BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Bio for David Park

January 3, 2007 – July 3, 2007

David Park

School: University of California, Davis
Major: Economics and Sociology: Organizational Studies
Hometown: Alameda, CA

Interning at the Sacramento U.S. Export Assistance Center was an amazing learning experience. During this internship, I was treated like a staff member. I was given many responsibilities that were vital to the success of the office.

At the Sacramento USEAC, I gained valuable professional skills such as market research techniques, event-coordinating skills for international trade events, and analytical skills related to federal international trade policies. In addition, I contributed to many other projects such as writing newsletters, creating press releases on upcoming international trade events, and introducing clients to foreign service officers across the world.

This internship was extremely challenging, but also very rewarding. As an intern, you have an excellent opportunity to gain experience in a fast paced work environment. You will learn what it takes to succeed in the professional world. In addition, you will learn practical business skills that will enhance your marketability in the job world.