Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Photo Information

West flank of Pu`u `O`o cone before significant collapse events
Photograph by C. Heliker on June 3, 1992
View is northeast toward Pu`u `O`o before a series of collapse pits had formed on its west flank. 
West flank of Pu`u `O`o cone after collapse event in January 1997
Photograph by C. Heliker on August 1, 1997

The wide gap in the west flank of Pu`u `O`o developed on January 29, 1997, when magma moved from beneath the cone to Napau Crater, about 4 km uprift. Note the growth of the shield since 1992 and the prominent episode-55 spatter cone that began to erupt on March 28, 1997.
West flank of Pu`u`O`o cone in October 1999
Photograph by C. Heliker on October 5, 1999

The episode-55 spatter cone began to collapse in August 1998. By April 1999, a pit 60 x 100 m in diameter had largely consumed the spatter cone. 

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Updated: 18 May 2000