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2009 Excellence in Utility Relocation and Accommodation Awards

Nomination Information Collected

Please review the information needed for the nomination and collect all information prior to beginning the online nomination process.

* indicates required information

Nominator's Contact Information:

  • Title:*
  • First Name:*
  • Last Name:*
  • Company/Organization Name:*
  • Mailing Address:*
  • City:*
  • State:*
  • Zip Code:*
  • Phone:*
  • Fax:
  • Email:*
  • Comments: (500 characters maximum)

Select a Category for Nomination:

  • Project Development
  • Construction Management
  • Innovation
  • Incentives for Utility Relocation
  • Utility Program Leadership

Project Information (For Project Development, Construction Management, Innovation, and Incentives for Utility Relocation Categories):

  • Individual/Team Leader (include mailing address and telephone no):*
  • Team Members (no more than three individuals)
  • Project Owner*
  • Principal Designer*
  • Principal Contractor (not applicable for "Project Development" category)*
  • Location*
  • City*
  • State*
  • County*
  • Local Name (if appropriate)
  • Date Project Completed*
  • " Describe the project scope with particular detail to the utility-related project features and other unique aspects of the project; specifically address the criteria established for the nominated category. (Note that for the "Innovation" category, the description should focus on the technology, process or practice that supported the project or utility program)* (3,000 characters maximum)
  • Based on the above description, provide a brief synopsis for the project to be used for official award publication notices. (500 characters maximum)

Individual or Team Information (For Utility Program Leadership Category):

  • Individual (If applicable, include mailing address and telephone no):*
  • Team (If applicable, no more than three individuals, include mailing address and telephone no):*
  • Company/Organization Name*
  • Mailing Address*
  • City*
  • State*
  • Zip Code:*
  • Phone:*
  • Fax:
  • Email:*
  • Comments:
  • Describe how the achievements of the nominated individual have successfully addressed the criteria established for the award category:* (3,000 characters maximum)
  • Based on the above description, provide a brief synopsis for the project to be used for official award publication notices. (500 characters maximum)

Upload up to three photos

  • At least one photo is required for each nomination (project or individual).

More Information


Jeffrey Zaharewicz
Office of Program Administration
E-mail Jeffrey

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This page last modified on 10/08/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration