State Government Employee-Retirement Systems
Fiscal Year 2004


Data Collection
    Dates of Collection:
    10/20/2004     Mailout
    12/09/2004     Follow up mailout
    09/22/2005     Data editing and imputation completed
    09/27/2005     Final file with estimates
    09/28/2005     Released to Census Bureau Internet

  Data in these files are based on information obtained in the Annual Survey of Public-Employee Retirement Systems. Forms were mailed to the 220 state retirement systems and 856 local retirement systems in the 2004 public-employee retirement sample. Staff contacted nonrespondents through a follow up mailout and follow up telephone calls. When systems returned their Comprehensive Annual Financial Report instead of completing the form, staff compiled the data using their report. We used Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports available on the Internet to compile data for nonrespondents. All respondents had the option of returning their survey form or reporting their data on the Census Bureau Retirement Web site. Approximately 25.2% of the state and local retirement systems chose to respond using the Web site.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Governments Division,
Created: September 22 2005
Last revised: October 02 2006