportation System Preservation.
  • Data Collection and Data Integration.
  • Best Practices.
  • Current Research.

Asset Management Workshop OPTIONAL

September 10 - , 8 am - noon (please check box when registering).

This workshop will cover the principles, concepts, components, techniques, and benefits of asset management.

Some of the topics include:

  • Asset Management Framework and Principles
  • AM and Policy-making
  • Economics for Highway Decision Makers
  • Good Practices in Planning and Programming
  • Asset Management and Data Requirements
  • Use of Management Systems in Asset Management
  • Performance Measures in Asset Management

At the conclusion of the workshop, participants should be able to:

  1. Identify the fundamentals of transportation asset management and its benefits.
  2. Be able to identify how the principles of transportation asset management fit into their own agencies' business process.
  3. Be able to list resources available from the FHWA Office of Asset Management

Tentative Agenda (Semi-Final)

September 10, 2008
8 amOptional - Pre-Conference Asset Management Workshop
12 pmLunch (on your own)
1:00 pmConference Begins
Opening Remarks
  • Robert Ortiz Deputy Secretary of Transportation and Highway Operations, New Mexico Department of Transportation
  • Don Martinez Division Administrator FHWA New Mexico Division Office
1:30 pmAsset Management Conversations -What are Transportation Agencies in Region doing in Asset Management? What do we need to fill in the gaps?
This session includes presentations by
  • Andrew Stober, Investment Analysis Unit, Manager, Colorado Department of Transportation on "Tough Choices and The Trade-Off Tool: The future of asset management informing budgeting in Colorado"
  • Carlos Ruiz, New Mexico Department of Transportation, "How New Mexico's Value Engineering Program Integrates with Asset Management",
  • A round table from participants on agency successes and concerns in Asset Management
3:30 pmBreak
3:45 pmGood Practices in Transportation Asset Management from Domestic and International Scans presented by Dennis Merida, Division Administrator FHWA New Jersey Division Office
4:45 pmDay 1 Wrap-up
5 pmEnd of Day 1
September 11, 2008 Day 2 of Conference
8:00 amGASB-34, Performance Measures, and Asset Management Presented by Francine Shaw-Whitson, Team Leader, Evaluation and Economic Investment Team, FHWA Office of Asset Management
8:30 amData Integration/Collection-State/FHWA Perspective presentation by
  • Vicki Miller, FHWA Office of Asset Management
  • Brandye Payne State MMIS Coordinator, Texas Department of Transportation
  • Will Puffer, Harris County, Texas "Local Perspective "Visuals to Vitals"
  • Tim Rose, Director of Asset Management, Utah Department of Transportation on Data Integration and Collection
  • Q&A Session
9:45 amBreak
10:00 amManagement Systems (PMS, BMS, MMS, etc.) State/FHWA Perspective FHWA presentation by:
  • Tom Van, FHWA Office of Asset Management, "Linking Management Systems to Asset Management Decision Making"
  • Robert Young, New Mexico Department of Transportation, "Use of Management Systems in a Pavement Preservation Program"
  • A Round Table Discussion on Management Systems
12:00 pmLunch (on your own)
1:00 pmEngineering Economics Analysis (HERS-ST, LCCA, BCA) State/FHWA Perspective presentations by
  • Nat Coley, FHWA Office of Asset Management, - Transportation Economic Analysis
  • Christopher Chang FHWA Asset Management Specialist, FHWA Office of Asset Management on HERS-ST
  • Jeff Vigil Bridge Maintenance Engineer, New Mexico Department of Transportation
  • Q&A Session
2:20 pmBreak
2:30 pmApplied Asset Management- State/FHWA Perspective presentation by
  • Ken Jacoby, FHWA Office of Asset Management
  • Doyt Bolling, Director, Utah Local Technical Assistance Program RSL
  • Jeff Lowery of New Mexico Department of Transportation Warrantee Projects
  • Greg Duncan on Tennessee DOT’s Preservation Budgeting Process
  • Q&A Session
4:00 pmDOT Conversations (Continued)
4:45 pmConference Wrap-Up
5:00 pmAdjourn

For information:

Please contact Francine Shaw-Whitson via email at or by phone at (202) 366-8028). Direct media inquiries to Nancy Singer at

Additional information will be provided as the conference date approaches.


More Information


Francine Shaw-Whitson
Office of Asset Management
E-mail Francine

This page last modified on 09/04/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration