No Child Left Behind: A Desktop Reference
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National Assessment of Title I, Title 1 Evaluation and Demonstrations (I-E-1501-1503)


The No Child Left Behind Act includes requirements for a National Assessment of Title I (NATI) to evaluate the implementation and impact of Title I programs and provisions. An Independent Review Panel established by the secretary will advise on the design and conduct of the National Assessment of Title I and a longitudinal evaluation of student achievement. In addition, the law authorizes the Department to conduct other evaluations of Title I programs and demonstrations.

How It Works

The National Assessment of Title I is a coordinated set of evaluation studies that collect information on the implementation and impact of Title I. The law directs the NATI to examine a number of specific issues, including the impact of Title I programs on student achievement, state standards and assessments, accountability and school improvement provisions, school choice and supplemental services, professional development and teacher quality, comprehensive school reform and improvement strategies, and the targeting of Title I funds. An interim NATI report is due in January 2005, with a final report due in January 2007.

The law includes a specific requirement for a National Longitudinal Study of Title I's impact on student achievement. This study is to be conducted in a nationally representative sample of Title I schools to examine the effectiveness of programs and services supported by Title I in improving student achievement. The law also continues a longstanding mandate for an Independent Review Panel composed of researchers and practitioners appointed by the secretary to advise the U.S. Department of Education on the design and conduct of the National Assessment and its individual evaluation studies.

How It Achieves Quality

The Independent Review Panel is to ensure that the Title I evaluations "adhere to the highest possible standards of quality with respect to research design, statistical analysis, and the dissemination of findings, and use valid and reliable measures to document program implementation and impacts." In addition, the No Child Left Behind Act contains a new requirement for the panel to ensure that the National Assessment final report is reviewed by two or more "independent experts in program evaluation."

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Last Modified: 09/14/2007