Table 20a. Population by Region, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin, With Percent Distribution by Race and Hispanic Origin: March 2002 (Numbers in thousands) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Region and sex | | Race and Hispanic Origin 1/ | | | |-----------------------------------------------| | | | | White, not of | | | | Total | Black |Hispanic origin| Other | | |---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------| | |Number |Percent|Number |Percent|Number |Percent|Number |Percent| |------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Total 2/ | | | | | | | | | | Total |282,082| 100.0| 36,023| 100.0|194,822| 100.0| 51,238| 100.0| | Northeast | 53,300| 18.9| 6,503| 18.1| 40,029| 20.5| 6,768| 13.2| | Midwest | 63,779| 22.6| 6,518| 18.1| 52,609| 27.0| 4,653| 9.1| | South |100,652| 35.7| 19,913| 55.3| 64,845| 33.3| 15,894| 31.0| | West | 64,351| 22.8| 3,089| 8.6| 37,339| 19.2| 23,923| 46.7| |Male | | | | | | | | | | Total |137,871| 100.0| 16,722| 100.0| 95,386| 100.0| 25,763| 100.0| | Northeast | 25,817| 18.7| 2,899| 17.3| 19,535| 20.5| 3,383| 13.1| | Midwest | 30,996| 22.5| 2,955| 17.7| 25,652| 26.9| 2,389| 9.3| | South | 49,052| 35.6| 9,314| 55.7| 31,640| 33.2| 8,098| 31.4| | West | 32,006| 23.2| 1,554| 9.3| 18,559| 19.5| 11,894| 46.2| |Female | | | | | | | | | | Total |144,211| 100.0| 19,301| 100.0| 99,436| 100.0| 25,474| 100.0| | Northeast | 27,483| 19.1| 3,604| 18.7| 20,494| 20.6| 3,385| 13.3| | Midwest | 32,783| 22.7| 3,563| 18.5| 26,957| 27.1| 2,264| 8.9| | South | 51,600| 35.8| 10,599| 54.9| 33,205| 33.4| 7,797| 30.6| | West | 32,344| 22.4| 1,535| 8.0| 18,780| 18.9| 12,029| 47.2| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/ Hispanic refers to people whose origin are Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish origin regardless of race. 2/ Regions are described in the CPS glossary of subjects concepts at SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, March 2002, Racial Statistics Branch, Population Division. Table 20b. Population by Region, Sex, Race and Hispanic Origin, With Percent Distribution by Race and Hispanic Origin: March 2002 (Numbers in thousands) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |Region and sex | | Race and Hispanic Origin 1/ | | | |-----------------------------------------------| | | | | White, not of | | | | Total | Black |Hispanic origin| Other | | |---------------+---------------+---------------+---------------| | |Number |Percent|Number |Percent|Number |Percent|Number |Percent| |------------------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Total 2/ | | | | | | | | | | Total |282,082| 100.0| 36,023| 12.8|194,822| 69.1| 51,238| 18.2| | Northeast | 53,300| 100.0| 6,503| 12.2| 40,029| 75.1| 6,768| 12.7| | Midwest | 63,779| 100.0| 6,518| 10.2| 52,609| 82.5| 4,653| 7.3| | South |100,652| 100.0| 19,913| 19.8| 64,845| 64.4| 15,894| 15.8| | West | 64,351| 100.0| 3,089| 4.8| 37,339| 58.0| 23,923| 37.2| |Male | | | | | | | | | | Total |137,871| 100.0| 16,722| 12.1| 95,386| 69.2| 25,763| 18.7| | Northeast | 25,817| 100.0| 2,899| 11.2| 19,535| 75.7| 3,383| 13.1| | Midwest | 30,996| 100.0| 2,955| 9.5| 25,652| 82.8| 2,389| 7.7| | South | 49,052| 100.0| 9,314| 19.0| 31,640| 64.5| 8,098| 16.5| | West | 32,006| 100.0| 1,554| 4.9| 18,559| 58.0| 11,894| 37.2| |Female | | | | | | | | | | Total |144,211| 100.0| 19,301| 13.4| 99,436| 69.0| 25,474| 17.7| | Northeast | 27,483| 100.0| 3,604| 13.1| 20,494| 74.6| 3,385| 12.3| | Midwest | 32,783| 100.0| 3,563| 10.9| 26,957| 82.2| 2,264| 6.9| | South | 51,600| 100.0| 10,599| 20.5| 33,205| 64.4| 7,797| 15.1| | West | 32,344| 100.0| 1,535| 4.7| 18,780| 58.1| 12,029| 37.2| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/ Hispanic refers to people whose origin are Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South or Central American, or other Spanish origin regardless of race. 2/ Regions are described in the CPS glossary of subjects concepts at SOURCE: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, March 2002, Racial Statistics Branch, Population Division.