LaShunda Rundles is Toastmasters' Top Talker!

LaShunda Rundles is Toastmasters' Top Talker!

As a girl growing up in a small town, LaShunda Rundles gave speeches and presentations at events such as church programs, high school banquets and conventions. Not that she chose to do so- she was terrified at the prospect of facing audiences. It was Rundles' mother - a local educator - who steered her into such appearances, determined to provide her daughter with the poise, presence and communication skills she knew would benefit LaShunda in the long run.

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A Funny Thing Happened...

to a Terrified Speaker
to a Terrified Speaker

As with many others who have since avoided the stage, my first public performance involved an experience at school. Specifically, mine was a second-grade talent contest .Naturally, I didn’t volunteer for this; my mother had signed me up. Every detail of that event is etched in my mind. Let’s just say that the song was short and the applause was timid…

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You'll Love the Applause!

You'll Love the Applause!

Worried about embarrassing yourself in front of an audience? In Toastmasters, that's not possible. Our meetings offer a safe environment to fail - and learn from the experience.

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