Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Photo Information

Episode-55 spatter cone and small crater on west flank of Pu`u`O`o, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
Photograph by C. Heliker on April 24, 1997

Episode-55 vent spatter cone on west flank of Pu`u`O`o, Kilauea Volcano, Hawai`i
Photograph by C. Thornber on April 20, 1997

Top: The episode 55 vent built this spatter cone soon after it became active on March 28. The cone is located on the west flank of Pu`u `O`o cone--the brown-colored cinder covering the flank is visible in lower left of photograph. Lava from the spatter cone filled the pit on the left; note the recent overflow of pahoehoe from the pit. Bottom: Same spatter cone, sending festoons of lava over its rim and down its sides.

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Updated: 18 May 2000