BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for Nancy Thao Tran

September 22, 2003 – March 31, 2004

School: University of California, Davis (Graduated - June 2004)
Majors: Communications and Economics
Hometown: Milpitas, CA

Working at the Sacramento USEAC for the past six months has given me invaluable work experience. I believe this is one of the best internships that I’ve ever had and I feel that future interns will feel the same way. While working here, I was able to develop and improve skills such as project management, market research, presentations to clients and CEO’s of local businesses, and work in a team environment.

The skills that I have learned during this internship will give me a competitive edge in the job market as well as allow me to excel in my future career. Going into this internship, I had a very limited knowledge of international trade and policies. Now I understand the process from beginning to end of what it takes to have an export success.

I appreciate being given this opportunity to learn and be able to get hands on experience in the international trade market. If another student were given this same opportunity, I believe that they will learn as much as I have if not more.